Top Ten Comedy Films.

OMG i just thought...


IMO this is a masterpiece. Wasn't that interested first time round, but a few rewatches and it is actually a brilliant film. Emminently quotable, and very funny.
dgmug said:
Reason i said not shaun of the dead as it isnt funny for 1 second of the entire film as i hate the main bloke dunno who he is.Hot fuzz thats got in him as well no no pls dont temp me .Please put some actually funny films down like Anchorman which is awesome .

Not Simon Pegg surely??

I had a pint with him in our local a while back, top bloke!
The petrol fight, one of the funniest scenes ever!

Derek: "What's this, a model for ants, it needs to be AT LEAST 3 TIMES THE SIZE!"
Pretty darn good :D
NokkonWud said:
I watched that today and I thought it was brilliant, head and shoulders better than I was thinking.

It's a mile better than his other latest stuff, notably punch drunk love and spanglish.

I thought he was superb in Click, I really did.

i thought click was a good film aswell, wasnt really what i was expecting either

team america world police is probably my fav comedy film. it does seem a bit overdone in parts but the bit where hes puking after leaving the pub always makes me cry(in the im laughing too hard way)
Eddie Murphy - Delerious
Eddie Murphy - Raw :D has me in tears everytime
Beverly Hills Cop 1 & 2

The guy is a legend.... or was until now where he does craoppy kids flicks
Still not seen anything that makes me laugh more than Laurel and Hardy,especially when watching with my Bro',we have a similar sense of humour and both laugh uncontrollably at the really daft bits,the more he laughs,the more I laugh and vice versa.Classic! :D
smit101 said:
Still not seen anything that makes me laugh more than Laurel and Hardy,especially when watching with my Bro',we have a similar sense of humour and both laugh uncontrollably at the really daft bits,the more he laughs,the more I laugh and vice versa.Classic! :D
hehe, I laughed just reading that :D

Non-movie laughter, that TV show on a Saturday afternoon, Just for Laughs, has me in stitches every time I see it, even though it's totally lame :D
Airplane I & II
Life of Brian & Holy Grail
Blazing Saddles & Young Frankenstein
South Park
This is Spinal Tap, Best in Show & A Mighty Wind
Stir Crazy
The man with two brains

Sorry, that's more than ten isn't it?
DezUk said:
...Eddie Murphy - Raw :D has me in tears everytime..

The guy is a legend.... or was until now where he does craoppy kids flicks

I saw Raw! for the first time on ITV4 the other night with a couple of mates, never really rated the bloke but his stand up is/was fantastic, solid 2 hours of laughter. :D :D
HamZilla said:
Weekend At Bernie's

haha fantastic film!!

jellybeard999 said:
OMG i just thought...


IMO this is a masterpiece. Wasn't that interested first time round, but a few rewatches and it is actually a brilliant film. Emminently quotable, and very funny.

Huntin Wolveriiiiiiiineees!

Frickin' 12 gauge!

legend! i have the vote for pedro tee aswell :)
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