Top Ten Comedy Films.

I cannot believe no-one has mentioned Withnail & I :eek:
Now THATS a comedy classic, miles better than a lot of tripe mentioned here :p

*edit* just noticed it was mentioned a few posts up :p But still i'm surprised more people haven't mentioned it
M0t0r0la said:
I cannot believe no-one has mentioned Withnail & I :eek:
Now THATS a comedy classic, miles better than a lot of tripe mentioned here :p

*edit* just noticed it was mentioned a few posts up :p But still i'm surprised more people haven't mentioned it

Yep, that is a very good one.
Andybtsn said:
Drowning your sorrows more like ;)

Haven't seen you in Sports Section for a while :D

Believe it or not I've spent the last hour doing weights/browsing OCUK. The latter being where I take a break between sets :o

So I make up for it :D

/cracks open a beer and an easter egg
True. I could watch a DVD but I feel like a bit of Test Drive Unlimited tbh.

My mate dropped in at 10 on Friday night and we were still sitting here playing it at 3am :eek: Having a paintball meet up at 8am the next morning didn't help either :D
Hot Fuzz is brilliant.

I also like anything with Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller (Zoolander being my favorite).

So many good films, I'll just name a few more

Jonny English, Me Myself and Irene, the American Pies, Road Trip etc etc etc.

All brilliant movies, enjoy!
Fubar said:
Also, don't forget Ace Ventura :D
This man, he speaks the truth. I can't believe I forgot that, possibly the most I've ever laughed in one film.

Just remembered Dodgeball, a brilliant laugh.
Vixen said:
Anything with Adam Sandler, apart from Click, which was a huge let down.
I watched that today and I thought it was brilliant, head and shoulders better than I was thinking.

It's a mile better than his other latest stuff, notably punch drunk love and spanglish.

I thought he was superb in Click, I really did.
fen739 said:
I also like anything with Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller (Zoolander being my favorite).
That was on tonight, I enjoyed it again, still funny.

Hansel: Well, I guess you can Dere-lick my balls.
Derek: I can Dere-lick my own balls, thank you very much.
Matilda: What time is it?
Derek Zoolander: Almost five.
Matilda: What? Hey, guys, that show is in three hours. Derek is dead unless we get that evidence. Do you guys--
Hansel: Whoa, whoa, easy! How 'bout a "Good afternoon, Derek and Hansel. Thanks for the freak-fest last night."
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