Tommy Robinson quits the EDL

It is actually a byword now for islamophobia.Instead of being called an islamophobe you get called a racist.When you question them about what race Islam is things get either really noisy or really quiet depending on how willing the person is to accept defeat.

And racism is worse than moron.Racism without proof is actually slander, and slander is an offence under UK law or used to be ;)

Good spot though! Who was throwing the racism card around?
And racism is worse than moron.Racism without proof is actually slander, and slander is an offence under UK law or used to be ;)

Since it's in print then it's libel you should be talking about, not slander. And the best defence against such an accusation is being right. Would it help if I said your views were standard bigotry and xenophobia, rather than racism? I'm assuming that you hate white Muslims as well as brown ones. If it's only brown Muslims then it is racism.
Who was throwing the racism card around?
In this thread? Usually Gilly and Elmarko will equate the two terms,
it's just another debating trick, people generally get called racist without any proof provided in the hope that some mud sticks and they win the debate by character assassination.

Even Castiel did it here:

It's like calling someone a rapist, you don't have to provide proof because there will always be people who read it and assume it's true, based on nothing more than someone daring to say it.
How are you supposed to reply to stuff like this?
Can you imagine a KGB ( European Union ) with diplomatic immunity? They will have to police us on 32 kinds of crimes – two of which are particularly worrying, one is called racism, another is called xenophobia. No criminal court on earth defines anything like this as a crime [this is not entirely true, as Belgium already does so – pb]. So it is a new crime, and we have already been warned. Someone from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes. I think Patricia Hewitt said this publicly.

I noticed the trend too, i said i had this link left over on my laptop and here it is.
How are you supposed to reply to stuff like this?

You expose them on what it is they are trying to do, and then you show everyone that they are losing the arguement by trying to take out the man and not his arguement.Use the link i provided :)

Since it's in print then it's libel you should be talking about, not slander. And the best defence against such an accusation is being right. Would it help if I said your views were standard bigotry and xenophobia, rather than racism? I'm assuming that you hate white Muslims as well as brown ones. If it's only brown Muslims then it is racism.

Its not the person its the book and attitudes personally.Others im sure mix both i do not.The only term u can apply to me is Islamophobic and that has yet to be made a crime although i suspect someday it might be!
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i believe handed out his statment to the house and MP's before the vote.He was the only real MP teling the truth

Glad to see you back

Can you provide evidence of which MPs he lobbied as you are aware no-one is allowed to enter the chamber unless you are a serving MP.

When you say Nick is an MP what do you mean, as he's lost his deposit twice ?
^ ^ indeed, not at all racist.......

If the EDL supporters on here really did have the aim of preventing harm to innocents at the hands of religious extremism due to some ethical responsibility I'd see similar vehement posts supports the rights of oppressed women (globally), homosexuals or the economically disadvantaged.

But alas, the specific caused picked to fight highlights a degree of bias (not to mention they seem unable to distinguish between moderates & extremists) - along with a blind spot for when the exact same things happen within their own racial group.
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Lmao there are a few sore butt's in here or what? Firstly it is a pleasure to be back Spankingtexan my brother from another mother ;)

And secondly it was intentional that i used the world island do you really think i cannot spell the name of my native Ireland? Seriously i find it a great compliment that with everything i have said in here about Islam three people have attacked my netbook typing and not what i said.

Infact two people i think asked me a question which i will get around too tomorrow.Until then im going to look into Quilliam foundation and see what i make of thier intentions as im highly suspicious of that Nawaz character or whatever his name is.A muslim with one finger up and a pint of beer does not mean he is a complete 21st century moderate.They released a statement saying the EDL has been decapitated which sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

Why use a common phrase linked with Islamic terrorism like decapitation? Imagine if i used the word crusade on my goverment funded foundation's press statement and you would see uproar from Muslims.

Tell you what, why don't you go and research and find out what Tommy Robinsons intentions are and his plans without a lame attempt of Muslims bashing. You want to know about Quilliam Foundation? I will tell you now, they are Government funded and some members have verged on Apostasy.

This thread is about Tommy, so since you are so passionate about the EDL and Youtube go and research what is next on his agenda, how he is funded and how many racists which formed the EDL are still backing him?
If the EDL supporters on here
People can discuss a subject without actually supporting either side, but I guess your intention was to polarise the thread so you can call everyone stupid again?
Do you ever come out and declare yourself to be an Islamist apologist?

really did have the aim of preventing harm to innocents at the hands of religious extremism due to some ethical responsibility I'd see similar vehement posts supports the rights of oppressed women (globally), homosexuals or the economically disadvantaged.
I'm very sure I've made supportive posts on all those topics, and on more than one occasion being the sole supporter in the thread, where were you at the time and what was your point again?

