Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

It's a real shame about C&WW, but I think the writing was on the wall. Glad I wasn't in them with my personal funds that's for sure.

ORE on the hike again, notching 28% up at the moment. Expect this will drop back to 17-18% by close of trading. Still nice to see though, here's hoping that news on the mine samples is sufficient to drive me and lots of other people back into profit. :)
LLOY finally breaking it's trend and is up 9.32% at the moment on the day, it's holding it's gains well but it's been a painful couple of months and I still have a way to go before break even.
today has been a better day than most recently. some slow creeping by most of my holdings, but still down on what they were a few weeks ago.

OTC is a mess.
WLF has dropped a lot.
MTV, mess.
SXX good recovery going on.
RBS. rofl.
It's a real shame about C&WW, but I think the writing was on the wall. Glad I wasn't in them with my personal funds that's for sure.

Yeah... sigh.

Still, can't win em all, I guess.

On the plus side:
IRV keeps pushing up now it's broken 300 (wish I'd had the courage to buy more than I did at just over 210...)
BLND keeps creeping up
and FGP has finally bounced from its horrible crash a few weeks ago.

But curses to CW. and BP. (bought two batches at 535 and then 570 not long before Deepwater Horizon :()
BP does pay a dividend and they are in the right industry. The world needs oil and it needs BP I guess

I may sell a little at 460 that I got recently lower. Ditto for LLOY at 55.

RE: Wall of text.
I find this quite good, FT mail only very important stuff and its 24/7. Can just read the headline paragraph and still be informed of why its all of a sudden happy happy joy joy on share prices
Breaking News

Papandreou wins second crucial vote
Greece has cleared the way for fresh international financial aid to avert a damaging default after its government won a second, decisive parliamentary vote on implementing sweeping austerity measures.

Greece GDP is smaller then many USA states :o

It's a real shame about C&WW, but I think the writing was on the wall
I Dont see it as that bad just Im already involved elsewhere. Its supposed to feel bad thats why the price is on the rocks.
Is it going to be much worse in future, Im not sure.
Its basically a utility isnt it and with lots of foreign earnings in fast growing countries?
Thats why I like Telefonica, Spanish but really its big on south american growth
VODA is in India but I read its an extremely competitive market, not exactly luxurious either I guess

BARC is lower then its been for about 24 months. Its a major deal to lose 250, vol is not massive but enough to say 180 is possible. I dont think right away, looking at 236 as a bottom which goes back upto 250 to confirm this failure. ex div 10th Aug
I had them sold on yesterdays highs. Now they gone even higher but this breakdown of 250 doesnt bode well for the future is my guess. I still own too much so maybe I can dump the majority around or after ex div

Nobody really likes LLoyds and its 0.7x book value Dec 2010 so the price fits the mood. I'll give it more leeway and Barc less in future
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Barc has been on fire for the last few days 13% up in total from it low point. I just hope it keeps going that way, about 80 % of my portfolio is in Barc.
Sounds a lot, its 1.94% for me

Santander 6.93%
Standard Chartered 2.93%
Lloyds 1.26% (+4% active trades)

I know someone who is 100% in Barc shares and they bought at 70p now its worth more then their house I guess but they wont sell any :o

Barc PE shows as 9 which is probably fair. I dont think they will raise the div anytime soon.

Looking at volume since it went to 235p I think shows its been normal ok but not an especially strong rally
I want it to close next week above 273 to break the idea of a downtrend and also 280p is the lowest price for most of these last two years.
Regaining that ledge would be equivalent to standing back up after being knocked to its lowest weekly close in 26 months

I'd start thinking about selling at 300 depending on how strong it is then.
Long term I'd like and think its possible to double up at around 200p so aiming small till then

Barc has been on fire for the last few days 13% up in total from it low point.
I wrote here about selling at 330 (but held) and it had almost lost a third of that at the bottom. I think its very volatile, hopefully we get a big boost way beyond 13%

52wk Range: 205.63 - 353.50
:confused: I never saw a trade at 205

Just spotted this at the bottom of an email from HMG

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Cable&Wireless Worldwide in partnership with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) On leaving the GSi this email was certified virus free.
Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes.

Bought JII and VGM crashed again, rebought them
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Gave up waiting for SYNC to return to trading..
Feel like I missed the boat by a hares whisker. :mad:

Order in for TSTR on Monday instead
Good few days for XEL. Can't buy on hsbc though.

Anyone used the website/app for trading yet ?
Anyone used the website/app for trading yet ?

Not yet, but they're offering a free trade at the moment which is handy.

Another positive day for ORE with some much healthier volume, CNR middling still. Both desperate for news, praying for some good news as I could really do with clearing my credit card off, booking a holiday and treating the car to a remap. :D
The outlook for the group is very good, with $271.0 million of resources available at 31 May 2011 to complete the drilling and testing of well 14/10-5 and the three further committed wells that will follow it, as well as any additional wells to which the group commits.

