Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Not every deal will be so easy ;)
Depending on your tax status I'd still open an ISA so gains are tax free. Have a look at what your current bank offers, if not try looking at the usual suspects. Fees change all the time so I can't recommend a broker to you, a site like moneysavingexpert for deals.
Thanks a lot. I just thought it was worth a play around with some expendable funds at the moment, they are just sitting collecting very little interest.

When you look and see some of the items occurring everyday its amazing, just todays Sainsburys offer to the Homegroup (Argos), has provided a 30point jump..... why didnt I look this morning lol.
Make a few short term investments

what do you mean by short term? How frequently? What instruments/asset classes?

Interactive brokers is probably the best all round solution tbh..

but if you were just going to make a few investments and leave it at that then maybe not
Just be wary of trading costs, they will destroy your returns if you're not careful if you're trading so much with a relatively small amount.
Read something about binary option trading on the news today. Always fancied a dabble and this sounds fun but is it a recipie for disaster? Is it to good to be true? Anyone had any degree of success with trading in this format?

you're generally going to be ripped off trading them

I presume you're referring to the ones offered by scummy bucketshops rather than exchange traded ones on AMEX or CBOE
If my fairly extensive research can offer you something, let it be this: binary options is the bottom of the bucket finance option. I played with it with real momey amd saw how it works. Even if you make a killing, most of the firms are offshore so you have zero recourse when they don't want to pay out.

Stay away. Seriously, don't. You WILL get burned.
Hi all, as per usual i've left my tax return to the last few weeks :)

Are there any ace programs people use to track their profit and loss and how much they are declaring regarding tax?

As usual i'm having an awful time with all the trades, top ups, etc. I promise myself every year that I wont make this mistake again but I'm just good at making a bit of cash on the side but bad at tracking it all (beyond looking it up in my TDwaterhouse account).
I class this as common sense, really. If someone is going to 'dabble' (I HATE that word) or 'try things out' in the stock markets without putting the hours in behind their money, then they deserve to lose it all to people like me.

I'm not sure why it is. The OP clearly uses the term "trading".

But what if you don't have hours? I invested in low risk stocks for longer periods of time because I don't have a lot of time to be researching stocks, but if I can I would like to make more money. I know Diddums completely condones it, but what about binary options? I won't lie, I am worried I will run into the same problem as chipperhead, but this website:
provides tons of options for brokers.
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well this slump has killed my funds, but they're in for the longterm, many years to come. so should bounce back. Biotech in particular getting an absolute hammering.
But what if you don't have hours? I invested in low risk stocks for longer periods of time because I don't have a lot of time to be researching stocks, but if I can I would like to make more money. Have you ever looked at binary option strategy I am just worried I will run into the same problem as chipperhead.

If you don't have hours, then make some time or don't bother - you will lose money. With no knowledge binary options will accelerate that process ! Only full time professionals can make money on those - or the very, very rare independent home trader.
Most people should play dumb which sounds like an insult but you can get rich playing it as simply as possible. Buy a plain FTSE tracker then if you lucky or smart, sell high buy low or just buy regularly

Options I think of like insurance, its an essential part of the market but most should not expect to make money from it. Human bias inclines you into gambling. You could take high risk unit trusts, I have Neptune Japan which gained 130% in 2008 as the manager is a maverick who shorted the entire market. Most funds wont do that but a couple are high risk. He operates long Sterling and short Yen strategy which currently looks really not good

I used to hold options via ETF on commodities in line with CRB. This was more passive management, it has decay as all options do and an ETF fee but it paid off as commodities rose. The largest part of CRB is oil so right now Im not sure but I think a fund is best


ETF list -
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Sorry to ask such a basic question. However never had an occurrence of a buy out before when trading. Can you tell me if all share holders will receive the 26p per share? if so how and when is this normally paid?
This is for HOME which recently sold off Homebase.

Really appreciated.
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