Today's mass shooting in the US

But good guys with guns don't need an order to go and save children.

He was shot dead by US Border Patrol, a good guy with a gun, that's sort of the point. He targeted a school in the first place because it's a place where there specifically are no "good guys" with guns; it's a soft target.

No one is happy with the initial Police response, literally no one.
He was shot dead by US Border Patrol, a good guy with a gun, that's sort of the point. He targeted a school in the first place because it's a place where there specifically are no "good guys" with guns; it's a soft target.

No one is happy with the initial Police response, literally no one.

After other 'good guys' with guns stood about and let children die.

I think the cops need to arrest this police chief Pete Arredondo, maybe for his own safety. He's certainly acting very strange.
After other 'good guys' with guns stood about and let children die.

You're literally trolling a discussion about a kids school shooting? Is everything ok with you? No one is happy with the Police response. Do you think pro gun advocates think the Police Sergeant is anything other than a pussy?

Schrodinger’s good guy.

You miss this story?
You're literally trolling a discussion about a kids school shooting? Is everything ok with you? No one is happy with the Police response. Do you think pro gun advocates think the Police Sergeant is anything other than a pussy?

You miss this story?

Not sure how pointing out the pro gun argument fallacies is trolling...
Guns didn't solve the problem, did they?
You're arguing to disarm the police...

The fact that the local police did nothing is more reason to be armed. The police have no duty to protect you, this has been ruled on several times.

The whole 'good guy with a gun' argument isn't absolute. It doesn't mean that it stops everything, in the same way we have police, and yet people still commit crime.
You're arguing to disarm the police...

The fact that the local police did nothing is more reason to be armed. The police have no duty to protect you, this has been ruled on several times.

The whole good guy with a gun argument isn't absolute. It doesn't mean that it stops everything, in the same way we have police, and yet people still murder.

Yes, but in our country where there are strict gun controls the murder rates are much lower. And its been how long since someone went in to a school and massacred children and teachers?

And just to be clear again, the police in this instance did nothing useful. It required a separate unit to solve the problem just like we have in the UK. So what use is arming the police?
You keep your gun on the bedside table....You're not with it today....

Aaaand how does that help you when you're asleep?

You see, most of us here choose to live in a non-retarded country where firearms aren't regularly used in home invasions. As a result fewer homeowners die. Weird trend that, eh?

I think the cops need to arrest this police chief Pete Arredondo, maybe for his own safety. He's certainly acting very strange.

That CBS report about a lady rescuing her children is false.

She did go in to the school made sure 1 of the children was safe and left them in the classroom with the teach.
The lady and CBS has been caught out.
Aaaand how does that help you when you're asleep?

You see, most of us here choose to live in a non-retarded country where firearms aren't regularly used in home invasions. As a result fewer homeowners die. Weird trend that, eh?

So you have no alarms\sensors\Ring doorbell on your property!
Who is this "Most of us" care to give me links and data?
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