With the recent completion of the 3D seismic acquisition, at a total expected cost of $23.3 million ($14.2 million of which was incurred during the year), the only capital expenditure for the rest of the year is expected to relate to the ongoing drilling campaign, which is expected to have a cash requirement in the region of $0.8 million per day.

The time taken to complete the committed wells will depend upon the requirements of each well, but, on a dry hole basis, a pure exploration well is expected to take about four weeks, an appraisal well about five weeks and a tested appraisal well about nine weeks.

The rig contract requires that there are three committed wells in the pipeline and so if Rockhopper wants to drill an additional well beyond the three already committed then it would have to make a commitment to do so by the time that it spuds well 14/10-6.

Activity for the rest of the financial year will focus around the ongoing drilling campaign and researching and considering the financial, regulatory and engineering requirements of a field development.

Following a disappointing result at 14/10/3, and disappointing responses to positive results at 14/10/4 and 14/10/5, I’ve been growing increasingly concerned as to what could trip us up next.

Thankfully we’ve broken the resistance offered by the 20/50/100sma, but the 200ma still stands. But beyond the technical, what about the fundamental analysis? We’ve been banging the fully funded drum for a long time now, and we’re burning cash at a hell of a rate now that we’ve got the rig all to ourselves. The disclosure that we need to have 3 (effectively 4 atm!) drilling slots booked in advance has got me thinking. What if DES/ARG can’t raise the cash to drill themselves? How many drills can we do back to back? How long will our cash last?

The results statement above states that we had $271m/£169m to drill with as at 31/05/11. At a daily cash burn rate of $0.8m/£0.5m, our cash reserves should today sit at ~$241m/£150m.

30/04/12 is 335 days away from 31/05/11. 335*0.8=$268m. $271m-$268m=$3m. So in theory our cash could last until the end of April 2012 if we had the rig every day. Obviously RKH will want to raise funds before the cash runs out altogether, so let’s pick a number like $50m spare before they raise more funds.

29/02/12 is 274 days away from 31/05/11. 274*0.8=$219.2m. $271m-$219.2m=$51.8m. So we can estimate that RKH will raise funds by the end of February 2012 (ie Q1 2012 to tie in with the expected CPR).

Now we’ve already used 37 of those 274 days, so we’ve got 237 days left to run. How many wells can we drill in the 237 days to 29/02/12?

By the guidance offered by PDC in the results statement, an exploration well should take ~28 days, an appraisal well should take ~35 days, and a tested appraisal should be complete in ~63 days. So if we were to drill 4 more appraisals (@bearded types: is this realistic/enough?), and test 2 of them, plus an extra exploration well (Johnson again?), that should take ((1*28)+(2*35)+(2*63))= 224 days.

Then we get a CPR + impartial statement of commerciality, then fund raising/farm-in/takeover bid…

Probably a clear case of tl;dr, but I feel better for putting a little more meat on the bone than “fully funded for 2011”
So, we now know that RKH will be using the next 4 drill slots back to back...

I figure if we take this information, and add the rough timescales it's taken previously to get from Spud RNS > Results RNS > Flow RNS > Back to the next Spud RNS, then we should be able to sketch* a rough timeline of the anticipated newsflow over the next few months...

Day		Date		RNS
Sunday		01/05/2011	14/10/5 Well Spudded
Tuesday		03/05/2011	Spud RNS - 2 Days
Wednesday	01/06/2011	14/10/5 Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Monday		27/06/2011	14/10/5 Flow Test Results - 57 Days from spud
Saturday	09/07/2011	14/10/6 Well Spudded - 4.5k West P50 SL Main + P90 SL Lower - 12 Days from results
Monday		11/07/2011	Spud RNS - 2 Days from spud
Tuesday		09/08/2011	14/10/6 Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Monday		05/09/2011	14/10/6 Flow Test Results - 58 Days from spud
Tuesday		06/09/2011	3D Seismic Update Presentation / AGM
Friday		16/09/2011	Additional Drilling Slot - January 2012 Drill - ARG?  DES?  RKH again?
Saturday	17/09/2011	14/10/7 Well Spudded - 3k North P50 SL Main - 13 Days from results
Monday		19/09/2011	Spud RNS - 2 Days from spud
Tuesday		18/10/2011	14/10/7 Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Friday		28/10/2011	Additional Drilling Slot - March 2012 Drill - ARG?  DES?  RKH again?
Sunday		30/10/2011	14/10/8 Well Spudded - South SL Main P10? - 12 Days from results
Monday		31/10/2011	Spud RNS - 1 Days from spud
Wednesday	30/11/2011	14/10/8 Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Friday		09/12/2011	Additional Drilling Slot - April 2012 Drill - ARG?  DES?  RKH again?
Monday		12/12/2011	14/10/9 Well Spudded - East SL Main P10? - 12 Days from results
Wednesday	12/01/2012	14/10/9 Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Monday		24/01/2012	Exploration Well Spudded - ARG?  DES? RKH again? - 12 Days from results
Wednesday	24/02/2012	Exploration Drill Results - 31 Days from spud
Wednesday	29/02/2012	CPR + Commerciality Statement + Cash position = ~$50m + Fundraising = Take profits
Wednesday	29/02/2012	Find cave to hide in to avoid GF proposal (leap year politics)
Thursday	01/03/2012	Farm-in announcement / Takeover bid = SP rockets.  Kingy bangs head against the wall having taken profits the day before…
Wednesday	07/03/2012	Exploration Well Spudded - ARG?  DES? RKH again? - 12 Days from results

