Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

central banks bought 192 tonnes in the first half of this year when in the past they were net sellers. they aren't little people and they don't do these things without a reason.
thats the problem - it wasn't a real boom in the first place. it was a fake one bought with debt.

A bubble. :) Although that is nothing to smile about.

If I remember correctly, China recently bought shed loads of gold recently too? They normally are self-sufficient when it comes to gold so this is out of the ordinary. Something like that anyway.
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so Venezuela are nationalising their Gold mines and clamping down on illegal production. I've held of for too long, but I think some Gold needs buying...

The question is, how the hell do I do it?
the fact is that the value of gold is from perception rather than use.

Dollars are mostly not used. As mentioned, USA does not export enough so the excess dollars (trade deficit) are kept as bonds, the perception is that this is useful money.
If they never actually produce anything enmasse the world wants, why is it useful. Its not, dollar is overvalued.

Where are the past civilisations that valued gold?

Your looking at one. All countries store some gold even Greece and especially USA.
What changed is the direct link of paper to gold, we are basically talking about leverage.
USA has had the same gold reserves for 50 years, what they did was jump up the amount of dollars in circulation.
What this means is an ounce of gold should be about 5000 if it were to be exchanged for gold (officially the rate is still $35 to 1 ounce). The alternative is useful exports maybe but thats not happening

Logic tells me that gold is a false haven, too many little people are involved.

Gold is not that useful but it is unique and comparatively its undervalued

The situation is like an avalanche. You have a lot of potentially liquid debris stored up. What could happen if all those bonds are liquated is a mass of currency floods and pressures the pricing of all assets.
a lot of value will be lost most likely in various ways but out of all them, gold is the most insoluble and easily globally transportable item of wealth

Venezuela are nationalising their Gold mines

Governments arent very innovative on mining so thats a bit of a supply squeeze I think
What do you guys think of Tesco for another long-term jobby?

Not done any recent research but did a bit last year and they seemed to be in a very, very healthy position regarding the future.
What do you guys think of Tesco for another long-term jobby?

Not done any recent research but did a bit last year and they seemed to be in a very, very healthy position regarding the future.

I haven't looked into it much, but I'd say no just from the fact food prices are rising, and they still haven't made money on the US.

once the US investment goes into the black, they will probably be fair game
I haven't looked into it much, but I'd say no just from the fact food prices are rising, and they still haven't made money on the US.

once the US investment goes into the black, they will probably be fair game

They're not just selling food now though, they recently opened Tesco Bank and I believe they're opening Tesco Law services too! :eek: They pretty much do everything, expanding in China too, that's probably a better prospect than the US.
Yep good point, they are innovative. So lateral expansion possible
I own a bit, lots of shares have not bad dividend I seriously cant see the point in cash savings except for essentials & liquidity.

Google Questor and look up whatever big share you like, to see his run down. He is a commodity guy but rates all sorts

There was a bit of a recovery from disaster on the USA open. I want to schedule a few tiny share buys on monday so hopefully new york does not overdo things before then

Silver up 4% and gold seemingly with the momentum of a mack truck

Well.. I've had a major run of bad luck over the last 2 weeks and just logged in to see what's happening on the stock market..

My second biggest holding, Autonomy Corporation appears to have made a little deal.. :eek:

I expect the SP to dip on Monday as people take profits, but this is awesome.
Well.. I've had a major run of bad luck over the last 2 weeks and just logged in to see what's happening on the stock market..

My second biggest holding, Autonomy Corporation appears to have made a little deal.. :eek:

I expect the SP to dip on Monday as people take profits, but this is awesome.

Nice :D
Ive not got much clue about shares, but iv got say 5k to play with.

Now is Barclays not worth buying up at 1.50? I mean they are quite a decent company and surely news like them lending 8.3bn to HP for their takeover is a good sign?

I know its probably a long term thing, but even if it just doubled in price thats a decent payout for my first go?

Or is it not that easy?
5K is a fairly large amount of money to most people. The rule of thumb is generally not to invest what you can't afford to lose. I certainly wouldn't invest all of that in a lump sum. My first trade was £500 into a big miner and I've grown my portfolio from there.

The problem with the European banks is the Euro zone / it's currency and the general mess that we are all in, whether we are technically a part of it or not. What if BARC halved in price as Greece, Spain and Italy need more support? You'll have turned 5K into 2.5k..
Well.. I've had a major run of bad luck over the last 2 weeks and just logged in to see what's happening on the stock market..

My second biggest holding, Autonomy Corporation appears to have made a little deal.. :eek:

I expect the SP to dip on Monday as people take profits, but this is awesome.

Rumours of a counter bid too though.

Did you have much in them ?
What do you guys think of Tesco for another long-term jobby?

Not done any recent research but did a bit last year and they seemed to be in a very, very healthy position regarding the future.

Personally I love my TSCO shares. They aren't going to go under so there a safe bet. They won't sky rocket but they certainly seem undervalued right now. Anything sub £4 is good value imo.

They pay dividends twice a year which has gone up consistently for the previous 14 years. They paid 5% of my investment in dividends in the last 12 months. Try and get that in a savings account.
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