But alas, the specific caused picked to fight highlights a degree of bias (not to mention they seem unable to distinguish between moderates & extremists)
Are you talking about yourself here? Everyone else is a stupid racist **** according to you.

along with a blind spot for when the exact same things happen within their own racial group.
The next time a white Chav does anything that the Islamists have been doing I'm pretty sure someone will make a thread on it, although I'd agree that basic misogyny does cross both groups.
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Glad to see you back

Can you provide evidence of which MPs he lobbied as you are aware no-one is allowed to enter the chamber unless you are a serving MP.

When you say Nick is an MP what do you mean, as he's lost his deposit twice ?

Look i am not 100% on how it actually went down but i know he lobbied the house before the vote and send out leaflets.Maybe he never did speak to the house, but he was on two peace missions to Syria.You may not like the man but i gained a huge amount of respect for the person who stood up to Cameron and Obama who were going to arm Islamist rebels in thier quest to overthrow a non Sunni country.
^ ^ indeed, not at all racist.......

If the EDL supporters on here really did have the aim of preventing harm to innocents at the hands of religious extremism due to some ethical responsibility I'd see similar vehement posts supports the rights of oppressed women (globally), homosexuals or the economically disadvantaged.

But alas, the specific caused picked to fight highlights a degree of bias (not to mention they seem unable to distinguish between moderates & extremists) - along with a blind spot for when the exact same things happen within their own racial group.

I have many posts on here about how unfair the economic system is here in the UK.Me and spankingtexan have been clear about this in the threads about workfare and such.And as for Gays i never really felt the need as lets face it, gay people have equal rights now in the UK and EU.Cameron just gave them legal marriage whats the problem?

If these threads existed and i open the forum and notice them i would post in there but those threads i have just not seen.I saw this one so i decided to join this discussion.

Tell you what, why don't you go and research and find out what Tommy Robinsons intentions are and his plans without a lame attempt of Muslims bashing. You want to know about Quilliam Foundation? I will tell you now, they are Government funded and some members have verged on Apostasy.

This thread is about Tommy, so since you are so passionate about the EDL and Youtube go and research what is next on his agenda, how he is funded and how many racists which formed the EDL are still backing him?

I have listened to them and i heard the conversation with Choudary about apostate's.Who said i was passionate about the EDL? I am passionate about the threat to our society from the followers of Choudary.Who else does street movements against this? If you find me one that has no racist's i will support them 100%.And on the topic of racists, yes i know they had neo nazi elements and my view on it is simple.Naturally as all the Islamists are recent immigrants it is going to attract racist nazi's.How would you keep out nero nazi elements from your group? It is not as if they come with signs saying hey lads we are neo nazi's.They ruined the whole strret movement why would i feel anything but disgust towards them? Even Tommy said himself they were "*****".

I find myself leaning more towards UKIP now.Is that racist too then? You need to open your eyes a bit more as to why people even supported them.Many people have said that they support to the root cause of fighting Islamists but are appalled by the muslamic drunken chavs elements.

And his Agenda? Well i do not know what his agenda is i thought his agenda was to put an end to the islamic influence on the UK and deport all the homosexual,women and apostate bashers like Choudary.Anyone who shows any signs of being Anti british or pro sharia should instantly have thier citizenship revoked and deported.

That is what i support but you are never going to accept that decent people can hate Islamists without being racist are you? Take a look at the large amount of people who have views like Choudary.Then take a look at the history of the Ghurkha's and the Sikh community who have fully integrated into the UK peacefuly and importantly are proud to be british.Many Sikh's have fought with our armed force's with thier Turbans on.And i think they are both fantastic example's of what integration really is.
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Can I just point out, Rofflay, that in the English we speak here in glorious Britannia, a space follows a comma. Like so.

You speak your comma?
Anyway that looks like a full stop/period to me.

edit: I did not capitalise the start of each line, I had best edit it before an English teacher appears and grades me.
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'That is what i support but you are never going to accept that decent people can hate Islamists without being racist are you? Take a look at the large amount of people who have views like Choudary.Then take a look at the history of the Ghurkha's and the Sikh community who have fully integrated into the UK peacefuly and importantly are proud to be british.Many Sikh's have fought with our armed force's with thier Turbans on.And i think they are both fantastic example's of what integration really is.[/QUOTE]'

I'm not on either side but face it.... Roff has a point
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'That is what i support but you are never going to accept that decent people can hate Islamists without being racist are you? Take a look at the large amount of people who have views like Choudary.Then take a look at the history of the Ghurkha's and the Sikh community who have fully integrated into the UK peacefuly and importantly are proud to be british.Many Sikh's have fought with our armed force's with thier Turbans on.And i think they are both fantastic example's of what integration really is.

