Toasted Sandwiches

Tuna and cheese seems to be missing from the suggestions so far. Missus and my oldest go for that, with the cat taking the leftovers from the tin !

Who wants to place bets on when this is at the back of the larder?

I wager... 20 more days :D

Ours has been used a lot in lockdown since the weather went cold - very convenient for a quick to make hot lunch. We have the 'flat' type rather than one that seals and it just props up against the wall when not in use, so doesn't take up much valuable worktop space.
Can't beat tuna and cheese. It's pretty much all we use our George Foreman grill for, can't remember the last time it saw anything else.
Also a fan of just cheese, or cheese and ham. Can't go wrong. This is making me want to get one :D. My nan had one so only got to have them when I went round hers as a nipper.
ham and cheese w/ wooster sauce.

tuna and cheese

egg and cheese.

Ham, egg and cheese. with mushrooms.

beans and cheese.

Basically anything with cheese or, if you want to go a little left and banana. They are literal molten lava though, be careful lol.

oh or cooked (obviously) chicken and pesto is bloody lovely. Cheese optional.
Which toaster kind are we talking about here? The type that closes or the one that rests on the sandwich? I have the later, get two Italian style sourdough slices, butter both sides, cheese (mixture of grated mozzarella and cheddar with a slice of emmental cheese and Wiltshire thin smoked ham. Put some mustard Mayo on the inside and toast.

Same again, but replace ham with precooked streaky bacon, sliced tomato and if you can find it, a chicken escalope.

if it’s the style that completely seals and crushes the crust of the bread, mini pizzas are great. Normal toastie bread, tomato paste, cheddar and mozzarella mix and then add your bits, I add mushrooms, peppers and onions.
Yeah this is pure 80s style closed breville that I have bought

Last night I christened it with gruyere, gerkhin, red onion and some salami

You will never go back once you try one
I have a George Foreman Small Fit Grill for my toasted sandwiches, but being plain and boring I only ever have ham and cheese.

Happy to take recommended fillings. Just no tomatos, cannot stand them. Except on Pizza.
I have extremely fond "Mum's not here, let's do lunch" memories of cheese and onion toasties with Dad. My introduction to raw onion actually! What a childhood :cool:

I can honestly say they were that good I never even considered other fillings, but I think adult me would enjoy jalapeños and mushrooms added.

Gonna get roasted for this probs but tuna and beans is a personal favourite

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Seriously, spam toasties are really good.

Or corned beef - That works incredibly well in a toastie.

The only thing I miss about rubbish square supermarket bread is a toastie. I bake daily now and haven't bought bread for about eight months but the bread I make is totally the wrong shape to fit in our Breville. I miss spam toasties.

Seriously, spam toasties are really good.

Or corned beef - That works incredibly well in a toastie.

The only thing I miss about rubbish square supermarket bread is a toastie. I bake daily now and haven't bought bread for about eight months but the bread I make is totally the wrong shape to fit in our Breville. I miss spam toasties.

Buy a loaf tin?
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