I can assure the anti-gun lobby with a will never succed in a blanket ban of firearms in the USA. They may call for it and in a very vocal manner but the government know that it would meet huge and more than likely armed resistance from armed citizens along with police and military as I know many in the poilce and army who would not support the repeal of the second ammendment.
they won't need to blanket ban firearms, if they introduce effective controls.
as has been discussed to death already the problem isnt
what a citizen can legally own/obtain access to, it's how
easy it is for them to get it.
is owning a gun so important that you need to be able to obtain one quickly? i mean long waiting times, extended background checks and transfer papers seem to be fine for items like suppressors, "short barrelled rifles" and machine guns, so why do pistols, rifles and pump action shotguns need to be obtained on a whim?
hell you could make the whole process much simpler-
-implement the same transfer rules for all firearms as are current for machine guns
-make suppressors an unrestricted item (because the gun's the dangerous bit)
-get rid of the whole short barrelled rifle nonsense, if pistols are going to be legal then what's the point?
-require a justifiable reason for owning any firearm- membership of a range, C&R licence, membership of a hunting club, member of CMP or provable threat to life for self defence
-introduce a licence, under which you can buy whatever you want that fits the categories of your justification (for example if you have a duck hunting licence you can buy whatever shotguns you like but no rifles/pistols)
-have a minimum 6-month time for obtaining a licence, and 1 month for any purchases for that licence
-require mandatory safe storage for all firearms (so you can have as many guns as you can afford cabinets for)
there you go, you can still get guns (thus not threatening the right to bear arms) but the process has been made enough of a pain in the proverbial to put off anyone who isn't dedicated (and therefore significantly more likely to be a responsible owner), plus you've now got the ability to stop criminals and crazies from getting their hands on guns.
so tell me, exactly what is wrong with this plan?