I'm not on either side but face it.... Roff has a point[/QUOTE]

How many "islamists" that are worthy of 2000 strong vile marchers do you think live in the UK?
How many "islamists" that are worthy of 2000 strong vile marchers do you think live in the UK?
1.5 million muslims in the UK

32% of Muslim students support killing for Islam
40% support Sharia law
20% have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London

If they could perhaps leave and find a sandy country that agrees with putting their misogynist religion first, then that would be nice :)

To be fair, on the other side of the fence 91% say they feel loyal to Britain, so if the other 9% could leave, that would be nice too.

Funny how you worry about 2,000(? lol) football fans on a day out, when a fair proportion of muslims either hate you, hate your laws, hate your beliefs or hate your country :confused:
1.5 million muslims in the UK

32% of Muslim students support killing for Islam
40% support Sharia law
20% have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London

If they could perhaps leave and find a sandy country that agrees with putting their misogynist religion first, then that would be nice :)

To be fair, on the other side of the fence 91% say they feel loyal to Britain, so if the other 9% could leave, that would be nice too.

Funny how you worry about 2,000(? lol) football fans on a day out, when a fair proportion of muslims either hate you, hate your laws, hate your beliefs or hate your country :confused:

So going by your numbers it's actually most Muslims the edl is against, I've got acquaintances in the edl, ex mates, the only thing I've got against them is their dumbness and willingness to act based upon poorly reasoned input, tbh I couldn't care less whether Muslims hate me, let's face it they have good reason to hate the actions of my country and if they hate me it is because they are poor at thinking too, like their brothers in dumbness the edl.
1.5 million muslims in the UK

32% of Muslim students support killing for Islam
40% support Sharia law
20% have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London

If they could perhaps leave and find a sandy country that agrees with putting their misogynist religion first, then that would be nice :)

To be fair, on the other side of the fence 91% say they feel loyal to Britain, so if the other 9% could leave, that would be nice too.

Funny how you worry about 2,000(? lol) football fans on a day out, when a fair proportion of muslims either hate you, hate your laws, hate your beliefs or hate your country :confused:

Forget the sandy country find an island and barricade them in it, then nuke it for the good of mankind.I thought Britain was a pretty peaceful place until they came along.Now we have UKIP,BNP,EDL,UAF,Sharia4UK all linked to Islam and its presence.

The affront to free speech is the real worry and the anti freedom laws like hate speech that are being put on us because of them.Check this out, when Family guy have Jesus on the show doing magic tricks millions of people laughed.

Now take a look at the same version of free speech from a Muslim point of view.Note the two gay men in the first few minutes of the video with the noose around the necks.Both i believe were killed in Iraq for being homosexual.But the best part is the excuse of spreading porn and how the man was going to be sick.Why did they not exercise thier freedom and exit the room? Because free speech is alien to them, they just wanted to shut down anything critical of Islam.

CRAZY! Note the muhammed chants too just like a typical cult or group slogan.
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1.5 million muslims in the UK

32% of Muslim students support killing for Islam
40% support Sharia law
20% have sympathy with the "feelings and motives" of the suicide bombers who attacked London

If they could perhaps leave and find a sandy country that agrees with putting their misogynist religion first, then that would be nice :)

To be fair, on the other side of the fence 91% say they feel loyal to Britain, so if the other 9% could leave, that would be nice too.

Funny how you worry about 2,000(? lol) football fans on a day out, when a fair proportion of muslims either hate you, hate your laws, hate your beliefs or hate your country :confused:

98% of population think it's okay to dictate to women what they can wear through force of the law

54% of population want the death penalty to return

Perhaps we should be addressing the barbaric beliefs held by the majority of our citizens before we start chastising an entire population of people based on what a minority of them believe.
98% of population think it's okay to dictate to women what they can wear through force of the law

54% of population want the death penalty to return

Perhaps we should be addressing the barbaric beliefs held by the majority of our citizens before we start chastising an entire population of people based on what a minority of them believe.

What you posted includes muslims also. Think about how many hardline muslims want bring back the death for the burka it needs to go along with the veil, there has to be a line drawn so muslim women cannot be allowed to carry on with more freedom of expression than the rest of us. Plain and simple.
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