Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
GKp still double volume, is there some actual news going down for sure.

Looks like i sold out at the right time

I thought the same and it has topped for now but not sure that is it. Profit is always nice, I didnt sell any. Good if you can put the profits into another venture and swing between a few shares as they vary up and down
10 as a near term downside objective presuming its positive


They actually went to 17 in early december. Seemed like a no-brainer to me (although i don't have a brain so it was still a hard call :))

I'm waiting for them to hit 30 and think i'll get out there.

I saw 19 and bought some but Im holding for past 30. Hestons comments recently are worrying though, just give him 10 year share options as a bonus

Looks link CNR could find Fort Knox and it still wouldnt shift the price!

Thats about 4 positive RNS recently now and barely a movement

Ditto, could say its cheap on positive news relative to price but they have issued shares previously that have to be soaked up and its only in theory they're value has risen.
All the gold miners have the problem that people speculate the physical, miners are a locomotive in a nascar race. They will get the momentum eventually, especially as gold consistently stays high.
Eventually gold producers will have a lot of cash and pay high divdends, CNR at this rate will have to start drawing up actual plans to drill for ore and sell which is expensive, cue finance worries etc :o

i have worked in LTSb for a year. Their shares have gone from 22p to 37p in less than a year.

Big money has a long memory, the share is still seen as a disaster. Even over a couple years its been bad due to PPI costs I think it was

Havent traded much since Jarvis went bust!!

I remember them, FTSE 100 company. Big train crash, lingered on for a while with couple big rises then extinct

jmhduck View Post
Does anybody on here buy/sell futures/options? If so who do you use to do it?

Selftrade will let you do them. They are Socgen. Barclays I think also.
Ive looked at them a few times but it is complex and probably a bit expensive unless you are great at spotting volatility approaching.
Selling options sounds great, money for nothing in some cases. Sell an option for Barclays at 400 when its 390 for 6 months ahead and you get to keep your shares. Worst case, you have to sell them. If you have 100k of Barc that is
Everyone should watch this, measure of risk or fear - VIX

Inverse to market, see the double peak


Rubbing my hands together this morning. :)

RKH doing nicely, those I wish they'd release the CPR update, could be serious uplift after that.

Glad to ZEN turning and results are out this Friday 10th of February so expecting ZEN to increase as the week progresses with people buying in before the RNS.

The very sharp decline in ZEN is in line with its long term awful decline. Im thinking this is neutral in context overall, the news wasnt great ?
I havent read yet but still think this share is the opposite to Jarvis really
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26 Jan 2005
Cheltenham, UK
Selftrade will let you do them. They are Socgen. Barclays I think also.
Ive looked at them a few times but it is complex and probably a bit expensive unless you are great at spotting volatility approaching.
Selling options sounds great, money for nothing in some cases. Sell an option for Barclays at 400 when its 390 for 6 months ahead and you get to keep your shares. Worst case, you have to sell them. If you have 100k of Barc that is
Thanks for getting back to me, I can't see options listed on selftrade :(. They have te following accounts listed:
Dealing account - Access our full range of investments with our standard trading account.
Cash ISA - Hold your savings alongside your investments
Shares ISA - Choose your own shares and funds - all with no Capital Gains Tax.
SIPP Dealing account - Manage your own pension investments.
CFDs and Spread Betting - Trade in price movements across the world's markets.

I was told to look at TD Waterhouse by another friend but can't see options on there either :S. Am I missing something?
26 Dec 2009
GKP is just infuriating at the moment. Been waiting to get in over the last few days but the price just keeps on going up. It’s a difficult pill to swallow buying on the peak but it’s not going down for you to get in. I’ve been watching since 275 for it to drop, kicking myself now!

Bought back in RRL after yesterday drop, got all my shares back at 11p, sold out at 11.7p.
26 Dec 2009
Why do you think they will drop ? The retreat to 310 was an ideal buying opportunity.

I dont know, its just like a mental block. When you know you could had bought so much cheaper its like paying twice as much for something for which you could have had for half.

I had my cursor over the deal button at around 320 but dont know why i didnt deal.
23 May 2005
As are ORE at the moment. Both very quiet, one with news and one without yet both shares are staying at the same levels.

Can't stay that way forever, and the last 2 weeks has seen a gentle creep back to my entry points. I remain hopeful!

Hopefully we'll continue to see ORE rise. 80% ish over the last couple of weeks on the expectation of news from within the mine. I hope it is as good as those on the boards make out. Previous highs of over 1.2p so we could see that again before news is out.
1 Oct 2006
Agreed, I got in at 0.8 back in MVC days and watched it climb to the highs then fall back in a space of weeks for no apparent reason other than the slowing of the hype machine.

They really do need to get a solid RNS out, instead of relying on Facebook/website updates of their photo albums though. That grading RNS cannot come soon enough!
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Thanks for getting back to me, I can't see options listed on selftrade :(.

Its the dealing one, pretty sure a SIPP can invest in almost anything also. ISA nope
You sign a high risk wavier and they let you deal stuff that will likely lose 100% in a month
Obviously an option to buy RRL at 20 for Feb 2012 would likely close at zero worth. I believe they only have FTSE 100 options, Im not with them now

The alternative I took was just a simple ETF. You can short FTSE with an ETF, hold commoditys contracts on an index, track the Indian stock market. All sorts, check out DB which is deutschbanke and Lyxor

Even some of those ETF are meant to be daytraded, low spread. My shorting the FTSE wasnt so fab, it was a hedge. In retrospect FRES would have been nice at 550 :o

CNR are boring. Might just take the money and pile more in GKP on Monday.

Dont short a dull market is one Ive heard that I reckon applies. GKP really took off when it cleared 200.
Peoples expectations become self fulfilling due to herd dynamics. Any holding above 5% has to declare, any news?

On a risk reward basis do you really think it was worth sinking over 10k in for such a small profit?

5% in a month is ok by me. In a day, great. I often wish I had traded something more, get 5% regularly and it compounds to an amazing gain for the year.
So long as its not the entire portfolio. Just trying to decide if market is topping here, I like Marc Faber predictions who says 2012 is like 1987, rush dynamics

GKP got big :eek:


The retreat to 310 was an ideal buying opportunity.
seems about right

XTR in limbo, 2.42 to beat. Then be positive, target 4?
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