"Triple A" games you wasted money on.

Wow, tough crowd if you think The Witcher 3 & Dishonoured was a waste of money.

GTA V some of the characters & the missions had me laughing out loud.

the witcher 2, although i suppose it isnt the games fault, i just can't get into the witcher universe.

I was the same with each of the Witcher games, it took me 2 goes to get into each, but once in they've been consistently brilliant.

No Man' Sky is the only AAA game I've pre-ordered & paid full price in the last few years but I got my moneh back for that.
I'm not sure if I paid full price for these or if they're considered AAA but my list of regrets would be:

Aliens vs Predator (the newest one)
Battlefield 4
Company of Heroes
Half-Life 2 (got as part of the Orange box that I bought for Portal)
L.A. Noire
Metro 2033
Mirror's Edge
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Tales of Monkey Island
The Witcher

Blasphemy! What didn't you like about it?
I've added a budget game here too which are vastly highly rated imo. Just wondered how much money I've wasted based on hype(a lot in this forum), reviews etc.

Sim City(Latest One)
Alien Isolation
Metal Gear Solid V(I might give this a good go again in 3440x1440)
Bioshock Infinite
Company of Heroes 1/2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided/Deus Ex: HR
Dying Light
Farcry 3/4
Hitman series
Project Cars
Total War series
Sleeping Dogs
All Lego games
Super Meatball
Project Cars
Every Assassins Creed except 2/3
Every Call of Duty except Ghosts.
Every Battlefield except 4
Star Wars: Battlefront
Total War series(no RTS since Dune 2 has appealed to me)
Starcraft 2
Diable 3

Max Payne 3
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Her Story
The Banner Saga

I must have wasted at least £300, which surprises me, I thought it would be a lot more. Anyone care to share their room 101 games? Obviously many of you will disagree with my list, but I'm interested to know what games you have wasted money on based on rubbish reviews or hype?

Given the amount of amazing titles on that list, you should probably just stop playing games. I don't think they're for you! I've highlighted the ones that I have played and enjoyed :)
BF4. I had a lot of hours in 3, but then it just got more and more of the same. Bought BF4 because the lads I played 3 with moved to 4, but I gave up on it quickly.
Shocked to see fair few mention Bioshock. Incredible game.

Some people really do have odd taste in games, or just too high standards.
This is an easy one Watchdogs. Absolutely terrible and nothing like what was promised.

I got it for a tenner off a mate on the PS4, for that price it was worth it but the game got samey very quickly.

Fun fact: A mate pre-ordered it for PC and it still doesn't work.
Star Wars Battlefront and Elite Dangerous are the two that spring to mind for me. I just couldn't get on with Elite whatsoever even though my friends all really enjoyed it. SW Battlefront I actually enjoyed to begin with but the monotony of it all caught up with me quite quickly and I just stopped playing.
I honestly cant think of one.

I'm careful with what I spend my money on and do my research so I can be reasonably sure I'll enjoy what I get. Just being a responsible consumer and all that. Amazes me how people can buy so many games they dont end up liking.

I will say there's a few in my Steam backlog that I somewhat regret, not because they're bad, but because I could have waited to buy them cheaper later.

I think it's also worth mentioning that I've been disappointed by certain games, but that does not mean I regret buying them or thought they were bad. They just weren't quite as great as I was hoping. I legitimately cant remember the last time I flat out *didn't enjoy* a game I bought and played.

Lastly, OP says the games in his list are overrated and seems to pawn the blame off on others. Pretty silly attitude, I think. It's important to figure out what YOU like in games and be able to read inbetween the lines of what other people say about a game. And never listen to just one person's opinion and treat it as gospel. I dont care if it's your best bud - you will not have the exact same tastes as anybody else. Seek out more impressions and opinions to get a more rounded idea of what a game is going to be about. And obviously NEVER pre-order a game or buy it Day 1 if you have any doubts about whether you're going to enjoy it or not. Just wait. Even if just a day or two.

I've found avoiding buyer's remorse quite easy.
Dayz standalone.almost fraudulent.will never be finished.

most of my other games are played or have been played enough to warrant purchase.
Shadow of Mordor. Currently trying and failing to get into it. It's just not for me. Still, only set me back £4 thankfully
I never buy full price games these days, so have no recent experiences - any AAA games I've been less than impressed with have been at knock-down prices, so I'm not especially bothered by the experience.

Going back to X360 days, back in about 2008/9 I bought a couple based on hearing they were good, but didn't like them at all:
- Lego Star Wars
- Halo 3
Didn't buy it at full price but The Witcher 3 bored me to death, the constant never ending cut scenes and endless dialogue was beyond dreary.

I also bought a Telltales game (can't remember which one) but that also was a total waste as one QTE is bad enough but a game entirely based on them....I did indeed buy the wrong game.
Max Payne 3. The last game I ever preordered, it still irks me that I parted with money for that cutscene-ridden nonsense. The only satisfaction was permanently erasing it from my steam library.

I don't bother with triple A games anymore, haven't bought one in over a year and I can't say my enjoyment of gaming is any the poorer for it.
I think it's fair to say that most of us have been stung. It is worrying that it seems like I am out of control when it comes to wasting money. I just find it hard to play average games. Take Deus Ex - Mankind Divided. If you play the original Splinter Cell and compare the gameplay, and acting, you will sort of see why my standards are high.

Then there's the case of me not actually liking a bonafied classic, and as someone pointed out, it might be because I actually don't like that genre.

I simply think that too many mediocre games are being labelled "Classics" by some review sites also, as some other people have mentioned some of the games on my list.

I do however like a lot more games than I dislike.
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