Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan" - Amazon Prime TV Show - ETA 2018

Loved the first season, loved the first trailer for season 2, but this new trailer has just raised my hype levels into the stratosphere. Looks phenomenal. Can...not...wait.
Looking forward to it, hopefully it's more streamlined than s1 was as they could've cut the episode count down by two.
S2 looks good, though I still don't think John Krazinski was a great casting for the lead role. He just looks too much like a big dopey teddy bear to be Jack Ryan.

Not a very rational argument I grant you, though I think someone like Aaron Paul would have been better.
S2 looks good, though I still don't think John Krazinski was a great casting for the lead role. He just looks too much like a big dopey teddy bear to be Jack Ryan.

Not a very rational argument I grant you, though I think someone like Aaron Paul would have been better.

In the books he's described as looking more like Sam Neill than Harrison Ford or anyone else. There's been so many actors playing him (Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, Chris Pine and now John Krasinski) that he's not really any one person or look anymore. In the more recent books I tend to picture Harrison Ford though as he suits the age better.
In the more recent books I tend to picture Harrison Ford though as he suits the age better.

Same here, I picture the whole "Clear and Present Danger" film cast as the the book characters now, even in books where they are much younger (without Remorse or Red October etc) which makes no sense really :D.
Yeah i'm not feeling it this season. It's a bit all over the map.
There's too much filler for no reason as far as I can tell. About half way through, shame, as I really loved the first season.
Finished it tonight. Echo the above comments, good but can't see me rewatching it in a hurry like I did with season 1.

Also the hypocrisy at end was laughable. Complaining about someone part owning a company that caused some murders having just stormed the presidential palace shooting guards (If not civilians in the party in the crossfire) left right and centre...
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