Total biscuit has cancer :( (RIP)

***** taking away vital resources from this brutal virus.

Please tell me you are either drinking or joking. Most Secondary school kids I know at least understand the basics of it - and understand it's something completely different from a virus.

And I really don't understand what he means by "Full blown cancer" - In most cases, you either have a positive result or a negative result. You don't get a diagnosis of "Yes, you might just have half a cancer" etc etc. You are sent for tests after getting worried about something or your GP getting suspicious and then you are told you either have cancer or are clear by a specialist. There's no in between. And why is he not revealing the cancer type..... after all, if he has loads of fans (friends) and in some way cares about them - surely he should be up front and honest about the outlook and the type he has. In the tweets he says "Get it checked" - Get what checked exactly ???
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Is this the guy with the really obnoxious and god damn annoying voice?

the WTF videos on youtube? Can't access streaming sites at work but if its him .... well, I can't stand him just for the way he sounds.

Not nice for anyone, but going to sound harsh, not someone I know or care about so I don't really care.
Is this the guy with the really obnoxious and god damn annoying voice?

the WTF videos on youtube? Can't access streaming sites at work but if its him .... well, I can't stand him just for the way he sounds.

Not nice for anyone, but going to sound harsh, not someone I know or care about so I don't really care.

You care enough to post about you not caring though.
I've just seen that 2011 tweet he aimed at another user, stating, "get cancer and die". How apt. I didn't pay much attention to the guy either way but i've always been interested to see such a statement circle back on the individual who made it.
comes across as an arrogant opinionated **** who can't take criticism at all to the point he turned off comments.

You completely misunderstood why he turned comments off, and he wasn't the only youtuber to do it.

I hope the best for him.
as much as i dislike him... i dont think anyone deserves the big C.

hopefully he will fight it off then be able to use it to his benifit (new viewers etc)... hopefully every cloud has a silver lining etc...
Edit - wrong cancer, didn't realise he was pooing it not peeing it. Bad news for someone so young; usually takes years and years to form after either an earlier cancer, a metastasising cancer, or some pretty crap diets (junk, drugs, alcohol etc).
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