Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

But what if you don't have hours? I invested in low risk stocks for longer periods of time because I don't have a lot of time to be researching stocks, but if I can I would like to make more money.

if you don't have time then just stick with stocks over a long time frame... buy and hold, value investing type approach.

I know Diddums completely condones it, but what about binary options? I won't lie, I am worried I will run into the same problem as chipperhead, but this website:
provides tons of options for brokers.

So what? Those firms aren't FCA regulated, even for firms that are FCA regulated these sorts of binary options are generally a rip off. How can you expect to make more money by trading a product that is likely (almost certain) to lose you money. If you're going to trade options then you do so via an exchange and you've got no business trading them without investing time into educating yourself.
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Sorry to ask such a basic question. However never had an occurrence of a buy out before when trading. Can you tell me if all share holders will receive the 26p per share? if so how and when is this normally paid?
This is for HOME which recently sold off Homebase.

Really appreciated.
At some point your broker will email you with timescales. You'll receive the money straight into your broker account ready to use to buy different shares or withdraw.
Ask the broker, its not advice so they can tell you dates. Or read the RNS but I assume if the company is to be sold completely it will all apply until the end of trading and the shares delist

I read sainsbury is taking it over and also they are the most shorted stock on the ftse 100. Like BG and Shell you could buy that stock instead, sometimes a premium on one end of the deal makes the other cheap and surely SRBY is less risky over time

Shell a 100bn company rose 5% today, not an average move. Some story I read had gas stocks more favoured over oil as its a better market dynamic longer term. Its harder to transport, maybe less liable to flood a market not sure

Im told markets to stay bearish still unless sp500 confirms above 1920
How much money could you make in a week on the stock market?

You should probably do a bit more research before asking questions like that, it's not a good look.

A quick breakdown is:

Depends on how much you invest.
Depends on what you invest in.
Depends on where the market goes.
not used it

can think of some immediate red flags though

are trades getting routed to any underlying market or are they acting like a bucketshop in that they take the other side of the trade... and therefore have all sorts of conflicts of interest?

how do they allocate large orders where there isn't sufficient liquidity - if it is a bucketshop then does everyone get slipped? If these orders are routed to an exchanged or ECN then who gets filled at the better prices or are all the accounts following a particular trader given some average fill?

this in itself seems dodgy - say some trader has a system that trades within a short time frame... supposing he then gets a bunch of followers and suddenly his trades are triggering large orders, does he now get worse fills as a result? Does he get filled first then his followers?

how are they accounting for performance - are open positions marked to market?

do they publish any summary statistics relating to all users?
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So today's rise. What do we think? I think we have more pain on the way for oil prices so sold a lot of BP today with view to get back in lower. Results 3rd Feb

How much money could you make in a week on the stock market?

You can make lots with a crystal ball. You can also lose a lot.
if you don't have time then just stick with stocks over a long time frame... buy and hold, value investing type approach.

If you don't have hours, then make some time or don't bother - you will lose money. With no knowledge binary options will accelerate that process ! Only full time professionals can make money on those - or the very, very rare independent home trader.

Most people should play dumb which sounds like an insult but you can get rich playing it as simply as possible. Buy a plain FTSE tracker then if you lucky or smart, sell high buy low or just buy regularly

Options I think of like insurance, its an essential part of the market but most should not expect to make money from it. Human bias inclines you into gambling. You could take high risk unit trusts, I have Neptune Japan which gained 130% in 2008 as the manager is a maverick who shorted the entire market. Most funds wont do that but a couple are high risk. He operates long Sterling and short Yen strategy which currently looks really not good

I used to hold options via ETF on commodities in line with CRB. This was more passive management, it has decay as all options do and an ETF fee but it paid off as commodities rose. The largest part of CRB is oil so right now Im not sure but I think a fund is best

Thanks for the advice!
BP dividend at 8% sustainable according to this dude though coverage from income would require maybe $80 oil.

Saudi Arabia downgraded by S&P though this country has massive reserves (not debt, but a deficit), its kinda funny as they are still far superior a risk over USA imo

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Wonder if anyone could recommend me a suitable online broker ;

So basic info ;

Shanghai based UK expat
Paid in CNY, but can easily convert to £, $, HK$
$5k for now
Planning to buy and hold.
Mostly interested in NASDAQ based stocks
Not sure there is day traders but Im interested in what you might post sure. Do you have views on ETE WMB CHK and PSX efficiency wise

oil price ticked up a bit recently, first Iran oil arrives in europe but I think the lowest oil rig count for very many years is why.

buffets plays

PWN, maybe save up a bit more and look at
recommended by someone I used to chat with
So the S&P500 is now entering its 7th year bull run, third longest in history I believe. What are folk view on how the rest of 2016 with pan out for world economy.

I started shifting many assets to cash last July which turned out to be a good move. I keep looking for a good re entry point to the market (I know they say never try to time the market, its the time in that counts) but I really can see next to no reason to be in the market at the moment.

  • Spiraling global debt
  • Slowing growth across the board
  • Crashing commodity prices
  • Negative interest rates essentially destroying capital (the most ridiculous and worrying factor)
  • Expanding central bank balance sheets driving asset prices (saw a graph with the fed's balance sheet transposed onto the S&P500, scary how correlated it is!)
  • Record share buybacks driving prices higher
  • Rise of nationalism, inward looking policy to come (Trump ditch the TPP etc)?

To me there certainly seems more down than upside at the moment and little to drive growth.

At best I see a stagnant year ahead, probably a slow decline, at worst a black swan event bringing all the above factors together and a crash.

I am not getting my tin hat on and wary of turning into an eternal pessimist and missing out on gains, just concerned there is not much going for the economy. Plan to continue bailing from the index funds, yet keeping a slice for my stock picking (more a hobby).

Anyone else adopting a more defensive approach, care to share strategy?
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