"Triple A" games you wasted money on.

Guildwars 2 even though i played quite a few hrs on it.it just lacked the playability of the first one...once i stopped playing just couldn.t go back to it.

Bf hardline.....


Alan wake

Cod games mw3.advance warfare..

That said....

X Rebirth!

Oh yes!

Forgot that one, I must have left it well over a year waiting for patches and prior to the DLC which opened up more systems for trading I had to cheat in the parts to do the URV forge and wharf. It was virtually impossible otherwise. Funnily enough when I played through earlier this year I quite enjoyed it, such that going back to X3-TC to finish the Hub Plot in my maxed out Osaka seemed a bit tame.
Nobody is incorrectly labeling anything here. You simply have a differing opinion, often to the large majority it seems. That does not make these games mediocre, it simply means people like different things in games than you do.

Awfully silly that you're trying to use a few other people naming some of the games you did as any confirmation of these games being 'objectively' mediocre or reviewers getting it wrong or something. You can always say, "I didn't like 'x' game, anybody else with me?" and get some responses. No game appeals to absolutely everybody.

I think you need to understand how subjectivity works a bit better.

The "Subject" is "How many people have been conned"? correlating the data and looking for patterns so we don't get fooled again. Like someone pointed out, "You might not like stealth games" and i think he is right, ONLY stealth game series i liked was Splinter Cell. No more Metal Gear Solid VI.

Hence why no BF1 purchase from me.

The same for me,Loved Bad company 2,BF3 but BF4s single player,Hardline and Battlefront were utter crap.

They just dont make decent games anymore imo,its all about the fancy graphics they rely on to pull people in.

Game play,stability & optimization seems to be an after thought.
Vanguard. So much potential wasted n an engine that wouldn't even run on an i5 year later just before they closed the servers. And ran at around 8 fps on an Athlon 64 3200 at launch.

Age of Conan is a close second. The noob area was one of he best in any mmo i had played up until that point. The rest though was a desert of content...
Mirror's Edge Catalyst.
I know the reviews weren't great and I should've known better, but I was a big fan of the original and I figured I could forgive the flaws like I did the first time.

It's very pretty, but it just doesn't have the magic and replayability of the first + the story is way too short.
Just glad I waited until it was at least £20, though should've held on until it was a tenner odd.

Yeah, ROTTR was a great prequel/sequel with fantastic visuals and good gameplay etc.
Guess it's not everyone's cuppa though.
ROTTR was also my worst purchase, awful performance (regardless of settings) and stability for me, just constant crashes.

Probably run better now that dx 12 has async and a few more patches but yeah cba replaying it any time soon...
ROTTR was also my worst purchase, awful performance (regardless of settings) and stability for me, just constant crashes.

Probably run better now that dx 12 has async and a few more patches but yeah cba replaying it any time soon...

I didnt crash once...

You sure you overclock is stable? :p
I didnt crash once...

You sure you overclock is stable? :p

Yup tried default clocks and all. It was a CTD with some error message, not a hard lock, blue screen etc.

Seemed to be a small number of players encountering the same crashes as me. The game crashed so often, even more than batman arkham knight :p :o
An older one but I was extremely butt-flustered at the state of Test Drive Unlimited 2 on release. It was just a mess, the unskippable cutscenes were atrocious and doing anything besides the core gameplay felt like a chore. The graphics were pretty terrible for a PC game at the time too.

I put a lot of hours into it because the actual racing was quite good, but then there was an update and all my data went missing, great.
Only really Watchdogs here. Maybe GTA4 because of how it performed, but still not too bad. I've actually avoided most AAA games for a while - despite how much I loved COD on console, I've avoided it for PC. Same for Mafia 3, I played 2 on my PC through game sharing on Steam but I've not bought anything on release for a good few years now.

Sadly played too long to get a Steam refund. What a chore. Eastern european hubs really do nothing for me, and why does it start you out in broad daylight? It's like they don't have a clue how a DX game should feel. Also, dialogue was bland and laborious. Every NPC loved the sound of their own voice. Horrible, souless game that I couldn't bring myself to push on with.

It's been a long time since I've bought an AAA title and got value for money. AAA is just a synonym for franchised, zero originality, console tripe these days.
Paid full' ish' price for ;

GTA5 - my first venture into the GTA series, was totally unimpessed
Far Cry Primal - words fail me
Fall Out 4 - huge disappointment
No Mans Sky - say no more
Deus Ex Mankind - Loved the last one - found this one very boring, sadly

Got free ;

Mafia 3 - what a total sham of a game.
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