Tony Blair

Pandorasghost there is a corner of GD that VIRII sits in. I think you should go a join him.

Most of the people that come up with the "oh no don't say blackboard" rubbish are once again white and british and assume that ethnic minorities are going to be offended by such comments.

The online system that links every university in this country with it's students is called blackboard. There is no racial motive behind this, I go to uni with plenty of black/asian/purple people and it's never been an issue.

The PC rubbish is an invention of ignorant white people and it gets blown out of proportion by the tabloids and people such as yourself that make a big deal out of it. If you don't let it bother you and ignore it the way that the ethnic minorities it's aimed at "helping" do then it will go away.

*edit* thank you for agreeing with me :p

[TW]Fox said:
[Devils Advocate]

Given that since the dawn of time itself, countries and on a lower level, members of the animal kingdom have fought over essential supplies, trade routes and raw materials, what makes invading Iraq for oil any worse?

Invading a country for its goods is wrong, simple, how can we call our selfs civilised if thats what we do, if we want something, then we should set up a trade for it, not, just simply, well we have the best trainded Armed forces in the world, which we do, and go in there kick his ass, have him hung, ((About damn time)) and take what we want.

I see that it takes time, but we could have instgated a Coup. not gone in full force!
Pandorasghost said:
I see that it takes time, but we could have instgated a Coup. not gone in full force!

The problem with a Coupe de etat is that once it's happened there is no controlling those put in power. At least with our intervention we have been helping the new government take over. If we instigated a coupe and the let them take on the aftermath by themselves I think we wouldn't be worrying about civil war, it would be a civil war.

[TW]Fox said:
Whereas I'm sure you do?

actually, yes - i could do a lot better than him - he is the worse prime minister of my generation - a liar and a criminal, a man of spin rather than substance, a labour politician whose policies resemble fascism more than anything. I haven't agreed with a single policy of his since he was elected, and now the country is far worse off than it was in '97, and will soon be crippled by debt (both personal and governmental)
Panzerbjorn said:
Pandorasghost there is a corner of GD that VIRII sits in. I think you should go a join him.

Most of the people that come up with the "oh no don't say blackboard" rubbish are once again white and british and assume that ethnic minorities are going to be offended by such comments.

The online system that links every university in this country with it's students is called blackboard. There is no racial motive behind this, I go to uni with plenty of black/asian/purple people and it's never been an issue.

The PC rubbish is an invention of ignorant white people and it gets blown out of proportion by the tabloids and people such as yourself that make a big deal out of it. If you don't let it bother you and ignore it the way that the ethnic minorities it's aimed at "helping" do then it will go away.

*edit* thank you for agreeing with me :p


I see your point, and understand it, but how the hell is ignoring some stupic sicofhant and his dumb ideas protecting the integraty of this country, i mean the dumb things that are coming out because of PC soon we will have no room to do anything because its not PC and it might offend someone who has got different coloured skin.

QUOTE/I go to uni with plenty of black/asian/purple people and it's never been an issue.QUOTE//

this is what im saying, they do not take offence.

For example. i went to study and South Sheilds, and when i stayed in the Dorms there the guy who Admins the DORMS said that we cannot fly the Union Jack or the flags or our countys because it may offend the other residents there, who are not from our country?


i mean i walk down my road in the world Cup season and see Portugal Flags flying, why do i care?? i dont take offence? why would he/she care if i fly the St George?
Panzerbjorn said:
The problem with a Coupe de etat is that once it's happened there is no controlling those put in power. At least with our intervention we have been helping the new government take over. If we instigated a coupe and the let them take on the aftermath by themselves I think we wouldn't be worrying about civil war, it would be a civil war.


Yea but there are ways, such as if you instgate one, you can tell who may land up in power, and then because we "did not" have anything to do with it, then when things get hot we can just simply offer our hand in friendship and future relations and say hay we may be able to help,
Seems I agree with you about the PC stuff then, I think I got the wrong end of the stick with you previous post :)

As for the coup, I think we would have to do more than just extend a handshake and some extra trade deals to stabalise the country after the government had changed, I can't see any way other than a peace-keeping force being brought in because of the number of supporters of Saddam and the Iriaqi's inability to organise men and resources.

If im really honest, I don't think a coup would ever have gotten off the ground. The life of fear led under Saddam and the chances of the plot being found out and crushed by his regime of torture would have been enough to put most people off - otherwise they would have done it before we even had the chance. It needed a large scale invasion from a third party, that was well funded and organised, to even have a hope in hell of actually happening, never mind the difficulties they would have faced had it actually been successful.

OK and as mentioned in a pervoius post, i dont disagree with the idea they come here and work, and i do not deny that there are many people who are born here that take from the state rather than work, but thats not the point, i feel in this dept the amreicans have got it right, if they come here they should have a sponsor, someone who says they will look after them if they cannot work. not the state!
No she does have the power, im sure if you knew where to look, then you will find it, but the only way i know is because as dumb as it sounds my mother is a study of history and the royal family, and i do not know anyone else who would know this!
He had the right mindset when he started out, now he is awful.

And while we are at it, get rid of the bloody transport secritary and his Road Charging tosh.
NathanE said:
[Iraq] was one of the primary breeding grounds for terrorists though...
It was? On what do you base this fantasy?

NathanE said:
Immediately after 9/11, America made it perfectly clear that they will hunt down and attack any country that harbours terrorists.
See above. Bush may well have said that the USA was going tol hunt down and attack any country that harbours terrorists. However, other than you, nobody has seriously claimed that there were terrorists in Iraq who posed any sort of threat to the USA before Bush & Bliar invaded it - maybe he was just trying to save Saddam Hussein from these terrorists?

NathanE said:
WMD's [were] another matter. The intelligence turned out to be sour. So what? It's not the first time American intelligence was sourced from a toilet.
So what? The President of America lies about his reason for going to war, in the process causing the death of thousands of his own citizens and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and your only comment is "So what?"

NathanE said:
It's not uncommon for a recently liberated country to take years to settle down. It's good that Iraq has democratic friends now - USA, UK and their immediate neighbours - Kuwait, UAE etc that will help out rebuilding the country as soon as the security situation is resolved.
Kuwait and the UAE are democracies are they? With universal suffrage just like the UK is a democracy, with a monarch who just bestows honours and rubber-stamps the laws proposed by Parliament. Get real!
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