Tribes Ascend

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I think they should somehow stop techs from setting turrets too far from there flag. You get some idiots setting them on the other teams flag stand. I think the position of the tech should be sat in or close around there own base setting defencive turrets and repairing/defending gens etc. I have no problem with the smg if there in that situation but you get techs all over the map in pubs chaser chasing which straight away makes you notice how much damage the smg does.

Maybe limiting range alittle or atleast lowering damage a notch or 2.

No ati users here? I'm thinking my 6850 should run this better than it is.
I think they should somehow stop techs from setting turrets too far from there flag. You get some idiots setting them on the other teams flag stand. I think the position of the tech should be sat in or close around there own base setting defencive turrets and repairing/defending gens etc. I have no problem with the smg if there in that situation but you get techs all over the map in pubs chaser chasing which straight away makes you notice how much damage the smg does.

Maybe limiting range alittle or atleast lowering damage a notch or 2.

No ati users here? I'm thinking my 6850 should run this better than it is.

my HD4890 is running this smooth on everything maxed up, so you should have 0 problems.

as for the tech that is how i play it, i only chase people (more specifically flag carriers) a short distance only and then return to my turret/base lots of points from healing base items, and kills from flag catchers
I think they should somehow stop techs from setting turrets too far from there flag. You get some idiots setting them on the other teams flag stand. I think the position of the tech should be sat in or close around there own base setting defencive turrets and repairing/defending gens etc. I have no problem with the smg if there in that situation but you get techs all over the map in pubs chaser chasing which straight away makes you notice how much damage the smg does.

Maybe limiting range alittle or atleast lowering damage a notch or 2.

No ati users here? I'm thinking my 6850 should run this better than it is.

If techs are building turrets in your base it just means your team has some horrific base defence, there should always be a hof on the flagstand who should deal with techs trying to set-up turrets around it.

Its getting quite amusing the amount of people playing tech now, had a game with 7 techs on the other team last night deploying turrets left right and centre, i went from my usual infiltrating class to using the raider with a scrambler pack got called a hacker by a couple of people because their turrets wouldn't shoot me really quite funny none of them changed their tactics either kept on deploying turrets in the same place, much lols were had by our team.

After the last patch i took a fps hit on my 5850 but updating my drivers to the latest solved that problem.

No ati users here? I'm thinking my 6850 should run this better than it is.

I just got my new asus 6850 a couple days ago, I'm using 12.1 (I think, whichever the driver auto download thing picked), works just as I expected it to. Although I play at 1280x1024 so my limited resolution may be why I can play a bit easier than people who use the same card at much higher resolutions.
I just got my new asus 6850 a couple days ago, I'm using 12.1 (I think, whichever the driver auto download thing picked), works just as I expected it to. Although I play at 1280x1024 so my limited resolution may be why I can play a bit easier than people who use the same card at much higher resolutions.

Whats it like having a monitor from the 90s? :p
I've been playing a bit of tribes over the last week and I cant make my mind up as to whether I like it or not and I'm pretty ****ed off that I spent £20 to unlock all the classes when the only ones I like playing were free to all.

Does anyone else think that some of the classes are massively unbalanced? Specifically the power of the heavy weapons, the sniper being useless and the infiltrator being pointless as soon as anyone on the opposition side plays as a tech.
I've been playing a bit of tribes over the last week and I cant make my mind up as to whether I like it or not and I'm pretty ****ed off that I spent £20 to unlock all the classes when the only ones I like playing were free to all.

Does anyone else think that some of the classes are massively unbalanced? Specifically the power of the heavy weapons, the sniper being useless and the infiltrator being pointless as soon as anyone on the opposition side plays as a tech.

Currently i think none of the classes are massively unbalanced there are a few weapons that need toned down(looking at tech thumper and smg). The sniper i think is fine the recent falcon nerf was well needed although it might still need a bit of a nerf, the sniper takes a lot of skill to use effectively if you watch some of the tribes cast games you can see that.

As for infiltrator he is by far my favourite class(<3 backstab), you have to play him totally different to other classes and if you can be cautious and pick your fights he is fantastic, although saying that with the spinfuser it makes it that little bit easier to kill people. I might even say the inf is slightly op, the radius of his sticky nades is pretty large and the recent change to the way cloaked people are viewed has made him very powerful. If your finding tech turrets are in your way a good tip to get rid of them is to shoot once with the pistol then melee them it will insta destroy them before they get a shot of.

Some of the heavy's could do with a bit of a buff, the jugg is brutal at long range and indoors and the doombringer is a great hof but the brute doesnt really fill much of a roll apart from area denial using fractals. I think the whole brute class could do with a big look at, but im not so sure on him ive never really played him properly.

Just a heads up you can get a free 250 shazbucks (gold) from the Tribes Ascend Facebook page, you have to like it then should be on the left side. Enjoy!

Thanks for pointing that out. I don't use facebook at all but I have an account with no info on it just for things like this.
I think they should somehow stop techs from setting turrets too far from there flag. You get some idiots setting them on the other teams flag stand. I think the position of the tech should be sat in or close around there own base setting defencive turrets and repairing/defending gens etc. I have no problem with the smg if there in that situation but you get techs all over the map in pubs chaser chasing which straight away makes you notice how much damage the smg does.

Maybe limiting range alittle or atleast lowering damage a notch or 2.

No ati users here? I'm thinking my 6850 should run this better than it is.

I currently have a box filled with 5750s and the framerate is terrible with one of those. On low.

No problems maxed out with a 6950. Friends don't have a problem maxed out on a 5770. Other friends have terrible framerates on 6870s.

So yeah. Moral of the story is, game is optimised yet.
It is maxed very easily on my 6870 with a modest overclock. The problem with my machine's framerate was my CPU clock. An i5 760 at stock-speeds simply will not pull this game at a high frame-rate - it's just one of those titles. Once I took my i5 up to nearer the 4Ghz mark, the 6870 didn't break a sweat. 90 fps constant (the engine's max).
It is maxed very easily on my 6870 with a modest overclock. The problem with my machine's framerate was my CPU clock. An i5 760 at stock-speeds simply will not pull this game at a high frame-rate - it's just one of those titles. Once I took my i5 up to nearer the 4Ghz mark, the 6870 didn't break a sweat. 90 fps constant (the engine's max).

I don't have a problem achieving more or less 80 fps on my P2 965 - and it's at stock, so I find that to be fairly unlikely.

I also see basically no cpu usage and no real impact on frame rate even when I'm encoding.

Of course, the game is unoptimised and thus people will have different experiences with it.
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