Tribes Ascend

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So how many of us had a go last night? My time was limited so I only did the first two training things. I quite like the skiing/jetpack mechanics, I must say. It will probably make for some amusing deaths when I play against others!

The weapons training lesson was cool; just throw you into an open map complete with bots, weapons, vehicles etc. That grenade launcher thing...hahahaha, I am never going to be any good with that. I like the grav cycle and the tank, but had no idea what I was doing with the jet...struggled to fly it around then accidentally ejected. :D

I'll see if I can get some person-killing-person action going tonight!
seems like it will be mega unbalanced for people who pay for gear...

other than that it's pretty fun reminds me of quake. only thing that has annoyed me is the random way the bullets/lasers? "fly" you could judge distance and still miss 99% of the time. guess i'm too used to more realistic FPS's...

having fun with the grenade launcher though that seems to be the only gun that has consistent range out of the guns i have so far.
seems like it will be mega unbalanced for people who pay for gear...

other than that it's pretty fun reminds me of quake. only thing that has annoyed me is the random way the bullets/lasers? "fly" you could judge distance and still miss 99% of the time. guess i'm too used to more realistic FPS's...

having fun with the grenade launcher though that seems to be the only gun that has consistent range out of the guns i have so far.

So far a lot of the unlocks are just give a class alternate tactics to what they originally start with. For example the pathfinders burst rifle replaces the shotgun making the pathfinder a better long range chaser but it will fall short when mid air dueling where the shotgun spinfuser/boltlauncher combo will outperform it vastly.

So far its pretty well balanced although a few things could do with a slight nerf (looking at your technician thumper). Prices of weapons in xp will come down slowly when hi rez have enough data to work with. They have always started the prices high for everything then slowly bring the prices down to a level they feel is acceptable, this takes time and xp will be refunded if it happens.

As for judging bullets its vastly harder in tribes since your working with crazy speeds and people going up and down etc i just prefere to shoot the floor when they land, since no one can stay in the air forever :)
I played a few matches last night and surprisingly came in around halfway up the team ranking each time; there must be a lot of noobs playing. :D

It's great. Really fun to be skiing and jetpacking around everywhere. I don't know why there are complaints about map sizes; they seem big enough for the number of players there are. I really like online shooters that are just a big mess of people killing each with no tactics!

So far I've only played as a soldier and the gun you get is awful. With people zipping around all over the place it's rock hard to hit them with it. Which leaves me with the grenade launcher which, again, is ineffective a lot of the time because people spend so much time in the air.

All good fun though!
I played a few matches last night and surprisingly came in around halfway up the team ranking each time; there must be a lot of noobs playing. :D

It's great. Really fun to be skiing and jetpacking around everywhere. I don't know why there are complaints about map sizes; they seem big enough for the number of players there are. I really like online shooters that are just a big mess of people killing each with no tactics!

So far I've only played as a soldier and the gun you get is awful. With people zipping around all over the place it's rock hard to hit them with it. Which leaves me with the grenade launcher which, again, is ineffective a lot of the time because people spend so much time in the air.

All good fun though!

Its open beta now so there should be an influx of noobs, just remember to use the grenade launcher as people are descending then shoot then you will be ok. Just remember Gotta go Fast!

I played a few matches last night and surprisingly came in around halfway up the team ranking each time; there must be a lot of noobs playing. :D

It's great. Really fun to be skiing and jetpacking around everywhere. I don't know why there are complaints about map sizes; they seem big enough for the number of players there are. I really like online shooters that are just a big mess of people killing each with no tactics!

So far I've only played as a soldier and the gun you get is awful. With people zipping around all over the place it's rock hard to hit them with it. Which leaves me with the grenade launcher which, again, is ineffective a lot of the time because people spend so much time in the air.

All good fun though!

Dude if your talking about the disc then thats the best weapon in the whole game.

What drivers are people running with ati cards? I have a 6850 and thought it would be getting higher fps than it currently is.
you're both wrong. the technicians SMG is the best gun (that i have used so far :p)

it's super accurate and deals a good amount of damage, coupled with the turret 1 on 1 no one stands a chance.
That smg is overpowered. I'm sure it will be toned down in the next few patches.

As a standalone weapon it's underpowered, but with the turret it's god like i think it's ok as it is.

if they change it then technicians will never be able to leave the turrets side due to lack of firepower,especially since they don't have a side arm

the only way i can see to counter this is to either increase the range of each turret placement or cap the limit of techs. per side.

IF it is nerfed, then they need to add the same accuracy to all other guns, since its the only one that is able to hit moving targets without spending 100+ hours getting used to a single weapon :p (bullet/laser speed is a huge factor and is really retarded for most guns i have used and seen in videos)

They could tone down the damage from 80? per hit to 60, or even 50 if they increase the standard clip size.
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The only weapon that I think is overpowered is the fractal grenade. Does more damage then any other grenade, and the long duration of it makes it a brilliant device to block out enemies from going through an area. Not only that but it pauses for a moment as well, making you think its safe then it starts up again, killing even more people.
I was arguing that the soldier's default rifle is crap, not good. :p

sorry reading fail! i totally agree - that's why i was finding the game rather boring! but now that i have found a gun that works with a class that suits my play style its a new game. ;)
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