Time travel

At a punt, you could teach the calculus of Time. Since everything else (including coordinate space and everything in it) is derivative. This would be expected to build (your assumed) "time machine" faster - tho you obvs took that with you unless your aim was simply injective (one way travel).
You'll kill many people by spreading modern diseases which the people of old won't have any resistance to.

And/or you'd die for the same reason. So the image I have now is someone in a full NBC suit trying to explain to an early 17th century person that neither of them are mad.
How would you make toilet paper in 1600 on a large enough scale and at a low enough cost for it to be available to enough people to have any significant effect on the world? Would it have much effect in 1600 anyway, even if everyone used it?

Who said anything about large scale. I merely stated I would invent it, not manufacturer it.
No different to the existing timeline of humanity, just rolled forward a couple of hundred years, it could be argued that locally developing it faster and skipping some dead-end areas of development would potentially see more modern developments occurring before the worldwide industrialisation takes off and thus facilitate modern technologies being discovered before climate change is so badly affected.

No way in hell are you building a fuel cell on 1500's tech though.....
You probably could, but it'd be the size of Wales and power a light bulb, for a few seconds....then you'd get burned as a Witch :p.
You'd run into a few problems - Communicating (modern English is nothing like "Ye Olde" 500 year old English), transferring that knowledge to enough people to make a difference as there is no method of mass communication available to you (no post etc) and having the intimate knowledge of how to build something which would be high tech enough to be game changing yet low tech enough to be made 500 years ago.

If you could research "how to make an easy........" something before you went back I'd look at maybe a simple steam engine (not a train one but a basic engine), an efficient propeller and a reliable portable clock for sailors as you'd help advance transport maybe 200 years with these IF you could get the info accepted and to a wide enough audience that could use your inventions. The reason I'd choose transport is, again, the spread of idea's back then was limited by the speed of a person, horse or boat that carried these new idea's etc so if you could increase the speed that your messages can be spread you'd be able to either speed up (in the same geographical area) the spread of your idea's s or widen the geographical area (in the same time) that your ideas can get to.
Why only 500 years back in time? Why not 2000 years back in time to change the Roman empire?

I think it's better to focus on our problems today because the better we do today, the better the future for the coming generations will be.

We need net zero, green industries, advances in the energy department, more social justice and equality among people, we need to transfer knowledge to the poor nations. There are many poor nations in Africa, South America, South-eastern Europe.
We need advances in space travel - to find other hospitable planets, or find a way to terra-form Mars...
We can use the time travel to get instantly there, on those alien worlds.
Educating the world's poor, according to my late grandfather, is the cause of more discontent and unrest than is useful. I often ponder that and in many cases feel he had a point...
Educating the world's poor, according to my late grandfather, is the cause of more discontent and unrest than is useful. I often ponder that and in many cases feel he had a point...

This is wrong - there are no facts which support this claim - on the contrary - the less developed nations are more prone to civil wars and being captured by the mafia organisations - civil wars can be hot or cold. A cold civil war and genocide over the popultation.
Tbh, you go back anywhere, anywhen, and interfere with anything, it WILL change the future.
Even people from the past knowing that time travel is possible, will change the future.

It isn't possible - that's quite a big point here!
100%. Reading some of the posts people here are making are super idyllist - but foregoes the fact that our current 'utopia' (compared to each variation of dystopia it could/has been) is the product of several thousands of years of strife and battle.

Maybe I have been watching too much Rick & Morty, lol.
Wrt the future these might be seen as the late Dark Ages - tho that isn't a pleasant thought since every generation has been on a leading edge.

And as far as Im concerned Henry VIII was the biggest Time Machine ever created.
100%. Reading some of the posts people here are making are super idyllist - but foregoes the fact that our current 'utopia' (compared to each variation of dystopia it could/has been) is the product of several thousands of years of strife and battle.

Maybe I have been watching too much Rick & Morty, lol.

Imagine going to Westminster, with a bunch of future textbooks, and showing the government in 1938 what was about to kick off... They believe you, and go pre-emptive. Maybe you could 'inform' them of the principles of nuclear weaponry, perhaps the Allies could be known as the evil barstewards that nuked central Europe without provocation.
Suddenly, those textbooks you showed them don't exist, they were never written, because those events didn't happen.

There's a paradox at every turn.
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Maybe there are many parallel realities and the events actually do happen.

We don't know - is there any evidence that time travel in the past is possible and/or events which could occur, have an influence on the future in the past?

There are lots of things we don't know, and almost certainly never will.
It's (theoretically) possible to travel 'faster-than-time' in to the future - accelerate a ship to >99% c, and the tau factor causes time to run more slowly. Ten years pass on board, while millenia pass on Earth. The crew could return to a totally different planet.
But to the past? No, I don't think this will ever be possible. Too many unanswerable questions, and everything we DO know says nope...

As for parallel realities- theoretically, maybe. Will we ever be able to detect anything which lies outside 'our reality'? Again, no. Because it's not in our reality.

Paradoxes whichever way you look!
This is wrong - there are no facts which support this claim - on the contrary - the less developed nations are more prone to civil wars and being captured by the mafia organisations - civil wars can be hot or cold. A cold civil war and genocide over the popultation.

I believe he was referring to discontent on a personal level, education often results in aspiration to levels beyond practical reality and hence dissatisfaction with one's lot, something only too obvious amongst many of the young these days. How many degree holders are still working relatively menial jobs due to injecting them with ridiculous aspiration at school?
There are lots of things we don't know, and almost certainly never will.
It's (theoretically) possible to travel 'faster-than-time' in to the future - accelerate a ship to >99% c, and the tau factor causes time to run more slowly. Ten years pass on board, while millenia pass on Earth. The crew could return to a totally different planet.
But to the past? No, I don't think this will ever be possible. Too many unanswerable questions, and everything we DO know says nope...

As for parallel realities- theoretically, maybe. Will we ever be able to detect anything which lies outside 'our reality'? Again, no. Because it's not in our reality.

Paradoxes whichever way you look!

Jacob Rees-Mogg says returning to the past is eminently feasible, pleasurable and demonstrable :)
Reinforced concrete, build back better.

After the dodgy parliamentarians have taken your castle and knocked it down, come back with a superfort and let them try it again.
Reinforced concrete, build back better.

After the dodgy parliamentarians have taken your castle and knocked it down, come back with a superfort and let them try it again.
How would you guard against undermining castle walls?
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