Total War:Atilla

16 Jan 2006
Still to dip my toes into Total War properly after helping my Dad get Napoleon working.

This doesn;t look very interesting to me though.
16 May 2011
The setting does nothing for me I'm affraid, and the game comes across as an expansion pack similiar to Fall of the Samurai etc did.

Im sorry to say but this is the first Total War release im probably going to skip, my money is waiting on their upcoming Warhammer title.
I have to agree, I had to look up Attila and what time period it was set in cause I know nothing about it. Would have much preferred a new Medieval game :D The wait goes on...

I'll pick it up when it goes cheaper.
20 May 2007
I would have bought this but after the absolute shambles that was Rome 2 I won't be buying another full price Total War game for some time.
28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Wait until reviews come out that are not early (Metacritic user score) because CA trade early reviews for false high scores. Rome II is the most dumbed down title yet and i have played them since Shogun I. Anyone remember how shields used to work?

Empire was poo, 5 mins played and had a full refund. I skipped Rome II and i will not be paying full price for this either. It is a different team anyways most of the talented people left or moved. The new team is full of women and amatuers just look at the state of the Rome II UI. Do not even get me started on Craig and Will either. Everything is being consolized and being made into a parody. Oh look flaming things! POWWWW, BAMMM, Men flying through the air. It seems Gamespot gave it a 7/10 which translates as good which really means pretty poor. The UI looks dreadful which five year old is doing the unit cards? Look at the state of the grey mess called the UI.
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15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
It is just pre-loading for me now after getting my keys, for just under £17 I caved and bought it.
I thought that I might have held out after doing the same for Rome II, even though it turned out ok towards the end it was still a very poor launch - even by their standard.
I'm not even sure if I'll like the time period etc, I shall see.

Still I'm having great fun with Dying Light and I have high hopes for Cities Skylines so I'll have something to play.

I just hope that they do not give Angry Joe another excuse to rip them a new one.

I've not bothered too much about the reviews - I seem to remember that most of them were full of praise for Rome II when that was reviewed.
15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
Where did you get it from? I'm leaning toward buying it. After all, I do seem to be the only person who finds the time period interesting.

I got it from....

use their like Facebook thing to get 5% off - you can use any email address when validating the voucher as it seems to auto generate a working 5% code.

At least, for me, the game isn't set in the same period etc as the Shogun ones, I could not enjoy those.
22 Oct 2004
Wait until reviews come out that are not early (Metacritic user score) because CA trade early reviews for false high scores. Rome II is the most dumbed down title yet and i have played them since Shogun I. Anyone remember how shields used to work?

Empire was poo, 5 mins played and had a full refund. I skipped Rome II and i will not be paying full price for this either. It is a different team anyways most of the talented people left or moved. The new team is full of women and amatuers just look at the state of the Rome II UI. Do not even get me started on Craig and Will either. Everything is being consolized and being made into a parody. Oh look flaming things! POWWWW, BAMMM, Men flying through the air. It seems Gamespot gave it a 7/10 which translates as good which really means pretty poor. The UI looks dreadful which five year old is doing the unit cards? Look at the state of the grey mess called the UI.

Don't go to metacritic and big gaming site reviewers for reviews for a start.
You sound like a big Total war fan (like me) so you should know its about the mods:)
If Empire wasn't buggy I still wouldn't play it much as I have no interest in the time period. I even played it with darthmod (excellent mod) but I couldn't get into it.
Rome 2 I bought on release and with mods is pretty good. Its no medieval 2 (best in series) but its still huge armies killing each other:)
I agree with you on the videos of the two chaps messing about that's annoying. The ui apart from the unit cards aint that bad.
22 Oct 2004
Theres a few youtube reviewers that get a lot of respect from the Total war community due to there unbiased and honest videos that's worth subscribing to like:
sun jetzu

Heres a really good review from sun jetzu that mentions the good the bad and the ugly.

Heres another video he does that he thinks 5 features attilla done better than rome 2:

Heres a Hun playthrough video made by lionheart
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15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
I remember asking lionheartx10 as to why his "Meet the Modders" video of last years summit wasn't ever expanded on. He told me that he could not get approval to release it. A pity as I would have liked to have put voices and faces to the people provide many of the mods etc as well as the developers talk and chat.

I have noted that
"DarrenTotalWar" has joined the CA community team.

The sun jetzu video seems promising, thanks for posting those :)

22 Oct 2004
Just about to give R2TW another shot since release. Can anyone recommend some mods for this?

Brace yourself:D These mods make the game more realistic, and a funner experience, all on steam workshop:

Radious Total War Mod
Champloos Gold Unit Compilation
Traits,Talents and toadies: Character Overhaul
Agent cards redone
Four Turns Per Year Mod
Improved Event Pictures
GemFX-Graphics Enhancement mod
Better blood textures for blood and gore dlc
special effects enhancement mod
Rome total war music
Spartan total reskin mod
15 Feb 2011
Just about to give R2TW another shot since release. Can anyone recommend some mods for this?
Deus ex imperita is a total overhaul and very good but completely changed the dynamics. Give it a vanilla run through, then if you want a hugely expanded camp map and much slower battles give deus ex a go.

Attila play through are good but its a pretty old version they are playing so I'd focus on the dynamic changes of the game more than bug finding so far.

Also.. All tw games have a expansion. This is just a continuation of the theme. The last Rome game had barbarian invasion... Which was the same time period and theme as Attila.

Rome II is the most dumbed down title yet and i have played them since Shogun I. Anyone remember how shields used to work?
I remember flaming pigs and ninjas, I remember men flying through the air in RTW, I remember shields not working on hills, I remember the load bug where when you loaded the game all AI sieges got removed, I remember Activisions 3 patch policy. And those are just the main bugs/problems I remember from the early games which are over 10 years ago.
And you havent played them since shogun 1 if you didnt even get past ETW's intro, didnt buy R2TW etc. You do realise from what you've said you are criticising games you haven't played for 6 years? (ETW's release) But if you did in fact buy S2TW and enjoyed it, that game was made by the same "girls and amateurs" that you are criticising now (also a hilarious complaint...have you tweeted #gamergate in the past? :p)

The UI looks dreadful which five year old is doing the unit cards? Look at the state of the grey mess called the UI.
They are the peasants. they are all dull coloured as they always have been. If you look at screenshots for proper units they have colour. as for the UI, the overall theme for attila is a "darkening of the sky" so things are darker and moodier than R2TW for example.
But if you dont like the unit cards, just get a mod that changes them. Thats the entire joy of the TW series and what gives them longevity. modding. (which has got considerably better since the earlier titles) Do I have to remind you of the early TW's cards?
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