Tomb Raider Thread

Don't let what others are saying change your opinion of the game, you clearly enjoyed it from the look of your post.

You just get to enjoy it even more when you play it through again once it has been patched up.

Yep, I'm enjoying the game a lot. Its uncharted for PC, I've waited so long to get a game like this on the PC. Its such a good game, even the QTE are not bothering me, as uncharted was much of the same, press this to make this happen type of thingy.

But I've fixed the lens flare issue by using window mode, window borderless worked and it did stutter, but using radeon pro and forced triple buffering and v sync fixed it, I've lost a few fps it seems, but now got all the extra eye candy.

As said, Lara can take a heck of a beating, tough lass lol

I'll play through again. Achievements are well hard to get in this game if you don't explore, its a game you can just keep playing...
These QTE really are ruining the game for me as in to the point that it just makes me not want to continue to play :mad: Just utterly annoying and pointless and they aren't even that good.

Aside from that and being pretty linear I am really liking the game.

Using this sweetfx config now:

The other ones that I listed were ok, not great, one was far too bright and the other was pretty good but replaced the green filter with a blue one instead.
without spoiling things, is their a new game + mode or any way to carry over your character progression into a new game once the main story is complete?
Sounds like it has a lot of issues and effects missing on nvidia gpu's. coupled with a distinct lack of any actual tombs or raiding of aforementioned tombs, I'm pretty glad I gave this a miss.

Edit: But it has nice hair I'm told :rolleyes:

Effects missing on both Nvidia and AMD gpus if not running in windowed mode.

I'm using Game Companion 1.3 to get around the issue until patched.
Really Enjoying it so far, that much I've even added some screenies to my steam profile :eek: been a while since I did that lol

2560*1440 Ultra, tressFX off, Runnin ok on my 6950 and 3570k (stock) pondering a little overclock of both tho.

It is quite linear unfortunatley but still a very enjoyable play, think Im about halfway thru. The QTE's are a bit pants tbh and I absolutely hated the
bit! Case of just couldnt bloody see what was going on lol, took me about 25mins for that one bit :( :blush:

Aaaw I thought it looked good too, didn't realise half of the gfx effects were missing lol :p
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Will I need the internet to play this if I buy it?

We just moved and no hookup till next week.

You will need to download it through Steam (even if you buy a disk version, theres still files that need downloading). Once you have downloaded it and fired it up once you can set Steam to Offline mode and then play without an internet connection. You will need it initially.
One little thing that I'm really liking is the little character animations that they have put in. Little things like when you walk near a wall occasionally Lara will put a hand against the wall. Or when your crouched looking round a corner she will lean and lean against the wall. The little animations she does when she falls into water and shakes one or both arms out are good too, and when she walks slowly she will look around the environment. Its the little things that show that they have worked really hard on the character animations rather than just built a few standard ones to use over and over
I know, I know.

I should probably clarify a little.. Uncharted 3, that part of the series wore me down with the combat sections.. just wasn't fun.

Tomb Raider, 7 hours in... Having a great time still.
One little thing that I'm really liking is the little character animations that they have put in. Little things like when you walk near a wall occasionally Lara will put a hand against the wall. Or when your crouched looking round a corner she will lean and lean against the wall. The little animations she does when she falls into water and shakes one or both arms out are good too, and when she walks slowly she will look around the environment. Its the little things that show that they have worked really hard on the character animations rather than just built a few standard ones to use over and over

I agree entirely. It's a collection of the small things that help's immersion most of the time. Saying this though, when Lara is hanging upside down at the start of the game and the majority of her hair defies gravity... equally as disruptive to immersion xD
Lara sure can take a beating, anyone else would have broken every bone in their body so far going by the cutscenes. Not sure why every game these days feels the need to add some lame skills and item upgrade system, combined with a wallhack 'instinct' mode. Apart from that I'm enjoying it - runs smoothly, looks pretty and enough of a story to keep me interested.

I've had her fall from 100 foot drops, charge a room full of hostiles using just her axe and all sorts and still live if your not completely stupid on normal difficulty its really hard to get her killed other than in the stupid QTEs.

One little thing that I'm really liking is the little character animations that they have put in. Little things like when you walk near a wall occasionally Lara will put a hand against the wall. Or when your crouched looking round a corner she will lean and lean against the wall. The little animations she does when she falls into water and shakes one or both arms out are good too, and when she walks slowly she will look around the environment. Its the little things that show that they have worked really hard on the character animations rather than just built a few standard ones to use over and over

One of the reasons I stuck with it despite the controls on PC breaking the immersion for me constantly - the quality of the animations and the way they seamlessly flow in and out of gameplay into cutscenes and when interacting with the environment really add to the game a lot the little things like getting the animation dead on when she adjusts her stance to move against the current in water exactly like you would in real life make up for a lot of the negatives.
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I've had her fall from 100 foot drops, charge a room full of hostiles using just her axe and all sorts and still live if your not completely stupid on normal difficulty its really hard to get her killed other than in the stupid QTEs.

Must agree, seems VERY easy on normal difficulty other than those damn QTE's
I think I'll go round gathering all the bits and bobs on normal then do a run thru on hard tbh see how that fares.

Anyone tried the Multiplayer yet?
Not tried the MP yet, the setup screens for it had a strong COD feel so was kinda hoping it would play out something like that but with a tomb raider flavor but I suspect I will be dissapointed.
I agree entirely. It's a collection of the small things that help's immersion most of the time. Saying this though, when Lara is hanging upside down at the start of the game and the majority of her hair defies gravity... equally as disruptive to immersion xD

TressFX fixes that, but kills my FPS.

I've had her fall from 100 foot drops, charge a room full of hostiles using just her axe and all sorts and still live if your not completely stupid on normal difficulty its really hard to get her killed other than in the stupid QTEs.

People are playing this on Normal? Who the hell plays games on Normal any more? Whack it up to Hard and give yourself a challenge!

One of the reasons I stuck with it despite the controls on PC breaking the immersion for me constantly

Easily fixed by using a pad.
Wow, bit of a shock finding out only half of the gfx work in full screen!!! I thought it was stunning still haha.

Anyway, Not played much more, will wait for these bugs to be sorted. But I could happily play this without the updates.

Also, stick this on hard ASAP! You can do it in the menu options ingame. It's the way forward.
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