Township Tale

We'll see, depends on whether either of the offers we've got on houses is accepted I guess. If neither are, then probably still stressed. Probably still stressed regardless in truth.

Good luck man, hope one of the offers is accepted and on the house you prefer.
we decided to go down the mines with my mining pack and new lantern / torch that i made

thanks Raggs, couldn't have made the mining pack without you, times out so quick, no idea how you managed to make one on your own

we went down via televator, then went down another level, and we killed everything and still couldn't find a way down, apparently mines change every 2 weeks, and thus the way down was solid rock, we spent hours down trying to find it , so we came back with 25 crystal, but got a few more gold and iron though

The torch is isnt too bad, i like the idea of actually holding it in one hand and when you need to you can pop it up and attach it to the stand
it would be better if it was from the back , rather than sides i think
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My mining backpack has the spotlight on, is that what you mean?

I was planning on going with spotlight on the backpack, lantern on the pickaxe. Got 2 pouches on the ore backpack for food, teleport potion and special finds etc. Though as I say, it doesn't look like the light holder takes a slot up?
you made the same one as i did, did you not see it in the corner of the Crafting room ? :cry:

Good thing is, the miners pack can do 4 attachments i think

ive got 2 pouches , 1 hook with lantern on pick axe, the stand for torch is the 4th :)

so its quite good


Mining problems ?

read this, quite interesting on what others have had and how to get to the way down etc

I know that's quest version, but could be still applicable

I couldn't see any cracks in the rocks or walls that were different colours that we might be able to blow up.

The problem with doing a reset is that you wipe the televator too. So we would have to find our way down to level 10 again.
We'll keep searching, it may be that it doesn't always go down at the edge? Might have to take a load of grass and start just lighting up the whole area.
nah, dont reset it via command, well find it / reset after 2 weeks (i hope)

Im going to make a load of those wood steaks for the ground, and put Crystal Shards on the ends to light up a path, so hopefully we don't go around in circles ! lol

link suggests that the "down" could actually be in silly places like half way via the "up" stairs or , half in rock , or look for a small hole to teleport through, or even behind a rock we need to blow up!

its got to be there somewhere or we just hope it changes in a week or 2
nah, dont reset it via command, well find it / reset after 2 weeks (i hope)

Im going to make a load of those wood steaks for the ground, and put Crystal Shards on the ends to light up a path, so hopefully we don't go around in circles ! lol

link suggests that the "down" could actually be in silly places like half way via the "up" stairs or , half in rock , or look for a small hole to teleport through, or even behind a rock we need to blow up!

its got to be there somewhere or we just hope it changes in a week or 2

haha, I was just going to suggest that we build some of those stakes and put torches on them. Put three of them beside each other and they should keep each other lit for ages. The only reason I am suggesting torches on stakes instead of crystals is that the Torches will be much brighter, so we might be able to see what we are looking for. The crystals don't shards don't produce much light unless you are really close to them.
Touches? The one we built for a flash light?

No, he means burning torches, like grass on sticks. If you make 3 stakes, put grass on them, put one in, light it, wait, stick the next one in next to it, so it catches, wait a little while, and put in the third. They should keep re-lighting each other as they go out, so permanent light.
Yeah, just thought that the 2 portions in a gourd make it a better food option than chicken legs for mining.
myself and @melmac
went back to mines with the idea of lighting as we went, as we were doing so we found a rock we thought we could blow up and it BLEW UP!

loads of crystal and down more levels

we came back with loads of crystal shards and ores

now have 248 Crystal Ores !!!

happy days !
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