Is anyone here afraid of Spiders???
^^ Watch on youtube in fullscreen and 720p though.
I've started my solo run of BG2, though TBH its a piece of cake for a Swashbuckler / Mage when your getting EXP at 6x the normal rate from not having any party members. Just fill your spellbook full of Melf's Minute Meteor, Polymorph Self, Tenser's Transformation, Limited Wish (gives you heals, wonderous recall to recharge your minute meteors, and minor globe of invulnerability all in one spell), and once you reach epic levels, Energy Blades = Pwn all.
10 levels of Swashbuckler gets -3 to AC, and +3 to hit and damage rolls which apply to your shapeshifts and missile weapon spells.
Does anyone know about the xp limit with Big World Project? I imagine it is incresed as there are lots of extra quests.
The mods I'm using have increased the XP cap to 15 million (almost double the original 8 million cap), and the max levels for all classes to 50. Then theres also a mod that gives Spell Save penalties from spells cast from higher level mages ... Original BG2 Mage level cap = 31, modded BG2 cap = 50 with spell save penalties for baddies
Funzors!!! I also have some revised high level abilites mod, my mage gets two new HLAs - Aegis and some other spell. I cant remember what Aegis does, but the other one gives a -15 AC bonus, and all spell saves automatically succeed for 2 rounds.
I'm level 20 mage atm and took Scribe Scrolls so I could make a time stop clickie every time I rest, then a new HLA called Arcane Knowledge which is poop - +1 INT and +15 lore, but its required to unlock the other more powerful HLAs, and then Energy Blades which just tear everything apart.