Tommy Robinson quits the EDL

Watch it for the full documentary on the rushdie events.It is a BBC documentary about 50 minutes long and it is a very good watch and well worth spending 50 minutes on.Now if you pay close attention to both Rushdie and Robinson you will see similar events happen.

They both go against Islam and both recieve overwhelming death threats,violence and intimidation until they cosy up to Muslim agressors, or a pasty posing as a moderate friend.Quilliam are now this cosy friend for Robinson as he has to go to jail shortly and will face the muslim prison population.Rushdie did the same except he converted, and then reverted when he knew deep down that he was right about Islam.I feel that tommy too knows deep down the same thing Rushdie did.

Hence why even when Tommy left the EDL he was attacked in Luton only two nights ago? It is on camera for his USA documentary and is down as a racially motivated attack.They will never stop until Tommy has converted or is dead because that is all Islam has ever known.Although you can always relent and pay the non muslim protection tax calld the jizah but i doubt Tommy will be paying Quilliam the jizah ;)
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And have a look over the comments of gilly also.Notice how both these guys have refused to acknowledge the videos or even comment on how awful it is.The previous poster was right after all you just both failed the UAF test.

Both what guys?

You lost all credibility at 'don't go to google to start your research, go to YouTube'. I haven't watched any of your videos, that's why I haven't commented.
Both what guys?

You lost all credibility at 'don't go to google to start your research, go to YouTube'. I haven't watched any of your videos, that's why I haven't commented.

You really are living in cloud cuckoo land aren't you? Learn the lessons of Rofflay and Bitslice. Stop using that silly racism rubbish, really it just doesn't wash anymore. :D:D
You lost all credibility at 'don't go to google to start your research, go to YouTube'. I haven't watched any of your videos, that's why I haven't commented.

Gilly you are being a bit silly here in disparaging youtube in favour of something found on the internet, both sources can be manipulated.
Ironically the Youtube references Rofflay provided are the most credible.
You appear to have run out of counter arguments if we have dropped down to pulling faces over sources.

Since you can't be bothered I'll highlight them for you.

Documentation for the Cathedral Attack in Egypt:
Appears to be CCTV footage of a riot where muslims are attacking a Christian building, rioters are shown freely passing through police lines to continue their attack.

TV documentary - My Hometown Fanatics: Stacey Dooley Investigates (Muslim Extremism)

I've watched this before, she comes back to her birthplace to find a large influx of muslims, while asking questions of some muslims on a protest march she received entirely unwarranted abuse about her appearance.
She's plainly shocked by their attitude.

Attack on Lars Vilks By Angry Muslim Mob:
Muslims staging a riot at a private screening of a film about Mohammed. Again no free speech allowed under Islam.

Kill gays lesbians in Islam - UN now says its OK
Nothing special here, just repeating the standard line from Islam that all gays should be killed, although this guy is speaking out in favour of murdering and torturing them instead (again a standard idea within parts of Islam). Although I imagine the idea of murder means that they they dispense with the horse trial beforehand.

What was skipped over was that 56 Islamic States rejected the UN debate on Anti-Gay Violence, the toothless UN continues to pussyfoot around Islam and basically condones Islam's demand that it be allowed to continue the torture and murder of its LGBT citizens.

TV documentary - Salman Rushdie and The Satanic Verses Affair
The well known events surrounding Rushdie and the Islamic death threats against anyone involved in the publication. The usual "you dare say bad things about Islam, we kill you" 3rd world dribble.

So Gilly, basically you've just poopooed a few TV documentaries, a clear attack on a church, a staged riot, the UN rolling over for Islam. To pretend any of that isn't valid and true comment is just BS. Please try harder, youtube is more than Zeitgeist these days.
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You've got a group of posters quite happy to debate the thread topic with you, but you'd rather show a tired ****take of some kid who can't express himself?

Got any funny videos of Downs kids saying Potato?

To be fair it is pretty funny even if it is a serious topic.I can appreciate the video and just about tolerate the youtube comments.But you know that kid is probably semi mentally retarded.Maybe he has a speech problem really i do not care.But even through all of his mumbo jumbo about muslamic iraqi law coming to the uk.He was in essence correct because quite the majority of UK Muslims want some form of Sharia courts.The UK Gov is currently i believe doing undercover investigations against multiple marriages.

What i do not find funny is mocking the EDL while not mocking a bunch of backwards Muslims who think a man flew to heaven on a horse, talked to god and came up with the final solution to man kind.Note the bit about final solution.Maybe that should ring a few bells and start a proper debate on the EDL.Islam is the final solution to free speech,Homosexuality,Freedom,Athiests,Christians,Jews.

To be honest i hope to see a Generation Indentity movement like in France take over and win more support from women.They are a huge movement but for some insane reason a lot of Feminists side with the left on Islam.What would people do if Pat Condell started a street movement?
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That you're confused by such a straight-forward statement says it all tbh.

