
I'm tempted to get away to that clublaSanta in Lanzarote or get to Spain for a bit over the winter/early spring. Depend on funds and A-leave I have left.

Plan on doing a lot of the evans and wiggle events to up my bike mileage early next year. I think that was my biggest failing on the full in reflection. I found the few evans events more interesting and competitive than training on my own. Plus the aid stations help cut down on what im carrying. Just had a retul bike fit on my TT bike so i'm migrating onto it as we speak.

I want a sub 6 for the outlaw 1/2....and at least ~14h for the outlaw full. 20mins time cut on the 1/2 and 1h on the full. Should be do-able; I still want to enjoy beer and Christmas food!

IM NICE and long weekend, I just want to enjoy. Ear to ear smiles all round. Not that I didn't enjoy the outlaw!
Do you guys have any suggestions on what to look for in a pair of swimming trunks for training? The baggy beach shorts i have aren't great and speedos make you look a bit like a sex offender. Searching on wiggle seems to tell me i should be looking for a "jammer", but other than that i'm not really sure. Ideally around £20.
Kiteloopy - I used various sportives for my long distance training - I found them to be much more enjoyable (and 'race realistic') than slogging the miles on my own. I did make a point however of never drafting anyone (I didn't mind if anyone wanted to draft me) I also did them all on my TT bike.
Kiteloopy - I used various sportives for my long distance training - I found them to be much more enjoyable (and 'race realistic') than slogging the miles on my own. I did make a point however of never drafting anyone (I didn't mind if anyone wanted to draft me) I also did them all on my TT bike.

Yep, I love sportives. Just zone out, follow the signs and grind. :D
So I've decided I need a challenge to aim for this year and seeing as the Jenson Button triathlon is taking place a stones throw away from my house, and the guys at HUUB are planning on building into an amazing weekend carnival type event, what better opportunity is there to enter a tri?!

I'm comfortable with the bike leg and would like to think my younger years spent in swimming clubs will come back to me sharpish. What sort of times should I be aiming for for individual segments and where would my time best be spent training. It's only super sprint length (run twice).
Had my first tri-sport day today. About 20k on the bike, 1h15 in the pool and a 5k run. Definitely an enjoyable experience. I was mainly doing balance and breathing exercises in the pool since it was quite busy but i did do a few lengths of leg only sidestroke. Still feeling a lot better about swimming after today, if i can go more often then i probably just need to do more of the same, keep doing sidestroke, start switching sides half way over and eventually that'll probably turn into freestyle, right? :p

Also posted my second best 5k time (23:13 so nothing spectacular) on the run, which i did not expect since i was absolutely knackered, it was dark, wet and i wasn't really pacing at all...
Hmmm, do I enter the London Triathlon as an individual this year?

I'm pretty much a pure cyclist and last year my team finished third overall in the team sprint relay. I do the occasional run and reckon with a bit of training I can get to an acceptable level. What really worries me is the swim. I'm not built for swimming and I rarely swim except for paddling in a hotel pool or at the beach!

On the other hand, I like the idea of having something to train for and motivate me to get stronger.
Okay, first visit to a pool and I'm a terrible swimmer!

I can do about 25m before I lose my rhythm and start inhaling water. The thought of doing 1500m in murky Thames water with other people kicking me in the face is scary right now!
Okay, first visit to a pool and I'm a terrible swimmer!

I can do about 25m before I lose my rhythm and start inhaling water. The thought of doing 1500m in murky Thames water with other people kicking me in the face is scary right now!

Stick at it. Swim fitness is unlike running/cycling in that it's entirely specific. If you can swim 25m, in a couple of weeks if you keep training you'll have no problem doing lots more lengths, and in turn eventually 1500m. As well as the specific fitness, its very technique based though, so a coach or someone who is good will be a great help.
Stick at it. Swim fitness is unlike running/cycling in that it's entirely specific. If you can swim 25m, in a couple of weeks if you keep training you'll have no problem doing lots more lengths, and in turn eventually 1500m. As well as the specific fitness, its very technique based though, so a coach or someone who is good will be a great help.

Yeah, I'm so rubbish I can only get better! I don't feel too bad as I haven't done any real swimming since primary school (breast stroke in hotel pools and the ocean don't count) and even then I think I only managed my 100m badge haha.
Yeah, I'm so rubbish I can only get better! I don't feel too bad as I haven't done any real swimming since primary school (breast stroke in hotel pools and the ocean don't count) and even then I think I only managed my 100m badge haha.

I know exactly where you are coming from Shamrock.

Four lengths of a pool (25m or less!) and I'm wrecked. I think the last badge I got at school was for one length :D

I'm happier knocking out a half marathon or a long bike ride. My misses is the other way round - she nipped to the pool last night and did something like 70 lengths.
Okay, first visit to a pool and I'm a terrible swimmer!

I can do about 25m before I lose my rhythm and start inhaling water. The thought of doing 1500m in murky Thames water with other people kicking me in the face is scary right now!
Don't worry about getting kicked. At London you can start off to one side away from the rabble and merge in when it becomes clear in front of you. There's loads of space.

Sounds like you're at the same stage as I was last year. As said, if you can swim a whole length then you can start to build up from there and before you know it you'll be able to swim 1500m. Took me about 6 weeks from zero swimming twice a week.

Now, good technique is what you've got to learn. Once you can comfortably swim 250m or so, I'd really recommend getting someone to look at your technique. I really wanted to get some lessons but I was too pressed for time and they were booked up. The lessons would have taught me how to swim a lot more smoothly through the water which uses a lot less energy and you'll be faster. If you have access to them at your local pool, I'd say that paying for some one-on-one coaching will be money well spent. I won't say I struggled on the swim, but it was hard work and I was one of the slowest out there. Lessons would have really helped that.
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