Top 5 Woke Hollywood DISASTERS of 2022

Yes it absolutely can be if the ONLY reason you cast someone Black is because of their skin colour and/or "to represent" for example when either a character is race-swapped (pick one of a hundred examples) or if their particular skin colour doesn't match with the film logic i.e. Black people in Nordic times with Vikings etc.

If you make a film like Black Panther or Woman King or about US slavery then you, as a viewer, can expect to see Black people so it doesn't become a "box ticking exercise" yet if you have a middle ages based drama set in Northern Europe then it is absolute a box ticking exercise to race-swap a White historical figure by casting a Black actor.

You saying "it's not" shows your deliberate unwillingness to acknowledge reality and thats disappointing to see as everyone should be able to acknowledge the truth even if it doesn't help them make their point.
Your bringing up films that haven't even been mentioned in this thread, and quite honestly I don't even know what film you are talking about, rather than the film I was talking about which is Glass Onion.
A slight addition, to your statement. The addition of these "woke" elements is often inserted at the detriment of the character or plot. Women must be better than men in every aspect, most of the time this invovles dumbing the men down to bumbling levels of incompetency other times it involves boosting them women up with knowledge they can't possibly have in universe. Another example is that a women must always be portrayed as right even when they are so blatantly wrong (Admiral Holdo says "hi").

Since she hulk is the topic of discussion, there is a bit were she tells hulk how she is better at managing her anger and how much harder her life is because she is a women. All while ignoring everything that hulk has been through both in the MCU and the comics, which she would know about being family and all. Maybe intentional but it is kind of ironic she gets angry just explaining all of that,

You then throw in writers who seem to fail upwards and things don't look so good.

Did you miss the bit when Hulk shows he is massively stronger than her? Why is that ok but Jen managing her emotions better than him is not?
Did you actually read what I said or did you just jump in with the first thing that came to mind without actually understanding the post you are replying to?
You said woke shows have women as better than men in every aspect. I gave you an aspect where Bruce is much better than Jen. He's also far smarter than her. So we've successfully proved it's not woke then?
I meant including Thor, which was absolutely **** but made billions of dollars.

And Rings of Power, which was a big success

No it wasn't, it weas a critical flop with poor viewing figures, even amazon kept quiet about them. It went up against HoD and got smashed to pieces both critically and in terms of veiwership. If RoP was such a success how come the showrunners etc were on the defensive about it from the outset? and saying things will will be better in S2 becausee we've got all female directors?

Lord of the Rings was not very good because they didn't secure the rights they needed for the prequel
She Hulk was rubbish because it was a rubbish story and characters
THOR was rubbish because it didn't take it self very seriously and just went for jokes every time and made the protagonist into a joke
Willow was rubbish because it was a rubbish story and characters, and even the main character did a terrible job of reading his lines
I didn't watch the other thing in your list
Obi wan had a sidetracked story line with not great characters (instead of the good main ones) and over (and poor imho) use of the volume
Boba Fett also poor use of the volume and not a great story line or character use

These things are not good for lots of reasons
The woke clickbait title is neither here or there

Yeah but as usual they're all woke as well as ****, it's almost as if there's a common denominator hidden in somewhere in garbage modern entertainment? if only someone could find it...

Oh they already have...

Anything where the childish fanclub get ridiculously over excited is apparently a disaster. To me, it's a huge success. Now we know who these morons are and we can hit every single one of them with the all powerful "BLOCK" button.
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Strange world got basically zero advertising, it seemed like the first anyone knew about it was about 2 weeks before release, normally with a Disney film you get months of lead up to the release and a huge advertising push so it's probably not surprising it didn't do well given it's advertising budget seemed less than many indie films.

Re She Hulk, apparently it was really close to a lot of the comics in it's content - as one of the main comic writers for it pointed out in the comics she partied so hard she was causing structural damage to the Avengers tower and IIRC there was a comic where she was using a skipping rope wearing a bikini, so her twerking in the office for example was completely in character for her.
I usually don't like him as an actor, and have never found him funny.

But he was fine in Lord of the Rings

He was awful, as was the entirety of the fake-Hobbit "arc" - what an absolute travesty that was...I know let's turn the Hobbits everyone loves into scruffy toe-rags with sociopathic tendencies and then have them trek unconvincingly around the coutryside to no effect whatsoever for an entire series...they'll love that...

I thought Strange World was fine. So was Buzz Lightyear. was the entirety of the fake-Hobbit "arc" - what an absolute travesty that was...
I must confess I couldn't watch the final film in that series. I mean it just wandered too far from the books for me. I guess it might have been OK for people who didn't read the book.

The Rings of Power, well, I never read the Silmarillion so it seemed OK. The series was a bit dull but I got through it.

Willow. Well, not bad but the crass acting from some people really made me lose interest.
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I thought Strange World was fine. So was Buzz Lightyear.

I must confess I couldn't watch the final film in that series. I mean it just wandered too far from the books for me. I guess it might have been OK for people who didn't read the book.

The Rings of Power, well, I never read the Silmarillion so it seemed OK. The series was a bit dull but I got through it.

The Hobbit Triolgy wasn't very good but it ***** all over amazon's garbage. There's no Tolkien in amazon's show, so although The Hobbit Trilogy may have strayed too far from the source material for some, it's still recognizably Tolkien. RoP could have been any generic Fantasy show ever made.

The series was a bit dull but I got through it.

I think that says it all.
You said woke shows have women as better than men in every aspect. I gave you an aspect where Bruce is much better than Jen. He's also far smarter than her. So we've successfully proved it's not woke then?
So you are pretending to intiate a conversation about whether or not She hulk is woke, but are leading with a disingenuous point. Yeah, i've seen how this usually goes.
Someone should have got you dictionary for Christmas, because you clearly don't know what "back pedalling" means.

And this is the way every argument with a sleepy person goes. They make a silly claim, you call them out on it and then they start making excuses and doing anything other than actually debating it. Thanks for providing a textbook example :D
Refuse to believe anyone can defend she hulk. Although I wouldn’t care if thanos himself deleted the whole marvel universe. Absolutely destroyed cinema the last 5-8 years.
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