US: True Detective

well im hooked. went to watch one episode before bed , just watched all four

have loads of things to do in the morning too. arghh
Started earlier, couldn't stop.

This is great TV, this is what I've been waiting for to fill my BB void. That last scene, WOW just incredible.
It's always been a shame Woody picks so many dodgy films to do, when he wants to be he can be a superb actor and has been in a bunch of good films. el Chesto..... he's in a lot of crap but clearly can act brilliantly when the script/film is good enough. This has been nothing short of superb so far.
Just caught up with this. The 2 leads are fantastic and I agree the show is really well made, the last scene in episode 4 was brilliantly put together. The past tense approach is interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing what's happened with the case.
another great episode .
not sure why they kept their reasons for revisiting the case till past halfway though , was predictable from the start . although i guess the real twist still has time to come
It's the very definition of a slow burner in my opinion, but if you appreciate nuanced story-telling then you'll love it...eventually.

I must admit, I'm really stuggling with this show. The acting and imagery are absolutely fantastic, the performances and camera work are great. I just can't get into the story, nothing seems to happen, repeatedly.

It only took me three episodes to get into The Wire and that was in a foreign language!
What a great episode that one is.

No idea how it's going to play out, I do think rust and Marty are working together still though.
This series is incredible, the acting, plot development, writing, camera work, imagery etc are all absolutely outstanding. I don't think I could criticise it even if I wanted to, It's probably the most polished and well made series I've ever seen.

When it's finished the girlfriend and I are going to watch it all again back to back.
Latest episode was awesome again! I've noticed the Amish girl from Banshee was in the one episode, and now the big Amish guy from Banshee was in it and Woody's younger daughter is the psycho girl from The Walking Dead.
Latest episode was awesome again! I've noticed the Amish girl from Banshee was in the one episode, and now the big Amish guy from Banshee was in it and Woody's younger daughter is the psycho girl from The Walking Dead.

Yeah noticed this also was quite strange to see them pop up back to back...

Love banshees last episode, I think banshee and td are really hot shows you can forget about everything and just enjoy the show.
That six minute long take at the end of episode four was an absolute triumph.

I really like this show. It's pretty bloody good!
Holy ****ing ****balls! This show is amazing!

Mcconaughey is quite the actor, such a depraved character.
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