Tower block fire - london

I think that a police caution and a fine would be apt. Similar level of punishment that to unruly neighbours caught playing loud music in their garden after 11PM. The effigy burners do seem to fit the Tory bill though:

White? Check.
Male? Check.
Middle aged? Check.
Nationalists / voted Leave? Check
Rich? Probably.
Fox hunters? Probably.
The BBC on the 6pm news definitely pushed the nuclear trigger, interview with Glenfell resident, filming outside house etc. ... they want redmption after Sir Cliff ?
The BBC on the 6pm news definitely pushed the nuclear trigger, interview with Glenfell resident, filming outside house etc. ... they want redmption after Sir Cliff ?

Looked like they even had a choppa/drone up in the air with aerial shots of the burnt grass where this heinous act took place :rolleyes:.
No it doesn't. Offences committed on a private residence where a person "had no reason to believe" it would be "heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling" are protected from prosecution under the act.

Indeed. I also wouldn't class someone's WhatsApp group as public communication. However, this has hit the public eye and the media have whipped people up into a mob. So I could well see pressure on to convict them of something.
No it doesn't. Offences committed on a private residence where a person "had no reason to believe" it would be "heard or seen by a person outside that or any other dwelling" are protected from prosecution under the act.

Someone had a camera and posted it on Twitter. Even if it's second hand.

Everyone has a camera.


(2)An offence under this section may be committed in a public or a private place, except that no offence is committed where the words or behaviour are used, or the writing, sign or other visible representation is distributed or displayed, by a person inside a dwelling and the other person is also inside that or another dwelling.

I see no caveat.

And even if there is... The caveat is out of date. The caveat is supposed to protect people from putting whatever they like on their own walls for their own viewing in their own homes. That's the spirit of the law. Not to protect people from allowing the production of videos in their homes and displaying (or consenting therefore of the content) them on a public forum. In what is a public place.

The person that first published it, unless they've done so in a spirit of expose of the crime, should therefore be charged at least.

How many people can be seen in the video? If it's 12 or above it's a public place anyway no matter how "private" a residence it is.
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I'm a fire service Watch Commander with 29 years service and whilst myself and my colleagues are utterly disgusted at this, the tragic irony here is that the individuals responsible for this video may well be subject to more punishment (time will tell) than the individuals who's actions or in some cases in-actions directly/indirectly contributed to the actual tower block fire spread.

Think about that just for a minute.
I think that a police caution and a fine would be apt. Similar level of punishment that to unruly neighbours caught playing loud music in their garden after 11PM. The effigy burners do seem to fit the Tory bill though:

White? Check.
Male? Check.
Middle aged? Check.
Nationalists / voted Leave? Check
Rich? Probably.
Fox hunters? Probably.

Can't wait to stereotype young black people based on crimes committed
If nothing else they should have to stand up in front of the Grenfell families and apologise for their "joke".

I'm not saying they should be arrested and charged, but it's pretty vile what they've done and the social outrage should probably be enough.

But in the thread about a Muslim burning poppies, people literally wanted to kill that person.

I'd say I was surprised but GD.
I'm a fire service Watch Commander with 29 years service and whilst myself and my colleagues are utterly disgusted at this, the tragic irony here is that the individuals responsible for this video may well be subject to more punishment (time will tell) than the individuals who's actions or in some cases in-actions directly/indirectly contributed to the actual tower block fire spread.

Think about that just for a minute.

This is hearbreakingly true, but will be different and much easier prosecution.

At least till other numskulls start crowdfunding their defence under the PCGM banner.
The person that first published it, unless they've done so in a spirit of expose of the crime, should therefore be charged at least.
the opinion in the thread concurred with this, but not that there was any wrong doing by the folks who just participated in the event(handed themselves in), as malevolance was saying.
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