Ok, so what mistakes did you make that you learned from to cause you to go only into trackers. The exploration of that will be useful to all.
That I'm at picking stocks than trackers.
The good decisions I have made were buying in extreme events. (I bought aviva after covid and these are up 70pc ish I think and paying a huge dividend of about 10-12pc (I can't work it out exactly as I have it on 2 platforms and there's more than one buy).
The bad decisions I have made have been gambling on shares in AIM.
Multiple dodgy reporting issues. Where you can tell the market knows something before it's realeased. Not doing this any more.
Buying shares in individual companies because I have been paid and not waiting for good opportunities to get in.
Completely misreading results. I was sure EZJ was going to jump at last results. Results looked great. But the shares absolutely tanked. Still can't quite explain it.
That was the nail in the coffin.
And that the sheer amount of time to do this isn't worth it either.
I know now I'm a "holder" I prefer to hold shares. So trackers are probably even better. As you need to keep up to date with individual companies otherwise.
Overall. It's the AIM stuff that's been worst.
I don't mind persimmon, I caught a falling knife. I don't expect to catch the bottom.
I still have faith in persimmon, easyjet etc. But those AIM gambles? No.
I've been watching some of the active stock threads on Asos for example and it's borderline insanity. It's like kids in a playground.
I've also learnt that motley fool you is only good for doing the opposite of. Not. Sure how that site exists! The advice is worse than neutral overall!