Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

DES is a joke I just do not see why it keeps going up, I'm still holding them so I may dump them soon as I don't think they have much chance of getting the money together for another well

Anticipation of the next drill I think. I only just remembered but DES and Rockhopper do have a production share and DES has got the drill for the next stage apparently.
iii did a condescending video on the whole thing including FOGL and mentioned it

So both their share prices are wavering up for similar reasons I guess, predicting possible future success.
Though I dont know what % that would be to RKH anyway

I think its often the case the share price contains 90 or 100% of the future success even before the actual good news. Shouldnt ever be that way but think it effectively is sometimes

VGM plunged at end week, bought back the bit I sold on its very brief rise. It went up because directors bought shares, which is a rubbish reason imo, I would have traded more had I realised :o
I still think there is money to be made in Barc as this Greek thing should be sorted soon.

xta will start looking good if they fall another 5 percent or more. I think it may be a good long term hold because there is a good chance of a bid towards the end of the year.
XTA yep, I think the Peru election has been a negative for them recently as well as HOC. Possible commie government

I still think there is money to be made in Barc as this Greek thing should be sorted soon.

Its near the bottom of its normal range but Greek thing is only going to end in a mess barring them selling off an island or something.
The ironic thing if they had just admitted failure 18 months ago we could be past this already.
I see any collapse like that as a positive, Im not a bond holder anyhow and the reality isnt going to change by failing to admit greece must spend less which is the current status quo

FPM was a buy yesterday and today I think, unfortunately I already own them so adding to losers only works so well

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Say I wanted to make a small purchase, £50 worth of 1p shares, what would be the easiest and cheapest way to do so?
Tbh I would say don't bother; by the time you've taken into account the broker fee, stamp duty and the spread, you'll need the share to rise probably 25-30% just to break even.

But if you want to do it just find the cheapest broker, I think X-O are one of the cheapest at £5.95 a trade.
Wow, XEL @ 132p.

I never imagined seeing that after all the news and the info on first production.

I'm starting to get the feeling that someone knows something that everyone else doesn't....

I think I'm going to take a punt on adding some more to my ISA and not looking at it for a few years!
Shares certificates into the bottom drawer, to be revisited in 6 months. What a crap couple of months this has been, and looks to continue being.

The greek vote is not lined up for any fixed time today and parliaments can run into evening I guess

CNR to buy at 5.75. If it didnt hold here next is 4.5 area as a ledge

VGM practically halved since I took an interest. I dont think I judged this one that great lol
Just realised I setup an order to buy 88 at this level it should bounce which for this moment is occurring but not sure for how long.
VGM News isnt that terrible, they need to expand this mine (less profit now) if they are right to do this it will double afterwards

Modern Water got a deal, good news for whoever owns it here ?

HER still good?

XEL Im not sure what I decided thats why I try to write things down but 67 would be a full reset of its previous breakout so it is possible. [Todays low is highs of 2008 upto 109p]

Morgan Stanley says North sea oil companies have been oversold
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They should just default now tbh...

Its like we're overlooking the fact at they are a democracy here - if the govt agreeing to this bailout is this unpopular now just wait until they start making even further cuts. things are going to get a lot worse for the Greek people and if the vast majority of the population is calling for them to default and this becomes the main issue at their next election then some party or other is fairly likely to get elected and then do so.

If its was uncertain whether the current govt could get the recent austerity measures required passed then its going to become a lot tougher in future.

Throwing another 100 billion or whatever at them isn't going to help in the long term, its just more money that they will now need to pay back. There is a reasonable chance, depending how the EU plays it, that the debt gets restructured and counts as a technical default anyway.

If they default then they still have the issue of a budget deficit to make up, they'll still need to make cuts, but perhaps not to the extent that they'd have to if they were bailed out. A default is likely going to happen at some point in the next few years anyway, they might as well get it over with now.
I put in a buy order to clear like 2pm today for a tech fund. This kind of fallback is ideal to buy into, in theory!

Might just plunge now I know but buying at the bottom is even more unrealistic, buying after a rise and blip down like today could be seems fair game

Anyhow its cheaper then I previously sold, I think big tech is cheap so see how it goes

Also looking to rebuy agriculture sector if possible

Think I mentioned this before, its possible. Imagine the whole forum owned shares:

5.5 to buy CNR now. Will I be writing 4.5 in 1 month, that be half price of Macquarie investment bank entered at

I bought 2x VGM by accident on the low, its a decent bounce there but I sold some and bought HOIL because I just cant see that as overvalued.
It has more in cash then the entire market cap of the company, 400m might be withheld in a court case but still I dont think their assets are zero worth.
Not seeing the big negative, I just think some big seller is offloading.
Recent low was also a possible step back up, always hard to judge its obviously unpopular
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