Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

17 Jul 2011
Folks, I just opened an IG Index spreadbet account.

So as a stupid amaterur and noob, thought I'd have a dabble and went for the worst thing... Forex...

Sweet Jesus.... volatile is an understatement. So wont be touching that again in a hurry!

May I ask any spreadbetters here, what markets they SB usually?

Ive messed around with spread betting and still do - I also liked IG index the best out of the few I checked out.

To be honest there isn't much you can do without much risk there. I usually trade forex or indices but they all have some volatility etc ...

and like someone already said the spread and the daily turnover will eat up on your profits (daily turnover meaning they close your trade and reopen if you have it set for that and charge you a spread everyday (different times for different types)).

Id probably set the trade amount to the lowest possible amount and always set a stop; or perhaps check out options but those can be risky (least the risk is limited) -
I'm not quite sure whats the best thing to trade if you want some less volatile longer term outlook.
5 Dec 2010
deep space nine
Folks, I just opened an IG Index spreadbet account.

So as a stupid amaterur and noob, thought I'd have a dabble and went for the worst thing... Forex...

Sweet Jesus.... volatile is an understatement. So wont be touching that again in a hurry!

May I ask any spreadbetters here, what markets they SB usually?

read babypips

well laid out site completely free and loads of info...
29 Jan 2008
Ugh too right. Not sure opening this account was such a good idea. I only did it to put a spread on an AIM (the other fund I have is an ISA which doesnt allow AIM shares (yet?)).

Any thoughts on this?

If you're going to speculate on equities then you're probably better off doing it in a CFD wrapper and being able to deal directly with the market. I believe IG actually does offer this as do Interactive Brokers - you'll probably have to pay for data too if you take this approach. I'm not sure if anyone offers DMA under a spread bet wrapper for equities - there is a company doing it for futures (though you'd need to be doing a lot of volume for them to be interested) and there are a couple of other companies aimed at retial customers offering a sort of pseudo DMA service for futures in a spread betting wrapper which will perhaps work for market orders but limit orders may or may not actually reach the exchange(so kind of takes away part of the advantage of having it in the first place).

Yep that's true (at least about dual listing).
Where would the other listing need to be exactly?

I believe you're restricted to listed companies - companies on AIM generally aren't listed companies - there is less regulation and they're not subject to listing rules.
12 Jan 2010
What website do people use to track prices, read financial data and news? I use ADVFN but am not sure if it's worth forking out for the real-time subscription. But I do get frustrated when I'm looking at live prices and graphs and get "timed out".
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Questor talked about Barrett recently I think, he likes them even after the rise. (I posted above massive sector chart, house builders most popular) I had TW on my watchlist July 2008, the market bottom before it fell apart.

If only I had got them instead of bank shares, solid assets work out much better they just had a few debt problems caused 200p to 31p
Relative bargain especially vs bigger leveraged banks. Right now, still think Lloyds can benefit but TW is probably less risk

Dow Jones, 31g to an ounce

Market topping here just like it did every year for 4 years. I dont think we going straight down yet, Japan is spending 1.2 trillion $
Sold WG Group but it might be a buy at 800 odd, however I was hoping for CNR to get real nasty looking. WG is much more sensible

I should have sold some BP, lead boots everytime. Bought FTSE tracker, terrible timing but free cashback and the index pays anyway.

I sold GENL (most of it) but really its a buy, longer term. Its breaking uptrend so short term sell off. 742/750 buy it back
Kurd / Iraqi 'border' is all quiet?

to put a spread on an AIM
Basically the same as buying shares, a few points can confuse but its not like options or whatever. 1 unit is 100 shares and whatever they say write down 100x the share price as your cost and dont buy it if thats too much

Royal Dutch shell 'costs' £108 Its worth 2145 and its immediate sell is 2141.
You lose 4 to buy vs a share broker is more tax. However you can lose 2145 and they will demand that in minutes if the share drops so do have it ready. Otherwise its very comparable
[ASOS is aim at £32 a share, its the same deal even with 'small' companies]

Im just thinking no stamp on AIM is bearish for IGG not that I own any now

What website do people use to track prices, read financial data and news? I use ADVFN but am not sure if it's worth forking out for the real-time subscription. But I do get frustrated when I'm looking at live prices and graphs and get "timed out".

google works fine enough. Frustration is watching ceefax stock pages, robbie burns started that way I think.
In 1929 it took till 8pm to finalise stock prices.
son you dont know what frustration is :p

