Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Sorry if this sounds like a stuid post to make, but how do you guys like research the best companies to deal with? I know anyone making the money isn't going to reveal what company to chose - but how do I go about at least getting the jist of who to pick if you know what I mean?

always wanted to try but never know how/who to spot out. Is it always a risk when you look at companies to invest in? or do you have some background knowledge etc of the company?

Sorry, i'm a n00b :p
Ah right ok :)

So just to clarify its £10 to put money in and £10 to put get money out - is there any other additional charges?

I saw someones post about £200, would you guys say its not worth it?

Also if a share price is
50.00 (pennies right?)
and I purchase 100 of them, so thats a total of 5000p (£50).

If the share prices goes to 100.00 (£1) that means share price value is now 10,000p (£100) hence meaning I've made 5000p (£50).

have I got the 'jist' of it? Also friends say they ring up and use the telephone to deal with shares?! Is there any reccomended online website to use - telephone feels a bit ancient to me lol
You havent made any money till its sold. Also costs in your example would be 20 plus stamp duty 0.5% or 25p in your case

The small deal size means the share has to grow over 20% just to break even.

So you'd go home with about 30. If we take the risk as absolute maybe you invested in Jarvis or similar and it doubled, you risked 60.25 on purchase and gained about half that.

In theory that makes the odds worse then a casino roulette wheel however if you do your research then you can improve the odds though that is debatable

I see BP as being near support at 495 today. Bought a bit at 5.06 as I think a few positives may occur though I would not call this a bottom the chances are better then previously
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Was just watching the white house spokesman fend off questions on BP. One reporter compares BP to AIG and suggests taking over the company

I dont think thats likely to happen but certainly explains the falling knife shape to the price recently and if anything the price looks set to return to July 09 pricing of mid 400

Sorry if this sounds like a stuid post to make, but how do you guys like research the best companies to deal with? I know anyone making the money isn't going to reveal what company to chose - but how do I go about at least getting the jist of who to pick if you know what I mean?

There are lots of resources out there. Papers like the FT and The Economist are invaluable. Forbes and Bloomberg keep tabs on the American markets. Read the companies website. Look through their accounts. Compare it with its peers. Is it performing well in relation to them?

Then obviously there will be a level of intuition involved, based on what you've read in all of this multimedia. There's also the expectation of what you expect the rest of the market to do. This comes with experience.

always a risk, the best you can do is guessitmate, anything more than that is insider trading and is illiegal

You can mitigate risk through thorough research and sound investment strategies though.
I was watching bbc breakfast today for the business updates and the Chairman of MKS was hailing a turn around in the economy. I know they posted decent results, but if anything things are going to get worse before they get better.
All Friday's good gains on MTA have tanked down the swanny, guessing lots of people had stop losses set at 5p which has further compounded things.

Just the way it goes I guess, disappointing but as mentioned before a risk you take with penny oilies. :(
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