Today's mass shooting in the US

one in Las Vegas, 2 shooters with one dead apparently - no idea how many they've managed to kill.

There was a saying I saw once that "it's never two shooters" as it's quite common for multiple shooters to be reported at the start of incidents like this but mostly it turns out to be just the one.

It was speculated that because of gunfire echo in built up areas it can sound like shots from multiple directions which is what causes the confusion.
Is it just a percentage game, the bigger the population, the more chance of someone going postal, or does having easy access to an easier method of killing boost that postal statistic?

Neither. It's because the government never banned that rock 'n' roll devil music. It's time to take away their record players and give them a haircut and a Bible.
Just saw the video a cop recorded of him showing the shooter on the roof bit shooting at people. Cop then shouts at the shooter to shoot his direction instead.

Well it's not like everyone can witness every other individual's mutterings 24/7 so realistically the only people who can are people in their immediate orbit which can be very small/non-existent if others have tuned them out.
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