Tony Blair

Radiation said:
Tony Blair is a muppet.

As I never got to finish my points and strongly disagree with my thread closure, the issues on Tony etc, can be placed here. :)

it was closed because it was trash. That means dont trash another thread with that crap.

I think Blair has had his time in the chair. He was good for that country, but somewhere along the line the lies and corruption started creeping in. I also believe nobody else will do any better though. It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you dont.
Panzerbjorn said:
I think it's a shame that the mistakes he has made have overshadowed the good he has done.
I don't think that putting out a "dodgy dossier" and ordering British troops to invade Iraq and allow the subsequent deaths of more than 650,000 people is exactly a "mistake" - more of a war crime.
NathanE said:
I'd rather Blair than Brown or Cameron.

i'd agree with that, although i'd rather staple my left buttock to chronically depressed lemming than have Blair

he's a two faced, slimy, self-promoting, sycophantic, smiley little man with no respect for or loyalty to the british public.. in short he's a politician and the sooner we rid ourselves of politicians as a breed the better of we'd all be.
aardvark said:
he's a moronic scumbag liar who has no idea how to run a country.

Whereas I'm sure you do?

This sort of thread always makes me laugh. Running a country is the hardest job anyone can do and for every decision you make, irrespective of what it is, there will be people for it was the wrong decision. In the eyes of the public, you literally CANNOT win. Every decision you make is a big mistake for someone, somewhere.

Every single leader, ever, has been moaned about, bitched about and generally lamented.

Until, funnily enough, they are replaced. Then everyone goes on about how its worse under the new guy than it was under the guy they slagged off every week previously...

Just think for one second about some of the stuff you'd love Tony to do.

Abolish fuel tax! YAY! NICE ONE TONY!

Oh dear, we've closed all the Hospitals becuase we are now skint. TONY SUCKS

Abolish all links with horrible America! Yay go Tony!

Oh dear, we are billions worse off through the cutting of trade routes by our friendly American mates..

Being a head of state is a difficult, harrowing and thankless task. You need to balance the needs of the country with the PERCEIVED needs of the people. And remember, most 'people' know only what they want to suit THEIR needs.

See what I mean?
Shackley said:
I don't think that putting out a "dodgy dossier" and ordering British troops to invade Iraq and allow the subsequent deaths of more than 650,000 people is exactly a "mistake" - more of a war crime.

I think your sig says enough about you for me to not even bother trying to argue this point.

I think that the decision to invaid Iraq was a mistake. The outcome of that decision may have led to "war crimes" as you put it, but the decision itself
was simply a political mistake. It was a poor decision that has led to Blair's reputation and credibility to collapse at home and internationally.

This combined with his lap-dog-to-Bush appearance and the fuss over when he is leaving office hasn't helped his reputation at all. Neither has the ID card issue done him any favours.

However, I still believe that over-all the country has improved since he was brought into office.

Shackley said:
I don't think that putting out a "dodgy dossier" and ordering British troops to invade Iraq and allow the subsequent deaths of more than 650,000 people is exactly a "mistake" - more of a war crime.

Whilst I'm sure you want it to be a war crime, unfortunately, it isn't. It might suck (Although I do not beleive he deliberately put out a 'dodgy dossier'), but it isn't a war crime.

War Crimes are generally things like deliberately ordering the massacre of thousands of people. As much as some of you guys think what Blair did amounts to the same thing, it isn't the same thing, and an international court would not view it as the same thing.
I think that tony blair should resign before some one takes him out.

I know that so many PM's have Promised and never deliverd, but not many have made us worse of than we were before.

Lets start with his pet, the Education system??? what has happened there? we were promised more money there, and what happened? the money will never came to light.

NHS:??? LOL thats just a joke, i mean better health care?? more money??? more beds???

WTF? what we actualy have is Hospital closers, so that means less beds and long, long, long, long, waiting lists, people are dieing while waiting to see someone at the hospital.

so lets see what else has happened? before i go any further, i wish to state the simple fact that i am not racest. i do not have anything against forign people coming here, and working, thats fine by me, they want to send the money home to their familys and make them have a better life, i admire that.

BUT WHAT I HATE: The slimey little A**H**ES who come over here and take the £1*** hand out for inital living costs and to let them get a car and stuff, then the **** of for a week or so and come back and get the same hand out???? The people that WE as tax payers pay our taxes to pay for them to sit in a house in OUR countary and do nothing! THESE PEOPLE who think "Oh they pay us to do nothing"

Now take into account, the more people, who come here, means there is more to support, and then that puts our taxes up because Tony Blair wants them to make them selfs at home, and they do, they rob from the local supermarket, im not saying that out locals dont do it, but the forigners do it more so, and the amout of Rapes, murders, muggings and thefts that have been commited since Tony Blair Opened the flood gates and let them all in, has caused more harm that good.

The Queen has the power to desolve parliment and re implement elections. with a new govenment, being a the way i am, i feel this would be the best action.

PS am i the only one who thinks that the elections were fixed am i?
Pandorasghost said:
BUT WHAT I HATE: The slimey little A**H**ES who come over here and take the £1*** hand out for inital living costs and to let them get a car and stuff, then the **** of for a week or so and come back and get the same hand out???? The people that WE as tax payers pay our taxes to pay for them to sit in a house in OUR countary and do nothing! THESE PEOPLE who think "Oh they pay us to do nothing"?

How can you type a paragraph like that and then look down on the current education system, whilst trying to convince us all that education is now worse than it was before?
Just Read about the WAR crimes thing, i see your point, Tony Blair is not guilty of War crimes, (pitty) but what he is guilty of is an Illigal WAR yes ILLIGAL We had no right to go to war in iraq, because the information was not correct and he did know it. simple, and aside from that, i think after the second world war there was some agreement that has been bypassed so America could get their hands on the Oil, thats all i think this war was about the oil, Saddam Husain was not a good person, we know that, and i think that now he is dead things will be better. But, lets be honest, He had nothing to do with 9.11 did he? nor did he support Terroists.
Pandorasghost said:

Firstly the education system has had huge injections of cash. Both my parents have spent most of their professional lives in education and they both agree that things have never been better. Please explain which areas of education are failing because you seem to know a lot about the subject.

Secondly most of those scroungers who are living off the tax payer are white and british born and bred. All the imigrants that I have ever been in contact with work twice as hard as anyone actually from the UK. This is to the stage where one young Polish girl asked me "Do English people not like to work?" and I think she has a point.

Well there are people saying that exams are getting easer, and maybe thats true, but i do not think that the education system is worse, im just saying what happened to all that money it was promised, simply never got to the education system did it? hence why HE students now have to pay fees??? I mean how many Ministers have a HE Education and never paid a peny for it, and now the rest of us who even tried, have to pay?

We do have the best system, but failures are because things are getting easer, and teachers have no control over disruptive kids.
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