Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan" - Amazon Prime TV Show - ETA 2018

Finished it tonight. Echo the above comments, good but can't see me rewatching it in a hurry like I did with season 1.

Also the hypocrisy at end was laughable. Complaining about someone part owning a company that caused some murders having just stormed the presidential palace shooting guards (If not civilians in the party in the crossfire) left right and centre...

Agreed. I enjoyed the show but the whole premise was off. Storming the palace would have been an international incident for starters. Then the whole premise - It all hinges on the countries leadership mining minerals from their own country - Erm... why the mercenaries?

Yeah, the president was a ****, but I almost feel we should be backing him in this story. The “good” guys were largely a foreign force invading a country and killing a fair number of their military members without any legitimate justification (with the exception of about two men at the prison camp).
I enjoyed the second series but the premise and plot weren't nearly as tight and well thought out as the first series. As a few spoilered comments have said some of the protagonists decisions were off and broke suspension of belief at times. Also for a spy show there was way too much gun play. The first series got this pretty good with only one episode being really gun heavy, the second strayed on that regard. The first series bent plausibility to keep Ryan and Greer involved and I accept that for a TV series but they pushed the boundaries further for the second series and it was noticeable.

I like the cast, the direction, the acting and the premise but the first series nailed the plot and antagonist so much better than the second. We saw the plot develop in a more satisfying way, we understood the motivations more clearly, in the second the why is not dealt with until very late on. One of the beauties of the novels which the first series captured well for a TV format is how lots of different threads lead to the event or crisis, the second series had a twisty plot but it didn't feel like lots of things coming together, one path that very wiggly as opposed to many simpler paths acting together.

Still great will definitely watch season 3, I'm assuming it's on the way.

edit: some typos
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Yes, very much agree, 2nd series not a patch on the 1st. still watchable but a generous 6/10 where the 1st series was an 8/10.
This S2 version of Jack Ryan (the "analyst/spy"), with his single year of conventional military training from the USMC and zero SF stuff, is apparently running around like a full member of the CIA's ex-Tier 1 SF warrior filled Special Activities Division teams, killing "bad guys" like it's CS:GO.

Yeah...................I'm still out!

For Krazinski to say "I play him like Harrison Fords 'everyman' version" and then be happy to allow S2 to completely swap the character seemingly into the role of highly trained SF member "John Clark/Kelly" instead, is disappointing but I guess Amazon think that they know better than every reader for over 30 years who put "analyst" Jack Ryan books at No1 in the chart.
Enjoyed it overall but that last episode was a complete joke. All that character build-up across 2 series of Jack's anguished looks over fallen comrades only to turn into Rambo and taking out as many bad guys as possible. I counted at least 15 he killed alone, some of them who weren't even pointing a gun at him, without a care in the world, or zero anguished looks when about 60 baddies were dead. Never mind they got an embassy closed, which was just brushed off, but storming a foreign country's palace and killing their men wouldn't have Jack just walking DC at the end of it. Dumb.
It's finally here, I wonder what advert we'll be getting spammed on Twitch this time that becomes a meme.
I just hope they included Dolby Vision this time for Season 3 (they should do given they did for their other show Rings of Power, but of course that's not guarantee). The increased squinting I found myself doing watching Season 2 with standard HDR on the OLED was really off putting, especially if watching it going from Season 1 straight to Season 2 when the difference was so much more pronounced.
So he's still running around like he's Jason Bourne or, more accurately, John Clark - Yeap, still out.

I don't doubt it's good, fun, well made TV and that millions will lap this stuff up, but to me this incarnation of "Jack Ryan" will always be a pale imitation of a copy/paste "action hero" compared to the book version, who was far more believeable because of how realistically he was portrayed, rather than this "unstoppable one man army" TV version of Jack Ryan.

Title change :D

No. :)
So he's still running around like he's Jason Bourne or, more accurately, John Clark - Yeap, still out.

I don't doubt it's good, fun, well made TV and that millions will lap this stuff up, but to me this incarnation of "Jack Ryan" will always be a pale imitation of a copy/paste "action hero" compared to the book version, who was far more believeable because of how realistically he was portrayed, rather than this "unstoppable one man army" TV version of Jack Ryan.

No. :)
I agree, I enjoyed the first series but the one man army from being desk DJ is boring and detracts from the show massivly.
So he's still running around like he's Jason Bourne or, more accurately, John Clark - Yeap, still out.

I don't doubt it's good, fun, well made TV and that millions will lap this stuff up, but to me this incarnation of "Jack Ryan" will always be a pale imitation of a copy/paste "action hero" compared to the book version, who was far more believeable because of how realistically he was portrayed, rather than this "unstoppable one man army" TV version of Jack Ryan.
Jack Bourne and the Grand Total of All Fears ..

Does look decent, 1st series excellent, 2nd disapointing, hopefully they'll turn it around.
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Watched half of it already, will save the rest for tomorrow. Really good so far, and the storyline this season is very good. As usual with Amazon the 4k/HDr stuff is 50/50. Some scenes are awesome and others are really bad. Some episodes don't even have the "skip intro" button.

I can't believe I started watching the relatively weak The Recruit on Netflix last week when I could have just held on and watch Jack Ryan. Both about CIA, miles apart in quality.

The recruit was good popcorn TV, Heavy at times, light hearted in others pretty much like the world works. (apart from magic TV bullets) and super human girlie strength.
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