'Stop using that silly racism rubbish'

Where was that in the post of mine that he quoted? Oh, it wasn't there? Then how can it be straight forward?

Confused no, Stubborn to the truth?


Ah, 'truth'. The go-to word for extremists and other nut jobs that can't accept contrasting opinions.
Richard Dawkins is fully capable of speaking out against the problems of Islam without becoming a xenophobic EDL thug - perhaps you should take some notes from him if that's really what you are combatting - you know, the problems of fundamentalism.

The EDL like to cry & pretend that you can't criticism Islam, well I'm sorry but you can - many respectable & normal people have been criticising it along with many other religions for the harm they can cause (notice the use of the word can, as not all people are extremists in any religion).

What you don't need is a bunch of hooligan dullards waving England flags chanting about 'sending em back!'.

Call me cynical, but I highly doubt that for a majority of EDL members the reason they are against fundamentalist Islam is due to their empathy for the plight of the suffering of innocents at it's hands.
Richard Dawkins is fully capable of speaking out against the problems of Islam without becoming a xenophobic EDL thug - perhaps you should take some notes from him if that's really what you are combatting - you know, the problems of fundamentalism.

The EDL like to cry & pretend that you can't criticism Islam, well I'm sorry but you can - many respectable & normal people have been criticising it along with many other religions for the harm they can cause (notice the use of the word can, as not all people are extremists in any religion).

What you don't need is a bunch of hooligan dullards waving England flags chanting about 'sending em back!'.

Call me cynical, but I highly doubt that for a majority of EDL members the reason they are against fundamentalist Islam is due to their empathy for the plight of the suffering of innocents at it's hands.

What do you propose then? Sit them all down in school for islamic reformists classes and how to be a good Muslim in Britain and not upset the locals? Have you looked at them recently and tried talking to them? And every day more and more flood in.There needs to be a street movement as lets face it thats all we have alongside UKIP who are already getting smeared as racists.

It seems that there is only one party and one street movement to stop it which is EDL and UKIP.Now then if you choose to support either one the media labl you as a viscious nazi racist lol.When in reality all they want is the borders controlled and Islam to behave and adapt to European culture.There was none of this years ago it only happened this last few years that SNP and UKIP and BNP and Sharia4UK started rocking the boat in the UK.Now go on google and try and find the common thing all of these parties share.Infact im going to save you the trouble, it is opposition to Islam and the EU and British People.

This is nothing of thier making, neo nazis were out of sight in the UK mostly and you never saw any of these street movements.Now the Banks are bust, the borders are bust and peoples patience and tempers are also going bust.I do not think the majority of them are bigot racists.I think they are just normal folk angry at watching the UK go down the pan.And it was not Dawkins who started that ball rolling either as lets face it sitting on a chair is not going to make the EU stop people coming from Africa to Malta in boats and then moving on to the UK? I will tell you this, our open door policy is murdering people off the cost of Malta.They are drowning in the hundreds trying to get here because of our open to anyone immigration policy.

Apparantly not to let them in is racist xenophobia.Perhaps we should let them all in at a faster rate.Then when we realise there is not enough farmland to support everyone, not enough jobs or welfare or school places to support everyone.Maybe then people might actually think hey you know this is actually dangerous.
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Wow. So the root cause of the banking crisis is Islam! I never realised. That our politicians are murdering people in the med is real cause for concern :(

You ask if I have tried talking to them. Well, yes, I have. I meet many Muslims at work and I play football against many more. I'm not scared of them, so talking to them is no big thing.

Obviously this means I'm not bothered for the welfare and future of my children :rolleyes:
No of course the banking crisis has nothing to do with Islam but look back in history its classic than the rise of fascism is also linked with a rise in hatred towards a certain social group and economic hard times.Im saying that they have a lot to answer for not doing anything about it.Anyone see the Libyan's at Calais was it with the signs and tents asking to speak to cameron or take us to the uk.

And yes they are murdering them.It is like having carrot on a stick except the carrot and stick are on the other side of a treacherous sea crossing.Naturally people are going to risk it for free benefits inside one of the top GDP nations.
I feel for the Swedes. I have seen it first hand. It makes the UKs immigration issues look like a joke.

In Boden where i'm going again, Nearly every serious crime, (oddly not murder), robbery and mugging is committed by Somalia and Afghan immigrants that are living on state handouts that make the UK's look meager.

I'm a very tolerant Londoner but there are parts of the town there that i consider ghettos.... a little town of less than 20k people that has had its population swollen by 1000s of young Muslim men over a few years that are mostly thugs with nothing to do but cause problems..

You wont read or hear anything about it because the media is silenced and cant report the real statistics... These men are savages.

I hope the UK doesn't go that far.
Sweden presented by a lovely chap:


And yes it is coming here (well already partly here if you look at crime rates :p), it is inevitable. We literally broadcast our great lives, go across to these countries, whet their appetite and then wonder why they literally ship themselves in containers to get here. They're going to be violent people as they come from violent places!
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