Isn't the new high for MS only just above its 1999 high?
The currency value for 1999 is not equal to the present dollar value so not even this is true. Same thing makes the FTSE go 'up' but its value could be less then with a strong sterling.
Usually the stock rise is higher because cheap money is viewed as benefitting shares over bonds I think.
Microsoft is issuing 5 year bonds with 1% yield which is below the inflation rate and less then their stocks dividend. The company then buys back the shares, making a profitable arbitrage I think. I believe they are still doing this.
Many call that dangerous and deceptive to a stock value. Actually I think currency is super weak and in five years will be weaker still, so its not a bad bet but still its confusing I guess.
Is MS good, probably its fine. Its labelled a utility in some descriptions Ive read, due to its dominant OS place. Maybe examine their prospects, how has Win10 done besides the moaning on updates has it done the job for MS in retaining their quite captive audience, etc
Look at seeking alpha and there is probably 100 articles to read and people who will sift the figures for you. I would go with a technology fund overall or even somebody like Woodford who tries to capture small growth not just be a ftse tracker. (he says weak sterling is not a worry)
Somebody I know with a tech fund for 20 years is selling a bit right now. After the election federal reserve policy will change some, at least in language?
AAZ seems to recovering its full strength from years ago despite gold coming well off the boil, mines move slow I guess and also I should check gold in sterling for accuracy though their cost is in dollars or similar surely
Xcite is dead ? high price north sea oil :/
Gulf Keystone could do well still, not sure but that share issue seemed fine
I wonder if FRES is a reasonable buy over the next six months ahead of monetary changes. RRS always seems overvalued, I wont buy or sell that as its a mystery. Is ACA located nearby?, should have had more faith while it was low maybe Barrack did want to sell it at one point, not sure now but hopefully these all will accumulate value from continuing failure of common currency, not just sterling. If oil goes down, it benefits gold mining imo