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TitanZ: delayed indefinitely?

When forum members that have spent more than they (probably) care to remember on their rigs see the price of a GPU as plain crazy that goes to show how extreme the pricing on this is. I could rebuild the whole of mine and have change for that money. Talking of e-peen; this is Nvidia waving their willy in the light of the 295x2. And well done, they can obviously afford to produce it and they appear to have the fastest card again... but it's not really for anybody but the most enthusiastic consumers with the very deepest pockets. Even they would have to question the sense of one unless money really was no object. My only hope is that it pushes the price of a 295x2 down but in reality that was already too expensive for most and is probably just about the ceiling for what can be considered a consumer card. This thing is in a different market altogether!

The is however another angle to look at, It's half the price of a Tesla K40, and if you don't need the additional things the Tesla has then the Titan-Z is basically twice as powerful.

Would still have been nicer if they had made a dual GTX780 card instead of Titan though, but still there's always time.
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Dont understand how anyone can mock the cooling design. Its clear as day that it works and works superb.
The price is abit out my league though. :p

I'd happily stick it in my rig as it is. I'd have my H100 up top and that pushing out the back, I'd be quite happy and wouldn't be considering water looping it all.

In regards to the Titan Z it's now here and it's no different for the delay from what I can see. The clocks are just as low as before so all in all it's a waste of money, I'd be able to get two 295x2's for the price of a Z and for gaming one 295x2 is practically the same..

That's a no-brainer for someone who predominantly games.
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Great timing on the Titan Z, just received any email from The National Lottery "News about your ticket!"...

Let me guess, You won 25 quid and can now afford the postage for a Titan Z :)

If a dual 780 is coming let's hope it's not using 3gb's a piece. And let's hope the price is no more than the 295x2, A little over is acceptable if it has 6gb's a piece.
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Think I paid £380 IIRC for my 7950GX2 on release and that was a lot of money to spend on a dual GPU at the time heh.

Coincidentally spent almost exactly the same amount on this 780 GHZ and don't regret a penny of it but no way I'd drop 3 grand on a GPU regardless of whether I could afford it or not.
oh man i am so disapointed, all this delays were just to kill off the 295x2 trend, they didnt change the price, they didnt modify the card, they just waited for ppl to forget that the TitanZ is the best gaming card on the planet, then launch it without providing any samples to the media for Reviews, to avoid having benchs comparaison with 295.
so guess AMD pooped all over the dreams of Nvidia Milking dry fanboys.
ok TitanZ not for gaming just for Pro at least provide samples to test....but nah you wanna test it ? then buy it pretty plz xD
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