Top Ten Comedy Films.

40 Year old Virgin
Weird Science
Super Troopers
Three to tango
Office Space
American Pie 1 & 2
Scary Movie
Grandma's Boy
The Girl Next door
Spinal Tap is brilliant, it seems to get funnier with every viewing.

Also, you can't go far wrong with some old Mel Brooks stuff. Get The Producers ad Young Frankenstein. Spaceballs too if you like Star Wars otherwise you won't get all of the references.

Whilst I'm thinking about it, Police Squad has just come out on DVD. It's the TV series that the Naked Gun films were drawn from. Absolutely hilarious.
jellybeard999 said:
OMG i just thought...


IMO this is a masterpiece. Wasn't that interested first time round, but a few rewatches and it is actually a brilliant film. Emminently quotable, and very funny.
Definately! The first time I watched it I was a bit unsure, but the more you watch it the funnier it gets. I must have seen it 15 times by now :D
South Park the movie
Jackass the movie ( Literally, i've never laughed as hard )
Happy Gilmore

Anything that's not remotely American Pie'esque, about as funny as a swift kick in the nads.
The man with two brains
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The Jerk
Dead Men don't wear Plaid
Groundhog Day
The Princess Bride
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure
Monty Python And The Holy Grail
Life Of Brian
Kind Hearts and Coronets
The Great Outdoors

OK thats more than 10 but I just went through all the ones that immediately came to mind. No doubt I will have missed off some classics.
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Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood.

If you've seen the hood films its based on is a funny film. Its not a film you can watch again though.
Every person looking for comedy and laughs should have atleast these in their list in no particular order:

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells
Mean Machine
Kung Fu Hustle
Shaun of the Dead (Yes, it's funny)
Austin Powers: ALL OF THEM!
Happy Gilmore
Mrs Doubtfire

I'll probably get flamed, however, i'm made of water so go ahead! :p
Blues Brothers
School for Scoundrels
Princess Bride
Office Space
Split Second (not strictly a comedy but Rutger Haur's charecter is hilarious)
Tank Girl
Armour of God
Kungfu Hustle
Monte-Carlo or Bust
Kind Hearts and Coronets

Old school lampoon types that they don't seem to make any more:

Naked Gun Series
National Lampoon: Loaded Weapon
Top Secret
Robin Hood: Men in Tights

They just don't seem to be able to make them like these any more.

I saw Date Movie, which seems to try and emulate it, but it is so contrived and crap by comparison.

Loaded Weapon is still my favourite comedy ever :D
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