Russian attack vector on US shale gas prices ahead of the November election?
Russia wants Trump, not that they have to like him just dislike him less then the potential opposing party. He wants to pull back forces and Russia would really rather he did that. Trump isnt diplomatic or sauvy in any way, they can maneuver around any move he has far more easily.
Russia has a policy of reducing their holdings of US debt as does China I think, both are net buyers of gold for over a decade. USA should be using their own shale gas to enable cheap industry costs, I dont think they are and they have only just lifted an export ban so slow.
Saudi are the ones who have easy access oil and make it cheaper than anyone. They are the ones flooding the market for April contracts.
Are you not confusing it with US shale ?
The marginal cost of Oil extraction and sale for Saudi is one of the cheapest in the world and the demand for their oil is fine. Venezuela despite the largest proven reserves in the world doesnt have this advantage, the oil is dirty and to some extent unwanted unusable till refined and the extraction not cheap, etc. without brains its a loss maker.
Free markets destroy inefficiency is my possibly overly idealistic view of why it can be so harsh.
So Saudi have everything to their advantage. The reason they sell shares in their national oil is the country has rapidly expanding population, they have to derisk and expand and utilise their population better in global business.
Demographics outweighs everything, politics, prices and any other factor is dictated by natural forces in the country so this is forcing their hand.
This is a heavily religious country and population growth in some parts of the world massively outweighs anything in the west, we barely replace our own parents or worse. That relates to GDP, to fiscal budgets, infrastructure, monetary policy all sorts.
The figure for Saudi cost is going to be tied to a large number of other factors, thats the figure being quoted. They really do require oil to be somewhere near to $100 to enable their fiscal budget, their threats and ive not read much but they arent bluffing imo Iran also has a terrible problem here.
The dollar value being of questionable value long term also is troubling to them. If Saudi stopped backing Dollar and were to tie themselves to another standard that'd be a giant change in the world. USA still imports energy even after its growth and they do require the dollar reserve subsidy to their debt.
Best thing to do is not read my second hand explanation but on
alphaville there is lots of good articles discussing longer term factors, the price today changing so rapidly is just volatility + jarring demand falls from virus, less planes, etc
I still looking to buy good divi paying shares with sensible potential for long term growth also. Looking at Shell, BP, Lloyds, Barclays, SSE, Aviva etc
I held back a week ago when they began to tumble.
I know it’s impossible to guess the bottom.
You wont get the bottom and you dont have to. All those shares are in FT100 so buy the fund that holds them all for you. The product isnt less valid from a cheaper price, I just think of it like a supermarket with the label for ingredients etc actually more important
Boring advice, buy regularly on a set schedule, hold 5 years with no expectation of pay off before then. Ideally reinvest dividends imo, thats the one thing that saved me on my poor timing on 2001 to 2003 period I was in profit when I sold even with my seemingly bad entry.
I know someone who held a tech fund from '97 I think right through 2001, terrible really and I told them to sell BT spiking at least but quarter of a century later it registered 3200% higher, the underlying idea to go long tech sector was valid long term. So really I just want to be in the right place, every pricing detail isnt so important.
Lower oil helps some industry with costs, we the people never see the benefits as 90% of petrol is tax not the commodity but companies do benefit.
long gold long agriculture, long volatility so I do think IGG benefits though I guess its not as cheap as last summer but this news makes it cheaper relative to likely revenue occurring on this volume.
Seekingalpha is always chucking articles in my inbox and RNS digest , just requires to register what tickers you follow. Still needs your own judgement but its helpful imo.