Another good general source, I hope you can speed read
Latest 1 day change: AA +0.24%, ABX -1.18%, AMD -1.72%, ARUN -3.16%, AU -2.19%, B -1.24%, BAK +3.83%, BCS -0.57%, BRK n/a, C +0.56%, CEF +1.49%, CGW -0.34%, CHK +2.23%, CMFO +1.28%, CSCO -2.04%, CXE +1.99%, DBB -0.34%, DE -0.01%, DENT +0.00%, DNDN -3.18%, EPI +0.46%, EWC -0.61%, EWM +1.59%, EWZ +1.65%, FCG +2.50%, FXB +0.66%, FXI -0.92%, GDX -0.45%, GLD +1.68%, GS +0.49%, HK +2.50%, IDX -0.06%, IEF +0.31%, IGD +0.11%, IID -0.40%, INTC -0.95%, IWM -0.20%, KIE -0.47%, KO -1.13%, L -0.97%, MRK -0.42%, MSFT +0.38%, NGAS +0.00%, NLC +0.00%, NYCB -0.22%, PGF -0.05%, PIC +0.00%, PIO -0.42%, POT -0.45%, PWE +1.91%, QLD -1.71%, QQQ -0.83%, RGP +2.10%, SGG +0.38%, SKF +0.49%, SLV +1.54%, SLX +0.05%, SMH -0.09%, SPY -0.45%, SSRI +1.70%, SVM -1.17%, T +0.29%, TBT -4.04%, UDN +0.27%, UNG +4.51%, USO -0.33%, UUP -0.18%, VGK -0.61%, VXX +0.40%, X -1.54%, XLE +0.22%, XLF -0.33%, XLP -0.73%, XLY -0.49%

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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
RRL suspended till 17th on a possible merger ? Could be good as the RMP deal was I reckon.

Gold flushing out here to 1428, I think on Cyprus bank funding bailout with gold sales ? Cash4gold macro style :D
POG down 15% despite a previous gold hedge against scenarios like this :o
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
So this is bad news or less good then expected. The gold drop was largest in 30 years.

In this news:
• A total of 50 drill holes for 7,089.4m have now been completed on La India open pit resource area aimed at proving 800,000oz gold in the Indicated category
• Drilling results continue to confirm continuity of gold mineralisation and grade of the current geological model
• Near surface bonanza-grade drill intercept from La India of 4.80m at 37.24g/t gold from 14.40m drill depth
• Near surface intercept of 21m at 3.33g/t gold from 4m drill depth improves early mine life open pit economics
• 39 drill holes for 3,567m completed on the America Vein Set to test for remnant wallrock gold and prove a second open pit resource
• Best intercept of 19m at 1.98g/t and 10m at 1.70g/t gold separated by only 6m of low-grade material from only 13m drill depth of at the intersection of the America-Escondido-Constancia veins
• Breccia zone at the intersection of the America-Escondido-Constancia veins demonstrated over a 300m down-dip extent
• Best intercept in wallrock of historic America mine intercepts up to 1.80m at 13.31g/t gold.
Apparently hedge funds are shorting miners, if thats true they can buy back shares for some rally. Lansdown were the guys who shorted Barc to 50p then bought it as too cheap
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I said I'd buy CNR within 120 to 90p range so added here. I would have got a 100p buy price the other day but the account had not much cleared cash

If we matched OBV exactly price would be near 40, no thanks. RSI in blue says oversold condition which is just short term really
Its close enough to 100p (old 5p) now which is not good actually as it should have bounced more by now. Its not a great view on the graph or volume stakes to the price, no hidden strength as such.
If it goes to 90 or 70 I'll add similar bits on there also

Gold price Iam ok with. Its held above 1352. It put in a 'higher low' early this morning, thanks asia so who knows maybe it can recover. Im not sure but I'll stick with fundamentals of it all.
The wider market expectation is 1100 in future I think

Wider market is due a nasty flush out so Im told, on news not yet known:confused:
Alternatives I considered were GENL, KAZ & CEY. I closed RBS for now, it barely rose :(
30 Dec 2012
Well I was completely wrong about Kazakhmys being stabilised at just under £4.

I added another 500 @ 372p only to see it fall further. could have sold at a profit when it spiked back up to 420p but pc packed up that day and I hadn't set any sell orders.

Dropped to 300p yesterday and is 323 at present.

It has to be a BUY now though surely so added another 500

I know I'm probably wrong and will now have to sit back and wait long term as I have just over 10% of my whole allocation in KAZ now.

I will not buy anymore under any circumstance until the commodities come out of their trough.
30 Dec 2012
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
There was some bad news on the weekend, along the lines of this below. That made me think it'd pull back some.

ENRC chairman quits embattled miner
Mehmet Dalman has resigned from the chairmanship of Eurasian Natural Resources Corp, further damaging the credibility of the embattled FTSE 100 miner, which has been hit by a string of employee exits and investor worries over its corporate governance
Keeping above yesterdays low would have been a 66% retrace and normally thats bullish longer term (it did bounce slightly). Looks like it'll fail and completely reverse now

I took some GENL yesterday instead of KAZ but I would like to add some The low price just makes it a better deal presuming they can access funds of course

Big Tech is very positive apparently, not sure why as I thought the story was declining PC sales. I do like the sector, I sold some Intel as Im not certain how long it'll go up for

I think Dragon oil could be a steady buy
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