Today's mass shooting in the US

Aye you can't always, but there are times when it's exceptionally clear that someone either is, or was.

And the more of these symbols they have (and the bigger they are) the more sure you can be about what they are, especially when the person is "western" and given how demonised those symbols are due to their association.

Basically unless you're really really stupid in the likes of Europe and America you don't get what could be seen as Nazi symbols by mistake, and many tattooists are likely to query that you're sure you want them (if not refuse to do them).
The guy's about as much a genuine Aryan race Nazi and white supremacist as I am Mother Theresa. He's taken self identifying to the modern ludicrous extreme and it's frankly laughable. There's more to it than getting a tattoo or wearing a frock you know? You're either in or out from birth. A white supremacist and true Nazi (of colour). Give over...
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The guy's about as much a genuine Aryan race Nazi and white supremacist as I am Mother Theresa. He's taken self identifying to the modern ludicrous extreme and it's frankly laughable. There's more to it than getting a tattoo or wearing a frock you know? You're either in or out from birth. A white supremacist and true Nazi (of colour). Give over...
If racism were only logical that might make sense.
Yes he seems rather annoyed that this guy has been labeled a neo nazi.

So the people saying he isnt a neo nazi what are you saying he is, or at least wanted to come across as?

To put it in terms you'll probably be familiar with after the Coronation, "Not my neo Nazi" ;)

He's a culturally appropriating Hispanic or whatever, obviously.

(I'm doing this right am I not Tony?)

cultural appropriation

noun: cultural appropriation; plural noun: cultural appropriations
  1. the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
    "his dreadlocks were widely criticized as another example of cultural appropriation".
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Thos Nazi symbols on his body look very much like they were photoshopped, they are just to perfect to be real.

Imagine someone taking a photo of his new tattoos that he is very proud of. Most people wait years till they are old and faded and then take photos of them.

Its amazing how many comments I've seen from people saying "those tattoos look brand new, how convenient" like he couldn't have taken the photo weeks or even months ago.
The guy's about as much a genuine Aryan race Nazi and white supremacist as I am Mother Theresa. He's taken self identifying to the modern ludicrous extreme and it's frankly laughable. There's more to it than getting a tattoo or wearing a frock you know? You're either in or out from birth. A white supremacist and true Nazi (of colour). Give over...

I'll pass on your thought about this to Enrique Tarrio and Nick Fuentes.
He says he already knows, I wouldn't waste your time:

"In regard to his views on extremist groups and ideologies, Tarrio has been quoted as saying, "I denounce white supremacy. I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce .fascism I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudiced towards people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of skin."[35] In regard to his own ethnicity, he has said, "I'm pretty brown, I'm Cuban. There's nothing white supremacist about me."

Have I got the right bloke he sounds like he's found God or something...?
Tim Pool isn't right wing, he just criticises the more extreme points coming from the left. Your political position is not a binary choice.

No he's not right wing, he's just spouting right wing nonsense that Patriot Front are actually FBI agents. Sorry but he's lost the plot and is no better than the Jewish space lasers lot or Democrats eat children so they can gain immortality from their adrenochrome.

My favourite Tim Pool moment was when he predicted with confidence that Trump would win every single state in the 2020 election. Only two things can explain that stance.

1. Him being one of the most relentlessly stupid and deluded people ever born, a US political pundit with no knowledge of US politics whatsoever

2. He's a total grifter

The answer is obviously 2.
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Watched the first episode of 11 minutes: America's Deadliest Mass Shooting last night, absolutely horrifying. It's a four part documentary on the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, when some nut with an arsenal of weapons decided to open fire from a hotel window on a crowd of 20000 at a country music festival. On iPlayer if anyone's interested. :(
Watched the first episode of 11 minutes: America's Deadliest Mass Shooting last night, absolutely horrifying. It's a four part documentary on the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, when some nut with an arsenal of weapons decided to open fire from a hotel window on a crowd of 20000 at a country music festival. On iPlayer if anyone's interested. :(
Maybe Elon Musk should watch it.

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