Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I guess market didnt like the price RRL got for the producing assets. 30m for a 120m cap share should move it I'd think

Lloyds divested some of their wealth manager, good move. Its far higher priced then they are. Broke its 5 day average, could move to 60 optimistically or dismally fail as usual :D

Bought some FRES at 1420. Cant remember or figure why 1420 but lucky I set the order as its worked, nicely turning round looks like. Bad news was in the price hopefully

Vatukoula Gold Mines advanced Monday after announcing high grade drilling results from its gold mine in Fiji.

Shares rose 12.77% to 26.50p at 9:10 as the AIM-listed explorer said it encountered new mineralised structures on the Prince William ore body following surface and underground drilling programmes in the area of the Philip Shaft.

The group intersected 53.14 grams of gold per tonne over 1.29 metres of which one section revealed 264.47 grams of gold per tonne:eek: over 0.23 metres.

Drilling results also showed 16.38 grams of gold per tonne over 0.42 metres and 16.22 grams of gold per tonne over 0.53 metres.

"The positive exploration results from in and around the Philip shaft have continued this fiscal year, with resource definition drilling confirming the strike and down dip extensions of the Prince William ore body," Chief Executive Officer, David Paxton, said.

VGM declined about a third since finding 8 ounces of gold in a ton of dirt. Their epic should be a swear acronym instead. Did they cherry pick the results, how can that be bad

21 Oct 2002
No obviously, but its down to 1.495 today. CREE would be a long term hold I think and over this time I can see the pound getting stronger vs $

Good time to sell some US stock though
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
CREE is holding up well, they are already expensive but it could get to 70 next if demand for the shares keeps up. (56, 66 are retracements of its peak 2010 price)
spreadbets do 1:1 exchange rate always, not sure I like that as sterling is generally poor.
My target for 'cable' is 1.46 area aka the election lows
New Year was a natural peak and its failed to even mirror that, really broken through the floor see budget next week

Im not good with popular stuff. I will sell BARC today and probably buy some more Condor if I can. STAN and LLOY are better holds hopefully, might even pick up some RBS

SL got popular and latest results justify it apparently. I doubt under any case I would have kept them till now, itchy fingers :o
Google finance was saying 20PE now 12PE so I guess thats updated
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Croda was tipped by Questor. I think a lot of big buyers look at the order book for a company then buy the shares

LED is obviously revolutionary in potential but not sure when. It goes in line with higher energy costs too.
DIALIGHT is a british stock to do with LED, Robbie Burns bought them ages ago

CREE is up again now and EGO is down, obviously Iam wrong at the moment. :o
Thanks to exchange rates, no big loss for me and when dollar suffers it favours gold price

This is the gold price in sterling rather then dollars, as UK cash is weaker we got more reason to favour I think
x£1000 aprox

Don't you worry, it will be back down tomorrow :p

Apparently you are pretty much on the money there. They got to break through the ice there, hard to get back out when its fallen so bad like that. Sales figures announced when?


136 and 123 target for Condor, 50 and 61% repeat of its fall/rise last summer

I bought some Hochschild silver mining today at 330 its back to 2010 prices, bad results but not worse then 3 years ago?
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire

Apparently you are pretty much on the money there. They got to break through the ice there, hard to get back out when its fallen so bad like that. Sales figures announced when?

No-one really knows, many of our deals and trials won't show a profit till we get a slice of the subscription fees, most of our consultancy services with broadcasters has been on a free basis AFAIK.

Share dilution has been a nightmare over the past year, but things are starting to turn around i feel, information is thin on the ground due to NDA's.
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