Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

30 Oct 2010
Sunny Scotland
If this was 2011, I'd say yes! Throw all your money in. Sadly at this point in time...I wouldn't put any in just yet. True you could buy in now and it could go up at the end of the month, it could also drop dramatically. god knows how long it'll take before it would go back up. This is a very dodgy time for the range. Nobody has a clue really.
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18 Aug 2011
I put a measley £500.00 into GOO on friday to get a feel for trading - they are doing pretty good - after my buying fee, stamp duty + selling fee (I havn't sold yet) I'm still in profit (a bit).

Hoping they get a "farm-in" (I think that's what the cool kids call it) soon and see it rise to double digits per share.

If only I put £3k in... :cool:
23 May 2005
Orogen finally released their grades. 63g/Tonne+

Pant wettingly good start to the week.

I hope they come good randal. The markets are pretty brutal to explorers at the moment but Orogen have at least now confirmed the history of Deli Jovan. That it was a world class production mine. The BoD have the experience and knowledge to get it back to its full glory. I'm looking forward to hearing more on the grades in the coming months once the drilling campaign is underway.
9 Nov 2007
Hey guys, needing some advice with something. Last night before bed I tried to buy some AMC shares, it didn't allow it because the company didn't allow trades from an isa account? Being honest, I was super tired and didn't fully read the reason it gave me for not letting it go through. But should I just forget this company or do you guys have a proper trading account as well as your full time job? to be fair this is just a little hobby that I like to dabble with, so I'm happy to leave it and put my money elsewhere. Really I'm just curious to what you lot do.

You could always open a spreadbetting account and do x amount per point. Its tax free also.
Though this may also tempt you to make bets you would not otherwise make, self control is required.

More GKP rumours doing the rounds..hope one comes true someday
18 Aug 2011
Hey guys, needing some advice with something. Last night before bed I tried to buy some AMC shares, it didn't allow it because the company didn't allow trades from an isa account? Being honest, I was super tired and didn't fully read the reason it gave me for not letting it go through. But should I just forget this company or do you guys have a proper trading account as well as your full time job? to be fair this is just a little hobby that I like to dabble with, so I'm happy to leave it and put my money elsewhere. Really I'm just curious to what you lot do.

I've just started with £500.00 to test the water.

I went with Barclays Stockbrokers in the end, but will probably close it when I sell my shares in GOO and open a iii account instead as it's cheaper and has a 'community'.

Like you its a bit of fun, makes the 9-5 more interesting when you can check your phone every 15 minutes for movements/gossip.

Had a look at that Orogen share - it went down 15% today, I assume it will fall a fair bit more until we get closer to the drilling phase? Are there any charts/useful guides on oil/gold locations/discoveries etc to help a new guy out?
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1 Oct 2006
I hope they come good randal. The markets are pretty brutal to explorers at the moment but Orogen have at least now confirmed the history of Deli Jovan. That it was a world class production mine. The BoD have the experience and knowledge to get it back to its full glory. I'm looking forward to hearing more on the grades in the coming months once the drilling campaign is underway.

You and me both fella, I nearly spilt my coffee this morning after leaving the house at 15% up and getting to work at 15% down. Utterly ridiculous, but a stark reminder of sell on rumour rise.

It'll come good in the end, just had hoped those grades would have pushed it higher. I got in at 0.80 back in MVC days, and to be languishing around here again is a little disheartening but we'll see what the coming weeks holds like you say.

Kicking myself for not slicing off the top of this at 8.15am this morning and topping up on CNR mind. :(
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Lloyds need to double to do well, they should get it if they perform consistently I think. Problem is the rest of the world is probably going to cause upset and failure, RBS is probably more vulnerable to that

How's RRL looking ourdays, do you think 10p is a good entry price?

Shorterm for 16p still exist or has that been knocked back due to recent news?

I had some orders round here, I was hoping it would be more shaky and get to 9 or 8. Yesterday it briefly showed a 9.98p buy

Its anyones guess, 16 is the top before we get any news and I guess this is around the bottom. Ive no idea where it'll go if people dont get the good news

I bought and sold Weir Fresnillo only kept a bit as Im not sure what the heck the market is doing, really bad jobs report today.
I sold some Cairn and I sold Plexus who have invented a safer well head design, they have doubled for me. Stock looks like it can continue ad infinitum though but Im profit taking..

I might hold BG Group as they expensive but quality should keep doing well whatever, good rising trend.
Questor recommends buying BP, it just needs to hold 430 to have a chance of a good rise here I think

Lloyds Pref shares pay 9%
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11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Cheers for the info chaps, i've taken a punt back into Range (It's been a while), couldn't buy yesterday so payed a little more today.

If we see a rise next week (13 - 14p) pre news I may sell out early, mind saying that i got burnt badly last time by doing exactly that!
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Lots of stocks breaking back to year lows

Greek elections last weekend have a new set of people saying them leaving the Euro is voluntary but dont want to pay the debts or keep to a spending budget

So that means fears of losses to banks and all. Not sure if the French guy is going pipe up. For RRL see the xmas prices, theres no actual new negative for them afaik
I bought some Essar I had sold, they are off in any case.

Xcite is going back to year start prices it also seems. They are out drilling now I think


Gold is pushed below 1600 finally so presuming its a proper break, 1530 Im looking for it to hold (and still be positive long term). Euro itself is not falling fast, this is limbo still - a proper fall is much bigger. In theory gold can benefit or lose :confused:
29 Jun 2004
Last year I purchased around 1500 shares of CNR at around 8.00 pence. One share is now valued at half that cost.

I'll just hold on to them for a few months/perhaps years until the share price recovers.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
This time last year gold was 1526 an ounce so it could be way worse. So long as the background story is good, I guess CNR is ok.
Gold has to store value better then these government backed politicised securities, if it is safer at its worst it should boom at best (we hope)
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