*sketch = impeccably analysed blueprint, should any of this prove remotely accurate... :D:p;)
Because it was mentioned here, got this emailed

Buy Vodafone (VOD) for dividend value at 166.85p

I have in the past bought Vodafone shares at and below 130p. I am recommending again despite the fact that the shares were 166.85p last seen. Clearly, this reflects a number of fundamental considerations including the fact that in the last four years of reported results dividend payouts have grown at an average annual compound rate of 7% despite the competitive and regulated nature of the business. That is an important consideration but not the crucial factor. That is, despite such dividend growth, Vodafone is currently a high yielding share with an historic dividend of 5%. Moreover, it is a share with an attractive 'book to share price' characteristic. In fact the last Vodafone balance sheet to 31st March 2011 shows that attributable assets (including significant goodwill and intangibles) exceed the current market capitalization of the company’s equity by 4%. Furthermore, the company has proved strongly cash generative as well. Last year, Vodafone generated GBP12 billion of operating cash out of a sales revenue figure of GBP45.9 billion giving an operating cash margin of 26%. Operating cash flow also covered the dividend cost 2.7 times. In my opinion, Vodafone is one of those shares whose price makes equities look good value not only in relation to bank account yields but also in relation to UK gilt yields.

What caused me to look at the shares again was the news that the EU commissioner was reported to be producing plans to reduce the famous or infamous roaming charges. I noted that the shares have not gone down on that report and have concluded that it is probably in the price which peaked at 185p. The historic dividend yield of 5% and the strong book to share price relationship should prevent any further significant decline in the share price. So what is estimated for the company's earnings and dividends this year - ending 31 March 2012 - and next? Earnings per share are estimated to be down slightly this year - an estimated 2% decline to a forecast 16.3p. But the dividend is estimated to be increased by 10.4% to 9.8p, putting the shares on a price to earnings rating of 9.8 times for this year and an estimated forward dividend payout at the current price of 5.9%. Next year it is estimated that earnings will grow a bit to a forecast 17.45p (up 7%) with the dividend payout estimated to be increased by a little less than that (at 6%) rising to a dividend payout of 10.4p or 6.2% at the share price of 166.85p. Solid, well supported equity value in my opinion.

Moreover, the company's large trade investment in the US Company Verizon is also looking to become more cash generative as dividends are now at long last expected to be paid. At 166.85p a BUY.

CAD up 25% \o/ then loses 20% of that :o (was on obvious news)
VGM back up even though the PE shows as still quite high, glad to see its still being valued beyond that

Generally markets were in danger of retracting last weeks gains way too easily, that would be a very negative sign. Positive market today good sign for more short term gains, etc

Switched bit of CAD on its surge into HER (instead of HOC or FRES)

Got some CREE, up 5% today. Very iffy what it'll do but nice LED torches cant be denyed :cool: Tech is too cheap though all risk is being underrated generally - 1/3 of market cap is free cash so not too worried

Nice research Kingy. Would consider to get RKH at 200 but really not sure where it goes if there was to be any unexpected gap or bad news in your schedule

Range is range bound, maybe buy on previous lows

Amazing bounce on XEL I missed that. 250 is a reasonable ceiling, would be nice if it could build from 200 properly.
If it broke down would also be nice to add more maybe but Im a bit lost on the correct value or potential.
Its 1/3 of GKP market cap but surely that makes it not so cheap

HOIL recovered some, I guess I could sell a bit at 250
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anyone else holding yell?

they have been on fire, around 100% up in the last 1 or 2 weeks. I still have around 35k worth so it only needs to go up another 100% and I am even lol :)
anyone else holding yell?

they have been on fire, around 100% up in the last 1 or 2 weeks. I still have around 35k worth so it only needs to go up another 100% and I am even lol :)

Yeah no where near as much as you though. Not been following the news though. What's new ?

Yep, on Wednesday, I sold my IRV shares for a 42% profit, off-loaded my millstone-like CW. and CWC shares, and went into VOD for the long-term security and strong divi mostly. Had some worries about their unanswered tax questions, the roaming issue, and their Indian volatility, but figured that as a long-term holding it's a fair price. Short- to medium-term, I guess we'll see some movement on the SP once these issues resolve themselves one way or the other. As this is a long-term hold for me, not sure whether to hope for a drop in SP to top-up, or a surge to give me the satisfaction of a boost to the capital value of my portfolio.

My next lump of investment will also probably be a solid blue-chip high-yielder. Might start a more risky sideline for quicker capital growth once I'm sitting on a slightly larger solid high-yield holding, but I don't really know how comfortable I'll be with that yet.
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