Tribes Ascend

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i sincerely hope that this game doesn't go the way of tf2 with its class-update cycles. i found that the 2 years that valve took to add every single class 'update' in tf2 added absolutely nothing to the game; it was 2 years that could have better been spent actually upgrading the game and adding to the brilliant recipe they had on stock/vanilla settings. the bonus weapons and upgrades were nice distractions for the post-patch fortnight, but after that left the game in a bigger mess than before. balance went out the window and the entire game gave way to item-novelty... incredibly disappointing. i am very bitter over the career trajectory that tf2 has taken: from a sterling teamplay shooter of the highest calibre to a hat simulator in the space of a few years. disastrous gaming model, though undeniably a masterstroke in terms of business model.

tribes could all-too-easily go the same way as this. it has all the same makings as tf2's transition did: free2play basic client, reliance on micro-transactions for all income, classes and weapons and cosmetics. it's a rubbish payment model that, at the end of the day, ruins an amazing game's fundamental mechanics and redirects gamer's attention to a series of collector's novelties, rather than an actual game or, dare i say it, competition. tribes has, over the last few months, felt like an absolute joy to play - thrilling, intense, and reminiscent of all that was finest about pc gaming's hardcore-heyday. with the infiltrator pack, and now the latest raider pack, i fear the focus is already starting to shift. the jackal and smoke-grenades have given me a big headache in considerations of balance, and i'm quite apprehensive about what other 'great' ideas they are going to throw into the game in coming weeks/months. the increased choice seems great to players - at first, that is - but after the supposed 'joy' of the item hunt is over, the game is left as a complex mess that is impossible to balance.

several years after tf2 went free2play and drastically changed its approach, public server play is widely regarded, frankly, as a joke: a mere sandbox and playground for the multifarious, multicoloured weapons and items. i would hate to see tribes go the same way.
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The Plasma Gun is pretty OP right now, will need something changing.

It'll certainly be banned from comp play in its current state.

It's extremely easy to hit mid airs with, I had 23 in my first game with it.

The projectile is way too big, it effectively doubles the sizes of the hit boxes.
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Used it on the testing range and you can pretty much shoot a reticle and a bit away from enemies and it will still hit for 500 dmg. I think once the hitbox is sorted though it should be fairly balanced.
Is it just me or are most of the players absolutely awful since the beta ended. |Before you could have a decent match and now everybody is just so bad it makes me rage at the game. Just had a match where there was just me and one other trying to cap the flag the rest were trying to defend the generator and if the flag got taken they wouldn't give chase.
Is it just me or are most of the players absolutely awful since the beta ended. |Before you could have a decent match and now everybody is just so bad it makes me rage at the game. Just had a match where there was just me and one other trying to cap the flag the rest were trying to defend the generator and if the flag got taken they wouldn't give chase.

I joined a custom server with a level limit of around 16. Was a fantastic experience pretty much everyone was working together. I think it was /vg/ which would make it a 4chan. Which also makes it a strange experience that it was good.
I joined a custom server with a level limit of around 16. Was a fantastic experience pretty much everyone was working together. I think it was /vg/ which would make it a 4chan. Which also makes it a strange experience that it was good.

I'll have to look for that, ive had no experiance of team work so far in any games ive joined, its like **** tf2 pub servers where everyone goes the class they want regardless of what everyone else is so you end up with 6 of one class and none of another. :/
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the max fps for the game engine is of course 90, and i get that at all times on high settings. i'm not really sure what the discernible difference is between high and very high so i don't bother. the game is quite demanding on cpu as far as i can tell... oh, and it's optimized terribly for amd/ati.

oh and the new raider plasma gun needs a nerf so badly :/ i'm losing faith in this game's payment model already. if we're in for 3 months of class-based imbalances and 'flavour of the month' class loadouts then you can count me out. a perfectly good fps game ruined by a ****** superfluous item system.
I've got a server up but half the settings don't work so locked it for now while waiting for a reply from high Res. Paid for a 30 day slot for now.

Do you think its a good idea to set a low level min of say 15-20 to keep the total nubs out? Everyone moans about the jackel been op but tbh it really has little effect on my game either chasing or capping. Is it techs that are getting owned?

I get round 50fps very high 1920/1200.
Just got into this the other day and having a blast so far though still working some things out. If theres a server populated by a lot of OCUK i'll join in as long as my level aint too low of course.

One thing though, when you put down a sentry gun, do they have a 360d field of fire?

I seem to have some moments where it would appear I hit them when they are on the ground and pretty much right on top of their heads and yet nothing registers, this is when using the juggernaughts second weapon, so should have blast radius. Anyone else get moments like that?
the max fps for the game engine is of course 90, and i get that at all times on high settings. i'm not really sure what the discernible difference is between high and very high so i don't bother. the game is quite demanding on cpu as far as i can tell... oh, and it's optimized terribly for amd/ati.

oh and the new raider plasma gun needs a nerf so badly :/ i'm losing faith in this game's payment model already. if we're in for 3 months of class-based imbalances and 'flavour of the month' class loadouts then you can count me out. a perfectly good fps game ruined by a ****** superfluous item system.

This. If this continues, all it'll do is suck the entertainment value out of the game, IMHO. I really wish they'd gone for a more standard model, honestly.
Bring out a total OP weapon, people flood to buy it.

I imagine they are making some nice income off the broken plasma gun, I just wish they would hurry up and nerf it already.
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