Total biscuit has cancer :( (RIP)

From his vlog it does sound like they might have got it in time and good news to hear there is no sign of it spreading.
I honestly thought he was a lot older than he is, I'd of said late 30's! I saw him in person at an iseries probably 2/3 years ago now and he looked easily mid-30's!

Any who I digress, hoping he makes a full recovery and that if anything it will raise awareness to others to get themselves checked earlier than he did.
Subscriber and fan here, wish him all the best.

And re: criticism - there's criticism and then there's the youtube comments section. Two totally different things.
If I remember rightly, he disabled youtube comments after googletube changed their policies and people started spamming comments sections with seventeen million tonnes of trash.

And while I may not agree with a lot of his personal opinions about things, I often find that his game reviews are pretty accurate.

Not to mention, I find it quite funny when his wife interferes, she's rather amusing..

Hope that he is able to beat the cancer, a little worrying that they seemed to have missed the more serious problem the first time around, but these things happen.
From his vlog it does sound like they might have got it in time and good news to hear there is no sign of it spreading.

Luckily, despite him being a complete idiot about it.

It honestly shocks me how people will find something wrong with them, and leave it and think it'll just get better, if you're bleeding out of your ass then you go and get checked, you don't leave it months and hope it goes away.
comes across as an arrogant opinionated **** who can't take criticism at all to the point he turned off comments.

some one has no clue :rolleyes: , i like him but can understand why people find him arrogant ;)
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don't really like many of his video's but the ones i do love are his WTF vids always watch them before buying a game.hope he makes a full recovery
Please tell me you are either drinking or joking. Most Secondary school kids I know at least understand the basics of it - and understand it's something completely different from a virus.

And I really don't understand what he means by "Full blown cancer" - In most cases, you either have a positive result or a negative result. You don't get a diagnosis of "Yes, you might just have half a cancer" etc etc. You are sent for tests after getting worried about something or your GP getting suspicious and then you are told you either have cancer or are clear by a specialist. There's no in between. And why is he not revealing the cancer type..... after all, if he has loads of fans (friends) and in some way cares about them - surely he should be up front and honest about the outlook and the type he has. In the tweets he says "Get it checked" - Get what checked exactly ???

He made a video about this saying that he had gone to the doctor as he was having some health problems and that they had ran tests as they initially thought it was Crohn's Disease, but found a lump after further tests and didn't know if it was cancerous or not yet.

The post on Twitter was just to confirm that it was indeed cancerous.

I think this is the video he spoke about it in, but I'm not certain:
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