800 gold for just the weapons.
Awesome, thanks. Going to get it later on today when I finish farming 18k xp .
800 gold for just the weapons.
Is it just me or are most of the players absolutely awful since the beta ended. |Before you could have a decent match and now everybody is just so bad it makes me rage at the game. Just had a match where there was just me and one other trying to cap the flag the rest were trying to defend the generator and if the flag got taken they wouldn't give chase.
I joined a custom server with a level limit of around 16. Was a fantastic experience pretty much everyone was working together. I think it was /vg/ which would make it a 4chan. Which also makes it a strange experience that it was good.
No one want to be friends.
the max fps for the game engine is of course 90, and i get that at all times on high settings. i'm not really sure what the discernible difference is between high and very high so i don't bother. the game is quite demanding on cpu as far as i can tell... oh, and it's optimized terribly for amd/ati.
oh and the new raider plasma gun needs a nerf so badly :/ i'm losing faith in this game's payment model already. if we're in for 3 months of class-based imbalances and 'flavour of the month' class loadouts then you can count me out. a perfectly good fps game ruined by a ****** superfluous item system.