even if it means we need to condemn and replace other buildings
piers morgan ripping into the director of the company who refurbed the tower on itv right now
SourceJeremy Corbyn tried to pass through a law that would required private landlords to make their homes safe and “fit for human habitation” last year – but it was rejected by the Conservatives.
Labour proposed an amendment to the Government’s new Housing and Planning Bill – a raft of new laws aimed at reforming housing law – in January last year, but it was rejected by 312 votes to 219.
According to Parliament’s register of interests, 72 of the MPs who voted against the amendment were themselves landlords who derive an income from a property.
I doubt these new laws would have effected this tragedy but the utter greed and self-serving from some troy MP's is disgusting
Corbyn tried to pass law to make homes safe last year – the Conservatives rejected it
Pretty harrowing description from a firefighter on LBC now.
I doubt these new laws would have effected this tragedy but the utter greed and self-serving from some troy MP's is disgusting
Corbyn tried to pass law to make homes safe last year – the Conservatives rejected it
Part of me is wondering if there might be a better way to co-ordinate donation efforts, many people were getting messy information from Twitter.
That final part about 72 of them being landlords themselves.....why are they allowed to vote on such things? It's situations like that wher eI think these politicians should have no affiliations on anything.
Believe QPR (pretty sure I saw this earlier) have reached out to co-ordinate a relief effort at their stadium.
Fulham FC also.
Believe QPR have reached out to co-ordinate a relief effort at their stadium.
Indeed. An earlier video instantly brought back memories of watching 9/11 live and the spectacle, the utterly incomprehensible spectacle of watching people who had jumped from the towers to escape the inferno ...I've had to stop reading about it at work. The fact it involves families... I'm lost for words.
On the way to work, I was reading more and more about what was going on and though 'sod it', and went to buy stuff to donate to centres. Walking up in person, the apartment block looks just awful. I didn't want to take a photo or even stare at it too long, its just morbid.
Anyway, the first centre couldn't accept any more donations so walked to another one. Good to see it was filling up with things for those in need.
Part of me is wondering if there might be a better way to co-ordinate donation efforts, many people were getting messy information from Twitter.
Indeed. An earlier video instantly brought back memories of watching 9/11 live and the spectacle, the utterly incomprehensible spectacle of watching people who had jumped from the towers to escape the inferno ...
The firefighter on LBC then associating scenes of entering and climbing the stairwells to what was witnessed by firefighters in the WTC on 9/11.
Very harcore and very distressing.
what did you tell work?
it saddens me that i suspect your answer was you called in sick rather than tell them you had a conscience
As distressing as 9/11 was, and the parallels are obvious, I couldn't think of anything worse than being stuck in a burning high-rise with my children knowing there's no way out.