Top Gear Is Back!!

Needs less crap and more car stuff imo :(

Gibbo said:
Also those two guys who did all that running, are they human, very impressive guys. :)

Indeed they were crazy, how they weren't breaking ankles I dunno! :p
car stuff on motor shows is usually boring, due to the fact your hardly likley to buy any cars which are showen. There for comedy and sports cars is what needed..
They got it spot on this week, a good combination of funny stuff with some proper 'normal' cars (and managed to fit a new Lambo in too!) :)
The sound of the Lambo's V10 is absolutely fantastic, what a beast. The acrobatic guys have a phenomenal amount of stamina to dive across an urban landscape like that, but it looks such a cool pastime. A 207 HDi doesn't...really cost fifteen grand does it? :eek:

I think Top Gear's content balance is spot on. Always plenty of humour but has features with enough of a thread to keep you interested. Just hope the producers can keep the show alive with ideas.
Slightly disappointed with the Caterham part, only because in the magazine it said it was those 3 vs their wives/girlfriends building the same car, which would've been more interesting!

Otherwise was great once again.
Good episode this week, got the balance between the cars and comedy just right. I see that JC's GT40 is maintaining it's reliability record :p
Shame about thge Liverpool scene, as they were talking about Bond havign continuity errors :/

they were going past the queen's square then next thing where by moorfields, then at the Liverpool shop... all over the place
I really enjoy top gear, but recently i feel the comedy is getting abit too,daft? I dont know really =/

Still, funny how stressed clarkson got at the end :D
TripleT said:
Needs less crap and more car stuff imo :(

Indeed they were crazy, how they weren't breaking ankles I dunno! :p

I have a friend who is like that, bloody amazing to watch IRL, a lot more impressive than watching it on TV.

I think this week was spot on, but the Caterham can not be built from scratch in 24 man hours. Notice how they didn't show an electrics being done?
Clarkson is starting to believe his own press too much.

Anyway, you probably could - the wiring's a not-so complex loom provided with the kit and if there's 3 of you (and helpers) and you've got everything, I don't see any reason why you couldn't do it.

You have to remember none of it's real though, so it's rather irrelevant anyway :)
For anyone interested..

Parkour is the discipline/sport whatever that those two blokes practise.. very very skillful indeed..

They need more cars, and less made up crap... it's all getting a bit WWF wrestling... especially when "Oops.. JC's bolted the seat in facing the wrong way..", and christ they let the Zafira beat the S-Max on track.. just ludicrous ;)
Parkour is ace :) though not exactly the best feature to show off what it's all about really.

I though tonights episode was great, but I'm getting the feeling they're actually being forced / asked to do more reviews on more realistic cars, but I dunno, reasonably informative anyway. Not going to stop me from watching :)
Trick said:
That must have been a fix, I can't believe they built it from scratch in a day. Loads must have been already done, like the wiring/electrics etc.

Caterham aren't a "true" kitcar - in that when you buy the bits, the chassis comes ready panelled, dashboard installed, wiring loom in place, brake lines installed, diff already bolted in.... Those are the things that take months to do for a real scratch build.

All that you have to do it bolt the suspension together, fit the engine in a plumb it up, and essentially connect all the bits together. Most people who buy a kit form Caterham seem to have it on the road within a weekend or two, as opposed to the 6 months to a year it takes to put together a Westie or Tiger...

Cheats to be honest!
You don't really think those two guys were jumping from those hights and landing on their feet without breaking ankles and legs do you guys? Some of those camera shots where they are jumping and rolling are very high for me to accept. Much like TG these days all set for comedy but still funny.

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