Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Good old CNR! I'm in until they sell, and hoping that at some point next year the sp will hit 50p+. It's not unreasonable if they secure 3m+ oz JORC at $200+ per oz. Also, a bit of hype buying never hurt anyone!
Interesting discussion this morning with a Senior Fund Manager from large life company.

Current undervalued shares on his radar: Weir Group & Petroflac. Lots of value to be had in high yield bonds over the next few years as well.
Interesting discussion this morning with a Senior Fund Manager from large life company.

Current undervalued shares on his radar: Weir Group & Petroflac. Lots of value to be had in high yield bonds over the next few years as well.

I agree re: Wier. What is 'large life' company? And which specific Bonds?
I agree re: Wier. What is 'large life' company? And which specific Bonds?

Standard Life was the company.

He was mainly taking about generic high yield bond funds will likely produce good returns for the next 18-24 months.

I will email him and ask for more specific bonds recommendations if you wish.
Nice gain from CNR, if I only I decided to buy some more at ~3.5p!

I make it about 37% up from bottom prices including the giant spread on it.
Not a great move, needs to move above 6p solidly for it to register as anything more then a bounce

Sold off some Barc and VGM as lesser near term performers in favour of BP yesterday. Was tempted to sell bp today, its hardly a stellar performer is it :o
Barc nice recovery but I think a new low still, needs to brew more before any chance of doubling

weir and PFC both good, any company that can relate to engineering and oil is big potential growth. Both WEIR and AGK I felt not cheap enough, thats the problem with really good stocks. They dont often come back down.

I do own PFC, they did drop a lot so worth a closer look of the three and I'll buy (more) HYC if it can near 300 please

Friday is FED BEN time

Trying to see where BP and BARC are at vs gold gives some sort of gauge just how depressed their value is now, especially with BP because oil price adjusts in line with gold price to some extent.



chart shows prices could be considered in region of previous lows
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Google lists the FTSE100 as a higher yield then Tesco now. This probably needs checking, all these sites are often inaccurate and I dont have paid information service or anything

6 PE and 5.5% yield would be a buy for sure

but USA says FTSE100 is 9 PE and 2.68 yield not nearly as good

FTSE250 is faster growth anyway

Yes, either with a collapse of the money system or euro fiscal union.

Still money to be made however

Im not sure its that bad if the Euro did collapse. Germany would go back to deutschmarks and the weaker guys would be poorer when importing anything but also richer with less cost of debt.
They'd need to export and get a lot of tourism. Iceland is an example of what might happen. Greece should have left euro for sure, everyone wants a half price holiday there ffs

Anyway stocks are slightly independent of currency so Im not sure its that important. Its just the ego slap of all contracts written in Euros that are now incorrect. Same goes for Dollar collapse or Sterling even

Its a temporary efficiency loss, how we count something up doesnt matter its still worth the same :confused:

My emerging currency bond fund is the only unscathed thing I own pretty much. Pays 6% and barely down at all

Surely Libya is now a positive for BP ? I guess its a while before that matters. I definitely should have sold at not only 420 but 406 short term I was wrong to hold but it'll come back before ex-div imo

Sold some VGM on gold peak and bought it back friday. I do think 1700 is a reasonable base and my downside target would be 1584. Upside for this year I think 2000 an ounce is still more then fair

Bought BLT and sold it again but it jumps around so much I didnt really capture the lows and highs. I'll try again next week. They have a hefty dividend in about 10 days :)

Questor said:
sells two-thirds of its commodities to markets outside Europe and the US. Some 28pc of its product is vacuumed up by China, 14pc by Japan and the same again by other parts of Asia.

In terms of what BHP is actually digging out of the earth, it puts the breakdown at four-tenths iron ore, two-tenths oil and gas, another two copper, one-tenth coke and coal and the last tenth is made up of diamonds and anything else.
Questor says ESSR too risky and Glencore not good even at a lower price, shame :(

Market went up yesterday apparently not because Ben promised more money but because he didnt rule it out ?

Gulf Keystone looking to sell itself - report
Reuters Monday 29 August 2011 03:33

LONDON (Reuters) - Kurdistan-focussed explorer Gulf Keystone Petroleum <GKP.L> is looking to sell itself in a deal that could value it at up to 1.4 billion pounds ($2.3 billion), the Sunday Times newspaper reported, citing sources. The paper said Chief Executive Todd Kozel had told investment banks he will launch a "beauty parade" for advisers next month to help assess the company's strategic options.

RMP Market cap = 48,713,317.00 AUD = 31,975,719.05 GBP
32m GBP

RRL Market cap = 203m GBP

Which is cheaper, RRL has more assets and is more diversified and with active production. RMP is paying 20m towards Somalia drilling costs? thats a hefty bill. Bought more RRL, sold BP

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Hope so, lots of numbers have been banded around but if we reach 25p i'm out (i think).

Well it's anyone's guess what MC will sell at and what the share price will go to. A fair estimate based on current dilution is around 20p assuming 2m oz confirmed. However, the concessions condor owns hold a lot more gold than that and it's simply a case of convincing a willing buyer just how much potential there is, rather than confirming it all. Also, if gold is still £1600+ at the time of sale then the in the ground price should be considerably more than £60. Also, expect further dilution due to fund raising at the end of the year.

My plan is to wait for the end game, or the end of next year - which ever comes first. But that depends on my personal situation I guess.
Im just passed profit on CNR now, average is 6.53p

Well happy as its on no news really aswell, hopefully can get back upto thr 9p mark soon
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