
5 Jul 2007
I'm staying down in Warrington just near the flash. Which is a pain because apparently the flash isn't open for parking this year, so its looking like I'll have to get the athlete bus from the Reebok.

Heading up tomorrow to get registered and set up, then probably drive round the course with a mate Saturday to check it out. Not seen the new section yet.
30 Nov 2008
Solihull, West Mids
I'm staying down in Warrington just near the flash. Which is a pain because apparently the flash isn't open for parking this year, so its looking like I'll have to get the athlete bus from the Reebok.

Heading up tomorrow to get registered and set up, then probably drive round the course with a mate Saturday to check it out. Not seen the new section yet.

Why on earth have they closed the parking this year? We parked on the road outside last year and will probably do the same this year but its probably going to be crazy there now.
5 Jul 2007
Pretty mixed day for me, will post a full report on my blog in time. Swim was slower than expected in 1:14, probably something to do with swimming 2.7miles rather than 2.4 according to the garmin, also prior to the race the biggest swim I'd done was the outlaw half, really didn't enjoy swimming so barely bothered this year. Pretty stupid really. Anyway, started right on the right hand side at the very front to avoid the biff that I got caught in last year which worked very well, but think I must have been all over the place on the second lap, particularly the last half as my goggles were completely fogged.

Out onto the bike and I felt horrendous for the first 20 miles before settling down, was ready to ghostie my bike and quit by that point. Had some odd groin pain, and couldn't really get my watts up. Eventually got going but made the mistake of trying to push it a bit and started trying to hit 200 watts most of the time. Felt good then up until 90 miles after that I was really struggling, watts and heart rate dropped right back and I was feeling sick, but trying to force food down as I knew I'd need it for the run :( . Didn't enjoy the new course, far too bitty, and impossible to get any sort of steady rhythm going, much prefer the old three lapper I think, T2 was a big improvement though and had a cool atmosphere. Bike split was 6:12.

Out onto the run feeling pretty average but just tapped away, walking all the aid stations and the big hill, and a couple of bits in between. Ended with a 4:58 marathon and a 12:41 finish. A pb over last year by 40 minutes so pleased with that, but a fair way off my stretch goal of sub 12. Guess that's my own fault for no motivation and relatively poor training in what should have been peak weeks.

God I do love Ironman, what it feels like to complete and the journey I've been on having done two of them, but that's me done for a few years. Will stick to cycling and maybe sprints and oly distance for a while. I've no doubt I'll be back for more at some stage in the future though, possibly a nice flat European course would be cool. Need to lose another 10kg, as I'm not built to bike on hilly courses!
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27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
My day started off ok. Managed to eat all my breakfast and didn't feel any nerves at all.

Got to the start and just couldn't get into the swim at all. Finally got going after about 1000m and felt ok.

However at about 3km I started to feel really sick. Had to stop myself from being sick several times which wasn't good.

Got on the bike and felt terrible. This is sounding a lot like your day Thomas!!! Took until about 40 miles for my stomach to settle and I had to do my best to stuff my face as I hadn't been able to take on much at the start.

By this time I had decided just to take it easy and get to the end of the bike. I had told myself that I would call it a day at T2 as I just didn't feel like I could get round the marathon.

However last 10 miles or so I realised that the bag with my keys and phone were at the finish line so I had to at least get myself to Bolton.

Had a bit of a rest in T2 and composed myself. Set out slowly and for the most part I walked 0.25 miles and ran 0.75. This worked well and I actually enjoyed the run.

Atmosphere was great and this certainly helped me get to the end. I knew my chance of a decent time was out of the window so I took it easy and concentrated on getting to the end.

After the start I had managing to finish felt like a bigger achievement than last year.

Overall times were:

Swim: 1:34:12
Bike: 8:01:20
Run: 5:21:02

That's me done with Ironman for now. I want to spend the next year working on my shorter distance running. Want a sub 40 10km and sub 1:30 HM.

I'll probably do the outlaw half again and a couple of sprints but that will be all!!
5 Jul 2007
Niceone Dom sounds like a right battle, well done on sticking with it. I saw you once on the run, but didn't really have the energy to shout.

Yeah, best of luck for the full outlaw, and hope the weather holds out.
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
I'm all set for London next week. Confident I can do the swim, bike is set up how I want it, got all the gear I need and the run will run itself. Got a really annoying knee niggle though, so I'm just going to have to take it easy and enjoy the event rather than go for a time. I don't know how your bodies can put up with a whole IM! We'll done for finishing - don't forget that's a feat in itself :)
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Swim - 1h 18
T1 - 9m 55.
Bike - 7h .03
T2 - 14m 43
Run - 6h 21
Total - 15h 06

Felt really good during the swim and got the time I was kinda expected. Felt strong on the bike until mile 80 or so then I just crashed. As I said, The run was just a shuffle until the end with lots of walking when I was close to breaking. Thought my heart was going to burst at mile 16-17 on the run, it actually hurt!

Totally exhausted throughout and I don't think I could have given any more. Guilty admission, That was the first time I'd done any of the distances. Oops!
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Yea, early morning it was nice and cool, 17-18 odd. Then mid day or so it was sunny with a few clouds. Afternoon was really hot with little cloud, lots of sunburn everywhere. Bit muggy all day. Better/more comfortable than the half I think.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading

Realised I didn't post a pic for you Tom. :)
5 Jul 2007
oosh, bike was looking sweet! Niceone on seeing it through, sounds like a tough day especially given you'd done none of the distances before!

Will probably end up doing the half again next year too, see if I can break 5 hours!
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