People are playing this on Normal? Who the hell plays games on Normal any more? Whack it up to Hard and give yourself a challenge!
Easily fixed by using a pad.
I don't understand the condescending nature of PC gamers when it comes to controllers.
Some games are suited to pads, some aren't, some can be played well on both. No need to refer to people who use pads as cripples.
You're perfectly welcome to think it might play better on a mouse and keyboard, others are perfectly welcome to think it plays fine on a pad. Such a hilariously stupid attitude.
Ever since I got my wireless receiver for the 360 pad, I have played more games with it than my mouse and keyboard
Just find it more immersing and relaxing especially for third person games like thisPlus it is great being able to just sit back further away from my monitor than sitting up right close to the monitor.
Only time I will ever use K+M again will be for FPS online and point and click games like the walking dead.
I don't understand the condescending nature of PC gamers when it comes to controllers.
Some games are suited to pads, some aren't, some can be played well on both. No need to refer to people who use pads as cripples.
You're perfectly welcome to think it might play better on a mouse and keyboard, others are perfectly welcome to think it plays fine on a pad. Such a hilariously stupid attitude.
In fact, there are several members of this very forum who are disabled and play games on their PC's with controllers, I'd put good money on one in particular playing Dead Space much better than I do.
To say nothing of the hilariously stupid condescending attitude to controllers you seem to have.
I don't think you were referring to the 'nature of fluidity' as a controller can be just as fluid as a mouse and keyboard, it all depends on the person playing it.
Yaw on a button and having to use auto/aim assist to realistically pull off headshots and so on just doesn't do it for me.
I had big problems with that when I first started using the controller but after a week of playing I have got used to it and am much better at aiming now, still not as good as M+K and never will be but can't say that I have any problems with the pad now i.e. sniper elite NZA, I am pulling of headshots very easily with the 360 pad and not missing very much at all and it can be pretty hard to get headshots in that game due to their movement.
OK there are some games that play better on a pad but theres no good reason why Tomb Raider can't play perfectly fine with keyboard and mouse and its a much more enjoyable experience when you have properly working freelook, strafe, etc. rather than clunking around with a controller like some kind of cripple.
Hmm. You where the one that seems to draw comparisons to using a game pad and suffering some form of disability.
It's a hilariously stupid attitude to have. I don't understand the level of hate from PC gamers to anything new and 'console like', pads are brilliant for some games, not brilliant for others and equally brilliant for some.
Enjoy playing on your mouse and keyboard.
Wow, didn't mean to cause a fight!
This game was obviously designed around using a pad, and so its logical to expect the pad to be the better control method and the keyboard controls to be less suited.
In much the same way something like CS is designed for keyboard and mouse. Sure you can play it with a pad, but it wont be as good, and I'm certainly not going to start shouting about how CS is ruined for me because I play on a pad.