Toyota Mr2, Part 2 :) on your mark get set....flame!

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Original Thread said:
Oh and to the 15yr old to posted about being more mature. I want you to do your 4 A-levels and 10 GCSE's self taught. Then I want to see 3 B's and a C.
I would also like to see your 9 B's and a A.

Then I would like to see the size of your family. Are you one of 7 seven children being the oldest. Having to look out for them?

So does this mean that he was home schooled and the girl he fancied in 2005 was actually his sister :eek:
jackoh said:
Some say his sister is his mother and he can drive a mk2.5 mr2 on slicks round the 'ring..... all we know is... he's called Tommy_knockers..

brilliant, lmao. :D This guy is really cheering up my day with all his b/s
Tesla said:
Firstly, glad to hear you're OK.

Secondly, your Dad was driving your MR2 with fully comp insurance?

I don't think you can really cuss the landrover owner for a blowout unless his tyres were right down on the limit/wire.

No, but the fact the guy didn't even have insurance dosn't help things
What a div :rolleyes:

Can't wait until he comes back and totally proves us all wrong though....... :eek:

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From reading all the different thing's he's posted. It looks like he's just having a laugh. Notice how he says on the parkers site. 'P.S. The treads on the tires are fine' (or words to that effect) That's obviously a joke refering to his last thread on here. He's just a stupid kid being stupid on the internet. Stupid :/

O yea and he won't post pictures he didn't last time and I doubt he will this time.
Scuzi said:
What rule has he broken? :p

Sidenote : Congrats on donship scuzi, though I still have bad mental images of you with that rotating thinger!

No rules id imagine unfortunately, apart from being a compulsive liar I guess theres nowt you can do!
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